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Share Your Story & Win GottaDeal.com Black Friday Survival Kits! [Winners Chosen!]

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Last year my husband and I made it to every single store by opening time and ended up getting every single thing we went for. We went to Sears for a weight bench, Target for a razor, Toys R Us for "god only knows what" and were in and out and standing in line for the next store.... it was soooooo awesome and the weather was nice too.
I remember the second time I participated in Black Friday. One I'll never forget. I just got off work at 6 AM and since the town I was in only had Wal-Mart I went there. I bought a DVD/VCR combo (which lasted only a few months) some DVD's and a few other items. When I got home around 8 AM I ran into a close family friend. He was good buddies with my dad so I said hi to him and let them talk. A few hours later we got word that our family friend had a heart attack on his farm and passed away. I can't say for certain, but we may have been the last people he ever talked too. It still is a very bittersweet day for me, ad coupled with the fact that my grandfather passed away on Thanksgiving a few years earlier, Black Friday is the only real reason I celebrate Thanksgiving in the first place.
years ago I was lucky to discover my husband was willing to brave the middle of the night and the crazy shoppers to spend time with me. He went with me from store to store, line to line (to collect freebies!), and carry bags. He said "I don't care" and " do what you think" when it came to spending money. It has led us to many years of fun and many thousands of dollars in spending.
I remember standing in line a few years back to get some electronic items for my grandchildren and when the store opened it was a mad rush. Then it was on to the local mall and picked up several other items on my list. Most people were very nice and no pushing or shoving!!
Last year at BF we started at Walmart. My sister got an $88 ride in truck for my nephew, but when we got out to the parking lot, the box was too big to fit in the car. A group crowded around us, several people offering to buy it from us if we couldn't get it to fit. (One guy said he'd give us $150!) We ended up tearing it out of the box and putting the various pieces throughout the car so that it would all fit. Luckily, we kept up with them all and it worked when we put it together!
About 4 years ago, two friends and I began shopping together. Once we are done shopping we have to pick up my ds from MIL, the first year as we are pulling out of the driveway some of our bags fall onto ds. Every year since, the first thing he says when we pick him up is that nothing had better fall on him. :) The second, is how do we manage to get so much stuff in our car.
I have always went shoppin on BF with my mom and grandma since i was litlle we would leave very early most of the time around 12 midnight we have watched people fight over everything from tvs to dvds to toys we have seen people throw things and people cuss people crazy stuff happen that u can explain this year gonna go with my best friend my mom has past so want to make the best of it hopefully some great deals

A few years ago my dh went to a craft store to get some things that were on my list. This old lady kind of bumped into him with her cart and he just looked at her and kind of moved out of her way. Then she pulls the cart back and rams into him as hard as she can with the cart. I mean he had a huge bruise from her doing it. He turned and looked at her and grabbed the front of her cart and flipped it on its side and walked off. He told me never again.


Then a couple of years ago, my FIL had made a bunch of smart comments about me going shopping that day. Really made me mad, but I ignored him and did my shopping anyway. I came home with bags and bags of stuff that he helped bring in and he overheard me telling DH i'd spent about $450. FIL goes "She got all this for How Much???" Dh knew how much what he'd said earlier had bothered me so he looked at him and said, "Why do you think she goes out and shops? She does it so she can give our kids a nice christmas." I've never heard another word about it from him or MIL.

The 1st year Menards opened in this area we thought no one would show up to a home improvement store for BF...boy, were we WRONG!! :eyepoppin We spent 4 hours in line because the store was so unprepared for the crowd. The best part is that we met some folks in line who also spend their race weekend @ Michigan in the infield, so in August we got to go "visit" them again :D

I've been doing BF shopping since I can remember. My STBX never understood why I would want to head out to the stores that early until he realized how much he could save on my gifts.

We were at Walmart last year and got everything we wanted to PM in our carts. We then divided up to stand by the items that were wrapped up. I chose to stand by the bean bag chairs because I knew there wouldn't be a mad rush to get them:razz:. I sent him over to the $50 8g MP3 players. We were texting back and forth trying to decide if we wanted more than one. We finally agreed to grab 2 so our 2 oldest wouldn't fight over who had the "better" mP3 player. I get a text about 30 mins before the plastic was due to come off. It's him saying "Help me! There are about 50 teenage girls surrounding these things and I think I'm going to die!":cheesy: I couldn't help but to laugh. I could just picture him being ran over by a bunch of teen girls. He did manage to grab 2 but he said he had to rush in, grab them and go!

ive been doing this for the past 5 years i dont drive so i pretty much go where my friend goes, which is always walmart people are crazy fighting and we braved best buy a few times. one of my favorite stores is cvs they always have some good deals.

I've been doing BF shopping since I can remember. My STBX never understood why I would want to head out to the stores that early until he realized how much he could save on my gifts.

We were at Walmart last year and got everything we wanted to PM in our carts. We then divided up to stand by the items that were wrapped up. I chose to stand by the bean bag chairs because I knew there wouldn't be a mad rush to get them:razz:. I sent him over to the $50 8g MP3 players. We were texting back and forth trying to decide if we wanted more than one. We finally agreed to grab 2 so our 2 oldest wouldn't fight over who had the "better" mP3 player. I get a text about 30 mins before the plastic was due to come off. It's him saying "Help me! There are about 50 teenage girls surrounding these things and I think I'm going to die!":cheesy: I couldn't help but to laugh. I could just picture him being ran over by a bunch of teen girls. He did manage to grab 2 but he said he had to rush in, grab them and go!

That sounds like my DH last year. He stood my the HSM dolls(his choice) while I was at the clothes and about 20 minutes or so he text me and my friend saying he was surounded my a bunch of women and he thought they looked hungry and was afraid he was going to be an early morning snack begging for help but I was too busy laughing to even think about helping!!! :tongue1:

I've only camped out once for black friday and that was about 3 years ago. It was at a Best Buy and it was freezing cold. The worst part was sitting by myself as no one else was crazy like me. Luckily, the people right next to me had a little portable fire pit and that helped a lot. I was camping out for a computer/monitor/printer combo and it was $400.
I actually have a good Walmart experience to share. Last year I went with my MIL she took one area and I took another. I was buy the childrens sets of running pants and jackets. They were not covered with plastic. The employees told us we could touch them if we wanted but not to put them in the cart yet. We all selected the items we wanted and placed them in front of us. We then did the same thing for the people scattered behind us. We all picked a area and had the sizes and colors we wanted ready for 5AM. As soon as the store announced it was time, we all took our items and left happy. :)

My story is from the other side of the aisle.


Many many years ago I worked at TRU (holiday part time help) and I had showed up at 7am since I had another job (full time job) in the night/mornings (2am to 9am). This did not sit well with management even though I left my other job early. Things seemed to go decent at first that day though I did argue with a crazy lady who was upset the store advertised $5 Furbies but she expected the item to still be there at 10am.


Later that day as I worked the floor I helped a cranky customer who asked which board games were a part of the buy one get one free deal. I said any game in this display (and pointed to the display) and she thanked me for my help and left. About 15 minutes or so later I hear the same voice shouting “HIM, that's the lying fool“! Sure enough it was the cranky customer with manager in tow. She accused me of lying and that I said the game she had was free.


I looked at the game she had which was one of those high priced Monopoly special edition games. Clearly this was not on the display and I made mention of it. She refused to listen and stated how was she to know since that game was in the display. I mentioned how logic would dictate that a bunch of cheap board games in the display (like Candy Land) would not warrant getting a pricey game for free. I said how another customer must have put it there and I never said that game was on the BOGO list. I was about to turn around to walk away and then what happened next shocked me!...........


She did the unthinkable. She threw the board game at me! It bounced off my shoulder and pieces scattered on the floor. So I did what any semi sane person would do. I threw the game right back at her. Hindsight maybe not the best choice.


The manager freaked out and demanded I apologize to her. I said she had to apologize first for calling me a liar and throwing the game at me. I was given the ultimatum of apologizing or losing my job. I took off my ugly blue vest and walked out. Thus ended the first, worst and last holiday job I ever had. My only regret is not buying more stuff (to get the 10% discount) before I quit.


I have shopped for many years on BF and only missed 3. One time was because I was 5 months pregnant with my first child and wasn't taking any chances with the crazies out there.


The other two times were because my kids were very small and I wasn't taking them out in the madness so I made a list of what I wanted and sent someone to do it for me!


However last year, my oldest went with me for the first time. She was thrilled and can't wait to do it again this year.


I wore my BF Gottadeal Tee, threw my coat in the cart and had to tie my hair up (which I so do not do ever) because you couldn't read it otherwise due to the length of my hair.


I have protested against Walmart the last few years by not shopping there on BF. I used to be able to make a plan and budget accordingly but not anymore since they won't let us look at their ads early and took away layaway (which I never used for BF items, just items I wanted to purchase for the kids for Christmas at full price).


Well wouldn't you know it that last year, my two little ones wanted those Vsmile pocket things and Wallie world had them for $25.00 which meant I could get two for the cost of one with this BF deal. I told my oldest that they probably only had like 10 of them so I don't expect to get one, let alone two but that Walmart was the first stop of the day.


We got there dark and early to find the line down and around the corner. My oldest was in disbelief that people were out this early to shop. I laughed at her. We finally get in there and we hurried ourselves over to the toy department and yep of course they didn't have them. We looked all over and even asked, they were all gone within minutes.


On our way in, they had those PJ sets with a robe and blinking lights for a good price so I grabbed two. Later I noticed one was not the correct size, it was too small so I sent my daughter to find the correct size and told her to meet me at the end of the line. The line went all the way back to lawn and garden and I was like NO WAY, I am not standing in line this long for two little items (one of which I didn't even know if they had in the correct size I needed yet). I figured I would stand at the back of the line until she came so we didn't get lost in the crowd looking for one another. I get to the end and see about 20 people facing the other direction so I asked them if they were in line and they said Yes. I was like why are they facing the opposite way and a lady at the end says lawn and garden check out sure is short. I could not believe it, I was wondering why people had not turned around. Suddenly my daughter shows up, grinning from ear to ear with the pjs in her hand. I asked her if they were the right size, she says yes still grinning from ear to ear. I was like what is up with that, then she says too bad they didn't have those Vsmiles you wanted. I was like don't get me started on that and she whips out, not one but two of them. I could not believe, she said after she dug for the pjs, she noticed a circular clothing rack with a bunch of things underneath it on the floor, she went for a closer look and seen two Vsmiles, she looked around and they just appeared to be laying there with other odds and ends so she grabbed them and ran.


I said Welcome to Black Friday!

I was working at my local Sporting Goods stores a few BF's ago. I somehow got stuck selling those Heeley skate shoes. Anyhow, of course they were on sale and I was supposed to be selling extra warranties on them. It was extremely busy and I remember I was in the middle of telling some lady she should buy the warranty when her 12 year old son, (who was large for his age), barrelled in to me while he was trying out the skate shoes. He knocked me into a huge tower of shoe boxes and once the shoes were out of the boxes it was mayhem. The boxes and shoes were everywhere, I had a ton of bruises from the fall and noone was able to find the shoes they wanted. Most of the shoes had fallen out of the boxes so it was a nightmare figuring out what shoes went where. Moral of the story-do everything in your power not to work BF! :)
On my second year of shopping on BF I went to Walmart to get a Barbie doll that they had on sale for my cousin. I had one in my hand and this lady tried to grab it from me and said that she had her eye on it first. I replied that she may of had her eye on it first, but my hands were on it first. She said a few choice words and I just wished her a Merry Christmas and kept on shopping:g_laughin
Two years ago, I took my sister with me. We started at Kohls. She was late so we were separated in line. I got in early and was at the checkout putting my credit card away when she entered the store. I've shopped alone since.

I am more of a Black Friday "fan". I drive by all of the Best Buys and the Walmarts, etc early in the morning and watch for the fights and the cops and all the other fun things that invariably happen.


I do not do most of my shopping at the end of the year. I watch sites like this all year round and buy things and store them in my basement. I think this year I'll take my camera and my Kodak Hi-Def video thingie that I bought earlier this year and try to find some good fights this year. if I can get some I'll be sure to post links to them here.




I love black friday sales and I go every year. Two years ago I was in Walmart near the electronic section... I watched a lady that had to be in her 70's climb in her cart (while her husband held the cart still), then she began walking from cart to cart trying to get into the electronic department then she dove over a rack of dvd's and cd's landing on peoples carts on the other side :cheesy:....she managed to get the tv she was wanting and give everyone in the area a really good laugh. (She also managed to piss a lot of people that were waiting in the long line off.) I wanted to yell "Go Granny Go!" but held myself back!! :yup:
:gdthums: Rookie here Going to try to make a plan and stick too it. Have heard about a lot of good deals and want to get in on some of them and I hear this is the place to find out about them. :2popcorn:

About 5 yrs ago I ventured to the local Walmart at about 10pm to see how things would go come midnight...they had pallets of all the super sale stuff stacked up in the aisles...and people were lined up inside the store at each pallet. I turned around and decided I didn't need anything THAT much because I could see the 15 DVD players stacked up and the 30 people in that line waiting for the 15 DVD players. I left before the mayhem let loose...:eyepoppin


So...I tend to stay home and shop online. Last year was the marathon for me, first time I made it all night and accomplished almost my entire list by 10am BF! Had a big bottle of Mt Dew and lots of snacks, cranked up the Itunes to help keep me awake...and discovered that using Firefox w/the tabs was SO much easier than trying to manage 9 store pages at a time using AOL. :yup:


Two years ago, went to Office Max for a TV. Got there at 430...only 5 people in line. They were there for a computer. We all picked out what we wanted and whenever a new person came up, we just gave them a number and told them if what they wanted would still be available. None of us worked there, we all just worked it out and it was very peaceful.


We also got to go back and wait in our cars until someone new showed up, so that was nice.


and I got the TV! So there are some good people in this world!


A couple years back I went shopping WITH MY BOSS at Walmart for Black Friday.


She tells me we have to be there by 4 am to make sure we are in time.... I tell her no problem and figure we're taking that Friday off so we can go back home and sleep. The Wednesday night before Thanksgiving she calls to confirm and I ask if I have the day off on Friday..


Oh no, she says, we'll both still be there at 8. :tired:

my best black friday experience happens on a yearly basis. i love being with family and friends, shopping, and the standing in line meeting new people and sharing stories. and I love gottadeal for the heads up on black friday ads and the great deals they provide all year long!

My first real black Friday with my boyfriend was last year. He had not experienced one and he loves to shop as much as I do. We spent the night at Walmart... pilling our cart full of stuff. We made Black Friday friends with strangers and hunted out the best of the stuff.


We ended up shopping for 24 hours straight! We came home with a trunk full of stuff and had a great time. We are looking forward to this black friday too.

I have been shopping BF with a friend for a few years now and last year was the first year we took my DD along with us. As we were waiting towards the front of of the line at Walmart and my friend starts explaining to my DD "when the doors open, people will shove and push. Just follow the crowd in and head to your designated area. We'll meet up when we each get what we are supposed to. Just don't be afraid when people start pushing!" There was a young couple right next to us and the guy looked at my friend and said incredulously "What? People shove and push? When do they do that?" That was the exact moment the doors opened and my friend just yelled over the din "NOW!!!!" as we were swept up in the sea of people. The look on my daughters face was priceless!!!
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