Cru Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 (edited) 5 years ago I was talking to one of my classes (I'm a high school teacher) about BF. I had a senior who was planning on going to college, and he was hoping to get a laptop for college. Unfortunately he didn't have any money at the time and his family was unable to help him out at all. To make a long story short, I agreed to loan him the money for his computer if he would be willing to camp out with me. He's now finishing up his bachelor's degree in education, and wants to be a social studies teacher once he graduates. I'd like to think my guidance and help, along with his new laptop, got him to this point in his life. Edited October 8, 2009 by Cru
cmcbrewster Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 Last year Walgreens had a good deal on Webkins....saved us a ton of money on Bday presents for my kids' friends. Wrapped the last one last month. Now I have to shop:( for the next 3 B-days before Black Friday again:).
munkeystomp81 Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 Last year I went to Wal Mart for black friday to get the $129 Blu Ray DVD player. I was one of the first waiting for this. As soon as 6 o clock came, they opened them and I grabbed mine and was heading to the checkout. It was so crowded it was hard to get through. Well I'll be danged if someone tried to take it from my cart in all the mess. I had to grab it back and had a few choice words for this person. Before I know it security is rusing over towards me. I told him what had happened and the guy was escorted out of the store.
Brad Posted October 7, 2009 Author Posted October 7, 2009 Good to see so many members making their first posts in this thread. Keep it up!
arci122 Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 2 years ago I was rushing out of Kohls (first stop) with mother and 2 friends..we were quickly trying to throw everything into the van and get going. 2 cars away there was a fight between 2 women....told my crew there was no time, had to get to the next store and we drove past the fight to get to the next store. BF is tooo busy to be fighting, get what you need and go.
his_lil_gemini Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 I think ive already shared this story...but i'll always remember it. It was my first black friday..and we were at wal-mart. my mother and i wanted to get the $20 DVD player. I was probably 15. I stood there by myself in a crowd of people surrounding about 5 pallets. About 10 min. before time someone mentioned to the lady behind me that she should get her kid in a basket and out of the thinking OMG why? Next thing i know DVD players are being thrown every where! I walked up and grabbed mine without a problem but it was madness!
brinak2005 Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 Last year, my friend and I were at our 24 hour Walmart waiting inside for 5 a.m. She waited by the electronics while I scoped out the other items on our list. This is one of the Super Walmarts with the grocery section on one side of the store and all general merchandise on the other side. The doors at the grocery part are the ones that are left unlocked all night, the others are locked for some reason. But I was waiting by a stack of toys by the locked door and saw a massive crowd of people waiting outside. I didn't understand why they didn't just go to the unlocked doors and come So I just watched as they looked at me and a few other people trying to figure out how we got inside. When the doors opened it was pure insanity. My friend and I got everything we came for and where headed out of the store at 5:14 a.m. Not sure how we managed that time.
Mommax3 Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 Last year my son admitted that he didn't believe in Santa. To still keep Christmas special for him my mother and I took him with us shopping on BF. We were at Walmart really early standing in an aisle adjacent to the main aisle where the tvs were kept. Being friendly people we strike up conversations and start talking to an elderly lady. Well the rope drops, people start running and I can't find my son. Imagine how proud I was when I see my 10 year old 64 pounds of stick thin nothing son struggling with a tv. He felt bad for the elderly lady we were talking to and had decided it was his mission to make sure she got a tv. It was such a sweet sight and we are still very proud of him.
savedbyhim2 Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 We've been doing BF since before it was called BF. I'm glad there's a great repository of information like GD to make BF shopping more fruitful.
tammysjrfan Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 WalMart in Howell, Michigan is HORRIBLE!! People stealing things out of other peoples carts. People running over other people to get to a sale item. Then I waited in line for over 30 minutes because they didn't have enough cashiers. Meijers in Howell, Michigan is great! The employees were very very helpful and would show you were the sale items were if you couldn't find them. The line at the electronics was getting very long so the manager took us one at a time to the case and let us pick out of games that we wanted instead of everyone shoving and grabbing for games. They were very organized.
Tracy72 Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 man by bf are really boring compared to you yr was my anniversary so I got my big 2 yrs ago...for some reason my vehicle over heated on me on the way and my sil was behind me so we all piled in her rig and we had to climb a big hill...lots here in we all had to get out and walk up the hill and then get in and I am not a back seat sick when I got to walmart...lets just say that shopping was farthest on my
mistral Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 One year I was brave enough to go into Toys R Us on Hall rd in mich for 2movies. There was a women who was pushing and cutting off me and others. So when I noticed that she clogging the flow by purposly taken up a whole isle no one could move. So I pushed right by her not saying a word. Funny thing is that she had the nerve to say something. Linda
cotejb Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 Last year I dropped my mom off at walmart and ran to Fred's to get the few items we planned to get there. I went back to Walmart and met my mom, then my best friend met us up there and we spent over two hours adding more crap to our carts...It was ridiculous the amount of stuff we bougth just because it was on sale. We ran to Walgreens, then ate McDonalds, all before 8! Then we took my mom to work and me and my best friend drove to the mall and spent the whole day there shopping....Won't be happening this year with a little one...
camsmom Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 Last year I was 9 months pregnant with my DD, I went to TRU/BRU at 3:30 am to wait in line for a rocking chair with glider that they had on sale for half off, for one of their doorbusters. I was HUGE, so you could easily tell I was very pregnant...did not matter, I got pushed down by a woman in her mad rush to get in the store. The manager felt so bad she gave me an additional 15% off. However, the lady who pushed me down never even stopped to say sorry or see if I was alright. I LOVE Black Friday and can NOT wait for this...not pregnant and get to shop for two little ones this year. )
raven20_79 Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 I used to think my sister was CRAZY for doing the Thanksgiving and Black Friday sales. I even went to one of the Thanksgiving Sales at K-Mart with her (about 12 years ago). I wasn't impressed and swore off the whole thing. When we got there, everything was already picked over, or out of stock. Then, in 2003, while I was 6 months pregnant, I decided to go again. They had Game Cubes for $80, and I had one on layaway for like $120. There was enough of a difference that I figured, "What the heck?" (I ever brought my hubby and father-in-law with me to get a few other things.) Wow. I have never seen so many crazy people in one place at the same time. The women behind me were going on and on about how they better get one, or else they were going to start punching and jumping people to get their's. I turned around and said that if anyone tries that with me, they better be prepared to leave in an ambulance. No way was I going to allow myself to get hurt, or hurt my unborn son. Needless to say, they backed up a little bit, and everyone got a Game Cube.
willwong111 Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 I remember two years back, a few of my buddies stayed out side of bestbuy trying to hit up some really sweet deals. We chilled and sat outside for many hours and we were exhausted. We had a great time, but by the end of the shopping spree we all had black shades under our eyes and once we got our stuff into the car we just crashed into deep sleep. Black fridays was just awesome, it brought back many happy memories.
marimacc Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 I love Black Friday, but I don't even TRY to go to MOST of the big stores like WalMart, Kmart, or Best Buy anymore; they are a madhouse, and many of the items can be bought online anyhow. I have to say, I'm having more luck shopping on Thanksgiving, now that more stores are opening that day. Several years back, before Waccamaw went out of business, they had a Thanksgiving day sale, and on check out you got a scratch off card worth something like 20, 30, or 50 percent off. I got lucky and got the 50% off, horray! Lately, I've been having a lot of fun going to Michael's; got a Cricut machine a couple of years ago, and some Cricut carts last year; the people waiting in line at Michael's were much nicer and friendlier then other lines. I was in front of the line, and we all went down the list to see what we all wanted; we figured out nothing would be in short supply, so we all had an easy time getting what we wanted. My favorite thing about BF? Getting home before lunchtime, and putting on the noon news, and laughing at all the news stories about how jampacked everything is. Then usually, a nap, sometimes surrounded by all my purchases. :)
bonnieburton Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 I have been going to black friday for many years with my sister. One year still sticks in my mind. I was in a store I won't name and this lady came almost running down a isle by the clothes with a tv and a christmas tree and she knocked me under the clothes rack. I was standing by my sister and she was saying where did you go and I said help, I am down here under the clothes rack. I wasn't hurt. But, that lady I don't think even knew she thru me under there. After that I watch in every direction. Have a happy and safe black friday everyone...
Deal Grabber Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 I best and longest BF was the year the WII and PS3 came out.Waited online outside TRU for 19 hours to get a WII and PS3.I was 5th line.This was in NY so it was freezing.I plugged in a space heater and electric blanket and brought a beach chair.I was quite cozy.A 24 hour Mickey D's was also in the parking lot.Not sure i would ever do it again though.LOL.
bastiancalves Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 I've preferred the online shopping to BF shopping to be honest. I don't have to deal with all the rudeness and can get great deals while making Thanksgiving dinner. Two or 3 years ago we scored a great deal on a projector with a free screen (which we donated to our church) and a $99 surround sound. Had our two teenaged boys help us fix up a room in the basement and told them it was going to be our classroom (we homeschool). They worked hard on that room and were so shocked when they opened the projector Christmas morning. Fun to surprise them that way.
Katie811 Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 I have been to Black Friday for as long as a I can remember! The have 2 that really always stand out to me. #1 - I finally brought my boyfriend out to a black friday (He was 26 and never went before!):eek: He was like "alright let's go!!!" I got him PREPARED! I told him we had to wake up EARLY and get in LINE for wal-mart! Well he got up and was ready but when he got there he saw the line and said "WHAT THE BEEP!?!?!":shock: I told him this was nothing! Time went by and the line was longer and longer. I told him to RUN to the things he wants. He looked at me like I was crazy! The doors opened and he saw everyone run and boy I never knew he could run so fast!!!!!!! I guess when you put a "toy" a guy wants for black friday in an ad they will really book it! hahahahahahaha I didn't see him for atleast 15 minutes!!!! Now hes the one getting prepared for this year! #2 - I was in wal-mart and got my cart full of things! Well I turned around and noticed things missing? I couldn't figure it out!? So I went to find those same items, then i noticed a lady looking at me. I didn't think much of it, so I was looking through the dvd rack and go to put a dvd in my cart to find her hands in it!!!!! SHE WAS STEALING MY ITEMS AND PUTTING THEM INTO HER CART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was deff strange and we started a fight. She said "she didn't know the cart belonged to anyone" i was like lady, MY PURSE IS IN IT AND MY HAND WAS ON THE HANDLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She walked away with my items though:no: There was no room for customer service that day:mad: I still love love love love Black Friday and go every year!
snwbunny122 Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 My second year of BF shopping I was pregnant and it actually worked to my advantage!! Everyone moved out of my way, helped me get items (actually put them in the buggy for me!!) and helped me get through "tight" places with ease!! This was the first and LAST time people were so helpful on BF!!!
bushard Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 Black Friday has always been our kickoff for celebrating the Christmas season. We usually have family over where my Wife talks about how crazy I am to go out with the masses. After I get home victorious we celebrate with a trip to buy our annual ornaments and then to a local tree lighting with hot cocoa.
GloriaS Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 My best Black Friday was the year I got all the kids prepaid cell phones. Best Buy had them on sale with a mail-in rebate that made them free. I went with my 6ft son. We did not need any of the big items so after standing in line for hours we were able to get in, grab several phones and get out within 5 minutes. I was able to use the money I saved on the phones to get them additional gifts.
KBsDarling Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 I am looking forward to BF this year cause I am shamelessly ripping off numerous women here and started a BF book/binder. It was a little baby one last year but I already got a big ole 3 ring binder thingy and a sticky note of all the things that occurred to me to add/list in it that I thought of while waiting in line last year LOL I love the idea of tracking year to year what were sales and who was the "winner" for us
brandontyler Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 So there was this one time in band camp... Just kidding. I had an instance where I was surrounded by women in the knife isle and the clerk was telling these ladies that the special knives that they waited in line for were not available. It was scary because we were surrounded by other knives they could have used on this poor associate.
cashandra Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 Lets see, two years ago I woke up on Thanksgiving morning with the flu, very very sick. Friday morning came around and I was still sick, but couldn't pass up Black Friday so I got up before my hubby got up for work, snuck out and did my shopping (the things that I didn't want to pass up), and when I got home, my husband was on the phone with my mom (this was at 6:30am) because he didn't know where I was and was wondering if I drove myself to the hospital in the night and didn't tell anyone. I had a few people worried! Thats about all the excitement I've ever had in the last 3 years I've been shopping on Black Friday.
stacy0479 Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 I was excited with the pink Dyson I got last year at Target for $399 with a $100 GC! I think, to me, that was one of the best deals I ever got on a BF!
guilliam Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 My mom and I always go shopping together on BF. Well a few years ago my younger sister decided to join us and she is NOT a morning person. She whined the whole car ride and then was in shock over the way people actually push and shove to get what they want. When we dropped her off at her house about 18 hours later, she told her husband "You know that movie Jingle All The Way? I was in that today!!" Now she's hooked! One year a friend of mine was shopping at Walmart, she was pregnant and had her young son with her in the cart. She had grabbed the last toy (can't for the life of me remember what it was ) and put it in her cart only to have some crazy lady grab it out of her cart and take off running with it:eek: She couldn't do anything but watch and I was an aisle over.
bpr Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 So many stories, so little time...... I guess a good one was around 2004. They had just opened a BestBuy a week prior to BF. It was built into a shopping center that used to be a BJ's, so I don't think a lot of people realised it was there, let alone open yet. I got in line that night with my BIL around 1 AM. We only had to wait 4 hrs. We were number 10:yay: in line; not bad. I knew if I had gone to another BB, the line would have been much longer. It was a COLD night. The store manager brought coffee and Krispy Kreme doughnuts(:homer:Mmmm....doughnuts) around 3 AM. A few people behind us had a hibachi and were grilling up some food and staying warm. The manager thought that was great. The crowd grew larger about 4:30, but they were a well behaved crowd. It was a great experience. We got everything we went for. We got laptops and I got a camcorder for our move to Japan. I also got some great deals on DVDs. My wife showed up around 4:30 and dropped off our DS then she went to SEARS (no line over there). She had won a $500 GC and went to see what she could find to spend it on. We ended up using it on a 51" HDTV. The TV we wanted ($1400) wasn't in stock so they said pick another and they would match that price. We picked a Sony ($1700) and they gave it to us for the $1400 price, plus they took off another $100 for buying before noon. Minus the $500 card and a few other $10 gift cards we accumulated, we paid less than $800 out-of-pocket. It was a good year:2woot:.
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