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  1. yup no problem. have a good night!
  2. yes you could use ANY wireless mouse. but it must come with a receiver. either in form of a usb jump drive or a usb connected wire type of thing. but yes in general, any wireless mouse.
  3. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Microsoft+-+Bluetooth+Notebook+Mouse+5000/8718462.p?id=1200702543999&skuId=8718462 that's the only thing about a mouse that i see. it's kinda expensive but it's bluetooth.
  4. like a minute left for it to start.
  5. So Happy!!! Finally the status says that my ps3 is shipped! So relaxed and relieved. Thanks for all your help!
  6. Yes, I have been checking the walmart website before looking at my email, perhaps I should have said that before. Anyways, lucky you guys haha!!! I'm still waiting, hopefully there is some change in status before sunday. The latest time that i think it will ship will be monday, if not then i'll sadly have to wait for an order cancelled mail . but thanks for the help. *fingers crossed* PS. The only update that I have seen throughout the whole day, is a link for an "Easy Returns Receipt". Hopefully all goes well.
  7. Ok, did anyone who ordered the ps3 bundle from walmart get a shipping confirmation?
  8. jesus that is insanely fast!!! lol did you pay for 1 day shipping for all of them or is it just luck? i'm keeping my fingers crossed so i get my ps3!!!
  9. What did you order?? That is insanely fast. I am worrying even more now!!! I ordered a PS3 about the same time but it still says processing. I paid for the 2-3 day shipping.
  10. I'm worrying now!!! I still haven't gotten a Shipping confirmation for the ps3 bundle from walmart. i got an order confirmation for it hasn't shipped yet. still processing. hoping i get it!!!
  11. GOT THE PS3 YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Good night all!!!
  12. Happy Birthday saiynee!!!!!!
  13. i have patience till 3:30. then i'll enter minor panic mode till 4:00. after that i'll be pretty pissed if it doesn't come by like 4:30ish. i might give up by 5, or take a small nap.
  14. @sylph, yea mine disappeared a few seconds ago. @grabber, i'm going for the ps3 bundle. i saw it was in stock this morning @ bestbuy, but decided not to get it. this is my last chance to get one haha!
  15. i'm getting this on the product page: [Exception in:/include/dynamic/tiles/modules/item/slapShippingAvailabilityInformation.jsp] The connection pool for alias [jdbcpool_catalog] is currently locked ps3 bundle.
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