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Besides the great deals, what is your favorite part about BF?


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For me, my favorite part about BF is the ride to the mall which is a good 50 minutes away. Its pitch dark with very little cars on the road until I get closer to the city where the mall is and listening to Christmas music. If I am alone, I get some ALONE time for mama and a moment to just sit in peace and quiet and just think about things. If I am with my MIL, then we chat but its just so calming until we hit the mall and then the adrenaline kicks in. :)


I also like to get home and take everything out the bags to see what great deals I've gotten. Then I count how much money I didn't spend and realize I got some great deals!

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i love the adreneline rush, but I also love the people I meet in line every year since I am usually alone or just with my mom. You meet some of the coolest people outside TRU or target at 2am and by the time the doors open you are rooting for them too, maybe even shopping with them in mind to help them too! I love that! :)
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It is part of the Tradition...even with some of my family in other states, we are on the phone with each other all night...and if one can't get something the other one will and we have been known to buy and mail it with the other Christmas gifts we send...LOL....those of us that are close by, we get together on Thanksgiving evening have dessert and plot and plan the final attack....It's all about spending a great time shopping with family and friends...the official start of the Christmas season at our home.
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All of the above lol


The rush, the shopping, the spirit of the season, spending time with my mom, awesome new people you meet in line, getting good deals I LOVE IT ALL!!


It's is literally my favorite day of the year, i plan for it way too in advance, I drive my family crazy talking about it, I live for Black Friday :D lol

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I always meet my MIL and SILs at the store, so I really enjoy the drive into town, the anticipation increasing as you get closer and see more cars/people. I always have fun talking to people in line and have met some fun people.


Also, I have an old acquantance (sp?) that the only time we actually see each other is on BF. She usually finds me at Kohls or Target and we visit in line, share pictures of the kids and review our purchases so far in the day. It's neat.

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This is going to be my first Black Friday out..Wish me luck!

Good Luck you will have so much fun!


For me it is a tradition that we have been doing since I was probably 11 or 12 and it is just so fun hanging out with my mom and sister. I love planning and the stores and it is a kick off to Christmas. I love finding my family the perfect gifts and it is a plus when it is cheaper. :D

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My cousin and I drive 65 miles every year and get to the stores when they open. We both love shopping WITHOUT KIDS and then we treat ourselves to Olive Garden every year for lunch. We have been doing this for the last 5 years and look forward to October when the ads start coming in. We wished we could shop all day but our husbands are usually calling us about 3 pm asking if were done yet. They just dont understand. lol
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There is so much I love about it. It's time spent with my sister. We both love to shop! I love the anticipation of the deals right before the doors open. It's that start of the christmas season. I love the music, decorations. I love the whole experience of Black Friday!
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people watching.it is great i go out for a dunkin donuts coffee and go get in line there is never nothing i really go for too much so i people watch.it beats staying in bed watching tv ugh! then after i get a few things i treat myself to breakfast.it is always just me so i splurge that is the start of holidays for me
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