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Walmart xBOX 360 Deal online 199 plus 100 GC!


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I was at walmart this morning and most of the people in line worked there. I was number 8 in line and they came out and said they had six. So with my trusty iphone I cruised over to gottadeal and found the same deal online. I then shared this find (after I completed my order) on gottadeal with the others who were disappointed but still clinging to the line in the hope of scoring a deal. They were in shock and many were pulling out their phones in hopes of placing the same order. So gottadeal got lots of positive exposure this morning.
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I was wondering if this system comes with warranty? Im getting my nephew it for Christmas and I forgot the ROD on it. I would love to get an additional warranty for it if possible.

I think microsoft has extended the warranty to 3 years for ROD and E74, the two major problems. But they will have info in the box to buy extended if you want direct from MS.

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