me305 Posted November 22, 2009 Posted November 22, 2009 For those of us who shop in MA, the time the store opens is up to the individual town/city. The Toysrus in North Dartmouth will open at midnight on Friday, but the WalMart across the street in the same town was not given permission to open before 4am. Therefore, they are opening thier doors at 4 am for people to enter and line up, but no purchases until 5am. Same is true for the Fall River store.
nebraskaparkfan Posted November 22, 2009 Posted November 22, 2009 The title of the article should be " Wal-Mart taking steps to screw their loyal customers". Even though I probably won't need any big ticket items this year, this new way of doing things is doing exactly that, screwing their customers out of things they may want. I hope they realize that. A separate line for each "hot" item? I don't know what scholar thought that up. My walmart did this last year and it was great. I didn't get tackled by someone grabbing it out of my hands. No claw marks down my hands when someone tried to grab the laptop from me (yes, the person who did that did draw blood). No kids were trampled and pushed around. no elderly people were shoved. It was great. I was in line for one item, my x was in line for another and our teen son went and got all the smaller stuff. (plus we were in the store early to get the stuff that we wanted to price match). It is not screwing people. It is making it fair for everyone not just the biggest and most obnoxious. Everyone had a fair chance to get the item they wanted. I got in line for my item about 20 minutes before 5 and was number 4. Having seen this in action, it worked really well. They actually had 2-3 items per line and you could get one of each item. One of the items was the "really hot" item and the other 2 were "pretty hot" so I think there were a total of 5-6 areas for the lines, so there were chances to get more than one item. There were associates constantly checking on people in line to make sure they were ok or had any questions etc. One of the items in the line I was in was for a DS. The lady behind me wanted 2 and asked me if I was getting one - since I was in line for one of the other items, she asked if I would mind getting one for her. Not a problem for me at all. Other people in line were doing the same thing. Lots of friendly negotiating going on. We were warm, people were friendly, it was probably one of the better BF shopping exeriences I have had. I think we were up to the checkout line within 20 minutes of the official bf shopping time. I then went to target to get a few things just as it was opening. i went in and made my way to the electronics area to get a couple games. It was a madhouse and I was bodyslammed into the glass display area where the games are. I'm still surprised that the glass didn't shatter. So I will take WM's method over the other stores any time.
rsthayer Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 there was an article in our local newspaper today about our local walmart stating that walmart will be open for thanksgiving and will not close thanksgiving night . You will be able to go inside the store and associates will be on hand to direct you to the "hot big ticket items location" there will then be a line formed for that item and they will be keeping count on your number in line. when that line reaches the limit for that item they will let everyone know that they are at the limit for that item and shut that line down for that item. that way you will not stand in line for hrs. and then not get the item you were trying to get (which makes people upset). so guess I am going to spend thurs. night in walmart !! lol should be interesting. but at least if I get there and they say I am not going to get something I will just go to the next item. I am in southern ohio by the way .
JasonAnna09 Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 So, I work AP (loss prevention) for WM. I have a bit more insight into BF than most. I've seen the plans for this for quite sometime and I am very impressed. WMs main goal in the revamp was obviously to make it safer while still allowing everyone a chance at these deals. First, on all your large bulky items. All of the TVs are being stored in the Tire and Lube bays. However, there will be tickets handed out for these items. There is a ticket for each item that is available. You will receive the tickets in the store at the line assigned for that item. You can do all your shopping and pick up the TV when you are done shopping (must show receipt and ticket at TLE bay). Seconds, from what we have been told, the items are limit one per customer. If you're lucky enough to be able to get tickets for multiple items, then more power to you. At work so have to cut this short. If you have any questions I will be happy to ask.
JasonAnna09 Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 There are going to be balloons marking the location of the Hot Items. The Hot Items are also evenly spread out and spaced throughout the store so that people don't mass up in one area. Sad thing is, this plan has some awesome points, however the plan hasn't really been shared with the associates. Many don't know of the plan, or choose to know, lol. You will find many that will say, "My Walmart isn't doing that" or "I haven't heard anything". Fact is every WM is doing this. It has been told to many store managers that if they don't follow this plan, then they can be terminated. Our store, as with many others, are hiring local PD as well as contract security agencies to work along side the regular security in place at WM. Its a big day, not only for sales, but theft as well. The ticket system and better control on merchandise will help safety as well as prevent some theft. We lost several TVs, laptops, and computers at our store last year that were just simply pushed out the doors through the crowd. Oh, BTW, receipts will be checked at all doors much like Sams Club this year. PD will also be at the doors as well as security. Should be a fun BF and safe one too.
KBsDarling Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 how is "hot" defined? And the above poster that said multiple things per line...will the maps saw ALL the items and where they are grouped together? Not excited at battling the TV crowd for a different item....
JasonAnna09 Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 From what I have seen. Your hot items are the doorbusters and limited quantity items. As far as grouping, it is random. Some laptops are in Produce, some will be in Dairy and some in Pets. Some computers will be in fabrics and some may be in clothing. When I say "computers" or "laptops" it may not be the physical item itself, but rather an associate handing out tickets for that item. This decision is up to the managers in each location and depends on the stores sales volume, traffic flow of customers, as compared to previous BF sales. More likely in your metro stores and high theft stores it will be tickets rather than the physical items. Stores in slower areas and smaller towns may have the physical items out. IMO it is a good plan. Communication with customers is going to be vital for this to work though.
JasonAnna09 Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 I know the $198 Emachines Laptops are very limited. The supply for most other items is above average. I had 3 semis come in today just with BF items on them. That's in addition to the 2 we already have.
ehstrojette Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 how about ds lites?? will you have them in electronics or elsewhere?
KBsDarling Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 i meant grouping as someone mentioned above...about the line being for more then 1 item. I do not have to wait in the TV line to get a non-electronic doorbuster.
bigjimslade Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 Welcome to the community and thanks for posting! So, I work AP (loss prevention) for WM. I have a bit more insight into BF than most. I've seen the plans for this for quite sometime and I am very impressed. WMs main goal in the revamp was obviously to make it safer while still allowing everyone a chance at these deals. First, on all your large bulky items. All of the TVs are being stored in the Tire and Lube bays. However, there will be tickets handed out for these items. There is a ticket for each item that is available. You will receive the tickets in the store at the line assigned for that item. You can do all your shopping and pick up the TV when you are done shopping (must show receipt and ticket at TLE bay). Seconds, from what we have been told, the items are limit one per customer. If you're lucky enough to be able to get tickets for multiple items, then more power to you. At work so have to cut this short. If you have any questions I will be happy to ask.
JasonAnna09 Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 From what we have been told...their will only be groupings for electronics items. All othe BF items in the ad should be in their original locations in the store. You won't have to wait in the TV line for the crock pot, jeans, or smaller items. The lines will be mainly for specific electronic items. Oh here's an idea for families. If you're bringing your older kids and want them to help get some hot items. I suggest preloading WalMart gift cards for each person in your party. Have them each hit a hot item line and you can all check out seperately. Just an idea.
smurfgirl Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 What about the gps's will I need a ticket for those?
JasonAnna09 Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 I do not believe so. I work again tomorrow and will check the map and find out for sure. As far as I know only the items on the map are ticketed items. Those not on the map are not…
kstategrad Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 Any info on where the Sunbeam heated throws/twin blankets are going to be? My kids both want one for their beds!
mrstoots Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 For those of us who shop in MA, the time the store opens is up to the individual town/city. The Toysrus in North Dartmouth will open at midnight on Friday, but the WalMart across the street in the same town was not given permission to open before 4am. Therefore, they are opening thier doors at 4 am for people to enter and line up, but no purchases until 5am. Same is true for the Fall River store.Ah, so that explains why the two stores nearest me have signs on their doors indicating they will be open at 4:00 a.m. on Friday. Then again, I spoke with a manager at one of these very same stores who told me they were opening at midnight; this tells me that apparently even the managers at some WMs have no clue what they're doing! :)Best of luck to all BF shoppers!
JasonAnna09 Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 Any info on where the Sunbeam heated throws/twin blankets are going to be? My kids both want one for their beds! Those are set to be on a display near where they normally are in domestics. Those heated blankets are a good buy. I've seen some as high as $139 at my store...even had several of those stolen. Man, I swear, I see a different side of WM in my role as Asset Protection. Makes me kind of jaded at times. But, there are still good honest people that actually buy their stuff like all of you fellow Gotta Deal members:)
martinj69 Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 Will any of the BF big ticket items be available online. I care for a young boy that has cerebral palsey and it is impossible to get out on BF with him. It makes me wonder how disabled people stand a chance.
JasonAnna09 Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 I was told as part of their new BF plan, many items will also be available online, in an effort to help alleviate some traffic in the brick and mortar stores. I will find out for you on those as well.
rjncmj Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 Thanks for all the info JasonAnna!! Do you know if we're going to have to wait in line for the trampoline and are there going to be quite a few of them?
smurfgirl Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 Do you know where the digital frames and gps units will be located?
abentley Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 I will be lokking for the Philips MP# players. Any idea where they might be located this year?
bigjoe Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 Will any of the BF big ticket items be available online. I care for a young boy that has cerebral palsey and it is impossible to get out on BF with him. It makes me wonder how disabled people stand a chance.Just about everything in the ad will be available online,go to the site and click on the ad,each item will tell you if it is online or not.I see the emachines laptop is even online.The emerson 42 plasma is about the only big ticket not availble online.I can assure you that they will be gone in a matter of minutes,so have a good internet connection!:)
chr05angel Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 I had a question... someone suggested that they will be handing out tickets when you get there.. so if you get a ticket.. then is it possible that you could get more than one doorbuster? if i get a ticket for a tv then thats set in stone and i can walk to the blu ray line and get a ticket for that? then pay for both and get them by showing my receipt?
bpr Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 Just about everything in the ad will be available online,go to the site and click on the ad,each item will tell you if it is online or not.I see the emachines laptop is even online.The emerson 42 plasma is about the only big ticket not availble online.I can assure you that they will be gone in a matter of minutes,so have a good internet connection!:)Well, I was browsing Walmart's site. I found the $198 laptop. The online ad says it will be available both in-store and online, but when you read the product information it reads: Please Note: This item will only be available in stores at this special low price on Friday, Nov. 27. Limited quantities available. Note the key word 'ONLY'. I guess I'm not as excited as I was .
bpr Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 Do you know where the digital frames and gps units will be located?No, because every store is different. By the looks of it, they should be in their normal spot in your store. It seems like only the doorbuster types have designated areas, but I could be wrong.
bigjoe Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 (edited) Well, I was browsing Walmart's site. I found the $198 laptop. The online ad says it will be available both in-store and online, but when you read the product information it reads: Please Note: This item will only be available in stores at this special low price on Friday, Nov. 27. Limited quantities available. Note the key word 'ONLY'. I guess I'm not as excited as I was I just saw that.In the past years most door busters were online early,but sold out in a little as 2 minutes.We might luck out,just need to be extremly fast. Edited November 23, 2009 by bigjoe
martinj69 Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 I was told as part of their new BF plan, many items will also be available online, in an effort to help alleviate some traffic in the brick and mortar stores. I will find out for you on those as well.You are absolutely awesome getting all this info for us! BIG HUGS to JasonAnna09.
JasonAnna09 Posted November 24, 2009 Posted November 24, 2009 Ok, so I am taking a break from battling shoplifters and giving you all an update. This has to be by far the most thought out and implemented plan I have seen for BF ever. As from what I know now...there will only be "que lines" sp? for the major doorbusters. Which by looking at atre mainly electronics related items. All other items like your jeans, crock pots, trampolines, picture frames are going to be located where you would normally find these items on a daily basis. As far as ticketing. From what I gathered, and if you are lucky enough, you can get tickets to each of the items until they run out (limit one ticket per person). IMO if you get there early enough and you can nab tickets to the items you want, then you get those items. Also, there are only tickets for what they physically have in the store. However, a manager is allowed to take a similar item and sell it at the BF price if the item is similar to the BF ad item. Back to work I go...
hoopysgirl Posted November 24, 2009 Posted November 24, 2009 At my walmart each item will *hot* item will have its own line and each person will be allowed one ticket for that item. After you have physically gotten that item, you will then be allowed to go to another line and hopefully be lucky enough to get a ticket for a different item. My store manager says "if a customer wants two or three hot items than they better bring friends". They will not let you back in line for a second same item right away, they were telling us to tell the customers they can come back in a couple hours if they want a second same item. I live in a fairly small town and we have never had anything close to people fighting, just crowds, but this is how its being done here...
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