stacy0479 Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 My DS is 11 and believe it or not, he still believes in Santa. Each year I keep saying this is the last year, but I really think this year is the last. He has had some kids and a teacher tell him that Santa isn't real, but I told him he has to be real cause who eats the cookies we leave out, we track him on Norad, and who brings the presents that I don't get? He still believes! LOL So do your kids still believe? If not, what age were they when they stopped?
Kim3498 Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 No. My son is 11 and honestly I never taught him to believe in Santa. I do know one mother who has a 13 year old and she thought he still believed. She decided to tell him the truth and he told her he had know for several years. He just let her think he still believed because he was afraid she would cut back on what she bought him. Lol. Congrats on the twins.
aleighc1 Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 My kids sort of believe. My 8 year old has been questioning it, and I just ask "what do you think?" She goes back and forth on it, and I think this will be her last year to believe. My 5 (almost 6) thinks my husband is Santa. I was about 8 when I stopped believing, but I didn't tell my mom until I was 10. I thought she really enjoyed doing the whole santa thing, so I just let her keep doing it! I'm not sure what my 7 year old believes, but he is special needs and sometimes it can be hard to tell what's going on in his mind. My 3 year old fully believes, and my 1 year old and 5 month old are too young to care.
johnap Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 Each year my 11 year old daughter would write a letter and leave it for Santa each Christmas Eve night. This year she finally told me that she didn't believe and mostly because she was able to see that my handwriting was similer to Santas. I even wrote them using my good handwriting. So now when I tell her that Santa is watching she just looks at me and rolls her eyes. They grow up so fast...
mrs.winter Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 my oldest one does not but my 9 and 6 year old still believes !!The oldest one helps me now since he is 14 I just cant imagine what it is going to be like when there is no more Santa at my house! I Love it!!
ohitsunshine Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 My oldest (13) does not, my two younger (10 and 9) still DID. However, we broke the news to them just a few weeks ago. Last year we had an over the top Christmas, laptops, stereos, desks, basketball hoop, and then still about 40 smaller gifts each. This year and years going forward we want to replace the junk with a vacation. So this year they will be getting only 4 or 5 gifts and a cruise. We wanted them to understand why they don't need a list of 30 items!
Mikesgirl Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 I think DD9 still believes DS13 wont say because he knows "Santa" will hear and quit coming for him and will also quit coming for him if he tells (he likes to tease the little ones) the younger kids Santa isnt real.. Now thanks to DD9 when she was about 3 Santa had to start coming for the grandparents and DH because she cried one morning because Santa didn't leave them presents and she said they were good.. I did tell the kids this year I wasnt going to fill the stockings I was leaving that up to Santa which has DS13 worried about getting coal!!
Illinoismom Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 In my house at any age you must believe to recieve
Buckeye Shopper Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 I have a 10 yr. old and 7 yr. old and both had decided that they didn't believe. When they would ask I would always say "What do you think"? Well...we went to Pigeon Forge this summer and went to the Dixie Stampede show and we spotted a man who was a dead ringer for santa, I'm serious it didn't get anymore real than this guy. My kids went nuts, by a weird circumstance when we went into the arena he was seated on the aisle seat in our section. When my daughter went to the restroom I stopped and said to him my kids spotted you and said "look it's santa". He looked at me and said "could be" then handed me a business card with a picture of Mr. & Mrs. Clause. They will never forget that, it was priceless. We also stayed at the Incredible Christmas Place which if you're not familiar with is a wonderful beautiful Christmas themed hotel. They had a singing santa on some nights and santa's mailbox, which they said he will write back in December. I think they want to believe.
momof3luvs1 Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 My oldest daughter is almost 8 and she TOTALLY still believes. Doesnt question him 1 bit. I'm hoping it stays that way for a LONg time because my youngest are 3 and 1 =). if I had it my way they would believe till they were 18.
georgiapeach717 Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 my son is 5 and daughter is 2 1/2 so yes they believe... but i knew this issue would come up eventually, so i told my son that santas job is temporary. there are lots of babies born every year and that he has to be able to visit them all somehow, so as a kid gets old, santa brings them less and less and mom and dad pick up where he left off. and eventually by the time is his 8 or so santa wont bring him anything, but mom and dad take care of it all. i also let him know (to avoid bullys) that some kids his age are so bad that santa never brings them anything and their parents are so embarassed about their behavior that they tell the kids that santa isnt real. so that if a kid his age says there is no such thing as santa he can tell them that santa brings him good stuff every year and its a shame he is such a bad kid that santa wouldnt visit him. I know its mean but i HATE the kids that feel the need to clue smaller kids in and I wanted to give him an argument on his behalf! my son already knows that santa will being more stuff for his siter than him this year, but thats why mommy needs so many ideas :)
georgiapeach717 Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 holy crap i cant type on the phone with hubby at the same time!
momof3luvs1 Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 my son is 5 and daughter is 2 1/2 so yes they believe... but i knew this issue would come up eventually, so i told my son that santas job is temporary. there are lots of babies born every year and that he has to be able to visit them all somehow, so as a kid gets old, santa brings them less and less and mom and dad pick up where he left off. and eventually by the time is his 8 or so santa wont bring him anything, but mom and dad take care of it all. i also let him know (to avoid bullys) that some kids his age are so bad that santa never brings them anything and their parents are so embarassed about their behavior that they tell the kids that santa isnt real. so that if a kid his age says there is no such thing as santa he can tell them that santa brings him good stuff every year and its a shame he is such a bad kid that santa wouldnt visit him. I know its mean but i HATE the kids that feel the need to clue smaller kids in and I wanted to give him an argument on his behalf! my son already knows that santa will being more stuff for his siter than him this year, but thats why mommy needs so many ideas :) I don't think it's mean. I totally agree. Last year my daughter said to me " mommy some older boy at school told me I was a baby cause I still believed in santa" So I asked her what she said..and very matter of factly she said " I told him that if he says that then he is not gonna get any presents and that he is a bad boy" I explained to her that it wasn't nice to tell him he was a bad boy ...but I was glad she stood up forherself to a bully....I hate when older kids feel the need to ruin the magic for the lil ones ...
Lusha120 Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 my son is 5 and daughter is 2 1/2 so yes they believe... but i knew this issue would come up eventually, so i told my son that santas job is temporary. there are lots of babies born every year and that he has to be able to visit them all somehow, so as a kid gets old, santa brings them less and less and mom and dad pick up where he left off. and eventually by the time is his 8 or so santa wont bring him anything, but mom and dad take care of it all. i also let him know (to avoid bullys) that some kids his age are so bad that santa never brings them anything and their parents are so embarassed about their behavior that they tell the kids that santa isnt real. so that if a kid his age says there is no such thing as santa he can tell them that santa brings him good stuff every year and its a shame he is such a bad kid that santa wouldnt visit him. I know its mean but i HATE the kids that feel the need to clue smaller kids in and I wanted to give him an argument on his behalf! GOOD PLAN! I wish I had thought of that one. I have 4, dd9, ds8, ds7 dd4.... dd9 I had to tell this year. Last year she was literally getting beat up at school defending santa.... she looks at me and basically says "well mom, i knew, i just didn't want to hurt your feelings" and here I am stressing out over it. she cant wait for BF this year! she wants to go out with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she is totally comitted on keeping the magic alive for the younger ones. she has figured out the meaning of christmas spirit... I'ts not about what YOU GET, its about bringing joy to others. that is the best holiday gift as a parent ever. she gets it.
georgiapeach717 Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 momof3, i am so happy your daughter stood up for herself! I seriously cannot STAND when kids do this. I feel it is deffinately a bullying thing and I am not into that behavior at all! lusha, my son now is so excited b/c I let him in on the zhu zhu things, so he gets so squealy and giggly everytime I show him a new piece or the actual hamsters I have scored for my daughter. He loves being "in" on it!! eta: i came up with my "plan" while standing in an aisle at walmart! was literally like a lightbulb going off!! This is all new to me, so I am always happy to get a halfway believable plan! haha!
conj Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 my dd11 was on the wall about the whole idea - and like IL mom said, you have to believe to receive... however, she was convinced, when Santa brought her a cell phone. Mom wouldn't consider it until she was 14, so now she *knows* there is a santa. fwiw I used to manage a Santa stand at a mall for a national chain. I was lucky enough to hire a RBS (real bearded santa) and he was the best ever! His wife's name was carol, and he had a daughter named holly. He was GOOD. he would pick up on the kids names and use it to convince the nonbelievers. he made me believe - and I am Jewish!
nmcnary17 Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 This is the same thing that we go by... Have to believe to recieve no matter what age.
berry1014 Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 Our kids are 3 & 8 and oh yeah they are full believers. A few weeks ago at our DD's 8th birthday party we let the kids play on the Wii Outdoor Challenge. Only a few kids from her class showed up but it was enough to let the kids complete against each other. They all had a blast. 3 of the kids said they were asking Santa for the Outdoor Challenge Game!!! Of course I informed the parents of this quietly when they arrived to pick up their kids. Nice to know there were still other kids in her class that are believers too.
angelbabymommy Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 My dd7 still believes. She, too, went through the same thing with kids at school saying that Santa isnt real & that their mom's are Santa. I asked her what she thought & she said she thinks he's real, so I explained to her thats okay to believe & that other ppl wont always believe in the same things you do. I dont think she'll believe next year but I still have my dd1! I know dd7 will help keep the magic alive for her sister's sake even when she outgrows it.
jerica388 Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 My dd8 absolutely still believes. There is not even a question in her mind. My ds10 is on the fence with the whole thing. Whenever I ask what they want from Santa or mention Santa in conversation I can hear the wheels turning in his head. Like some of you said before, I think he is pretty sure Santa is not a real person but he doesn't want to voice that opinion just yet.
jerica388 Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 Slightly off topic, but another bummer about kids getting older and figuring things out is that I have to be much sneakier. I remember when I could buy my kids Christmas presents while they were with me and just stick them in the bottom of the cart!
doublehsmom Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 All of my kids still do my ds6 dd 3 and dd 1 so i hope that we get to do this for a LONG LONG TIME :)
georgiapeach717 Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 Slightly off topic, but another bummer about kids getting older and figuring things out is that I have to be much sneakier. I remember when I could buy my kids Christmas presents while they were with me and just stick them in the bottom of the cart!haha!!! i know right!!!!! or i could talk about it right in front of my kid and he's have no clue what i was talking about!
Hummin Bird Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 wait? what you mean still believes? Eh why would they ever stop believing? You people trying to tell me there is no Santy Claws? I think you all drank the wrong punch. Santa is very real. I know it for a fact. What is the world coming to? Next thing you know people will be trying to tell me theres no such thing as the Easter Bunny! Ha! How crazy is that!?!?!
jerica388 Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 Oh, the Easter Bunny is a hotly discussed topic at my house. It has been a tradition in my family for as long as I can remember that each year you pick out your Easter basket and set it outside the back door before you go to bed the night before Easter. When you get up to get ready for sunrise service you peek out back and the basket has been filled. I think this started when my gma began giving us all Longanberger baskets a long time ago. Anyway, that is what we always did at our house too. Then last year my son informed me that the woman down the street told him that was silly, you don't pick your basket, the Easter bunny does and then he fills it and brings it to you. Well, I didn't know what to say to that. My dad did though. He told my son that the mom down the street must use non-union contractors to fill her Easter baskets. He said the Easter bunny is in a union and his contract states that he does not pick out the baskets, just fills them and hides eggs. My dad is a retired teamster and my mom, dh, and I are all in unions (in different job fields). My kids have heard so much talk about unions/contracts/negotiations over the years that my ds (7 at the time) accepted the explaination without batting an eye. Sometimes I am really glad my dad tells tall tales so convincingly!
tntsmomie Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 DD6 and DS4 still believe STRONGLY and I'm not gonna tell them otherwise. I'm 28 and still get tears in my eyes when we see Santa. We have one of those huge Yankee Candle stores near us that we go to about every other month. They have a full-time Santa on staff and I LOVE him. I get hugs from him when I can, and always thank him for being there. The kids love it, too. :) They get lollipops from him, and he'll stand under the snow with us when it falls. We have had talks about why Santa doesn't build all of his toys (for example, this year, DD6 wants a Chrissa doll from American Girl). We say that sometimes he works with the toys companies to help with gifts that his elves can't build. We also stick with Santa only bringing one gift. I hope they believe forever.
georgiapeach717 Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 LOL jerica! and hummin bird! our kids know the easter bunny has been to the house before they even get to the kitchen where baskets are left on the table here. He always leaves paw prints across the livingroom carpet! (you do this by giving a hard squeeze at a 45* or less angle at the floor in a footstep pattern) I love when my kids gasp at the footprints knowing the goodies are waiting! :)
georgiapeach717 Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 aww TNT i love that :) what a great santa! anyone use black friday as a santa day? I wanted *some* of the credit right off the bat, so my son knows that the day after thanksgiving mom has breakfast with santa and a lot of other local moms and go over wish lists with him! ha!
nikkilugi Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 My kids still believe. My ds will be 10 for Christmas this year and he is still a full believer. I also will have a ds9 and dd4 and they also totally believe. My problem is the same as jerica388's though. I have to be sneakier and it is killing me this year. My dd is now 4 and she remembers what I buy if we are out together shopping. Last year I would be able to buy things for her brothers during the day while we were shopping and she would be oblivious - not now. And she is a blabbermouth! I can't get anything by her anymore.
SuggaD Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 DD is 10 and I think this year she no longer believes, but she'll still pretend that she does.
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