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Everything posted by ilikefree
This is the type of items we put in ours. It's always a great time with this game!
I'm considering one of these greenhouses for my husband. He loves his vegetable garden and this way he could get a start on his seeds before the weather is just right for planting. https://www.amazon.com/sspa/click?ie=UTF8&spc=MToyNjcyOTQ0MzM5MjQ0MjMyOjE3MjkyNzc2ODU6c3Bfc2VhcmNoX3RoZW1hdGljOjMwMDQ2Mzk3NTQzNjUwMjo6Mjo6&url=%2FGreenhouse-Outdoors-Observation-Ohuhu-Stability%2Fdp%2FB07T4NX6Q3%2Fref%3Dsxin_16_pa_sp_search_thematic_sspa%3Fcontent-id%3Damzn1.sym.140400a7-1208-46ad-8d2a-eb6e8eac81b5%3Aamzn1.sym.140400a7-1208-46ad-8d2a-eb6e8eac81b5%26crid%3D1CMN59UT21B3S%26cv_ct_cx%3Dgreenhouse%26dib%3DeyJ2IjoiMSJ9.fUnxYNMumW8Xh-ntOcYcOl_VKLhFaqD4T0w-3-Adq0PvMFLgjWKHwwC34sjama8n.XibckiRrnfGsdXNBWtayO--XJ33_1u_a4oo43qh_nuU%26dib_tag%3Dse%26keywords%3Dgreenhouse%26pd_rd_i%3DB07T4NX6Q3%26pd_rd_r%3Decf8486a-4449-4078-9f65-29cd08265765%26pd_rd_w%3DKkGRe%26pd_rd_wg%3DWvUaU%26pf_rd_p%3D140400a7-1208-46ad-8d2a-eb6e8eac81b5%26pf_rd_r%3DRMHQGHXG6VCP4SZDFRYD%26qid%3D1729277685%26sbo%3DRZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D%26sprefix%3Dgreenhouse%2Cspecialty-aps%2C131%26sr%3D1-2-6024b2a3-78e4-4fed-8fed-e1613be3bcce-spons%26srs%3D119011799011%26sp_csd%3Dd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9zZWFyY2hfdGhlbWF0aWM%26psc%3D1
Ooohhh! I'd love to have a Christmas tree with Bluetooth! Unfortunately, my tree is pretty new so I can't justify purchasing one.
Have you had issues with your order when ordering online? The last few times I ordered online my order was all messed up...received things I didn't order and missing things I did order.
That sounds yummy!
I'm DEFINITELY trying this!!!
I don't know what the name of this dessert is, but we've called it "Ooo Cake" ever since my young niece saw it and that was her exclamation. And no, there is no cake in it! Ingredients Prepared Brownies (I double or triple my recipe and bake it on a sheet pan) 2 Containers Cool Whip Mini Chocolate Chips Raspberries Directions Once brownies are cool, cut into small pieces (I just crumble with my hands) and place a layer into a 9x13 pan Spread a thin layer of Cool Whip over the crumbled brownies Sprinkle a handful of mini chocolate chips over the Cool Whip layer Drop raspberries around on top of that Repeat layers to the top of the pan Cover and refrigerate overnight This is always a hit with family and co-workers.
Thank you for the prize club prize. As others have stated, such a great place to support!
Tell me how it's October already!!! Seriously, the year just started! Between my crazy life at work (people taking days off and we are short on subs) and things going on at home (hubby just had his 3rd cardioversion on his heart...basically "jump-starting" it to get it back in rhythm...he has a-fib) I haven't really had time to do much else.
Photo #1 "Yay!! Look at everyone getting along and sharing the doorbusters!" Photo #2 Gentleman with the black hat in the center of the picture: "Now I see why my wife slept in and made me come get her $5 can opener." Photo #3 "Mom could have at least left us in the bedding section."
That is one of the best memories of when I was a kid! Let me know if you still need it. It came in today's mail.
Info sent!!
This is always so much fun! I can’t wait to do it again this year!
I love this shirt!
That's something I'll have to check out, sounds like a great idea. Can you share the place that does this? I thought about customized notebooks or journals but didn't know if they'd like them. I might have to do some searching to see what I can find. Adult coloring books sounds like a good idea too.
I got a promotion this year and have 4 people (plus a few substitutes) who report to me. I want to do something special for them for Christmas but don't know where to start. Obviously I don't want to break the bank, yet I want to let them know how much I appreciate their hard work. I know about the Kohls throws, but I did those last year for my co-workers so I'm looking for something different. (But who's to say I won't buy a few for myself) Any ideas are welcome!
I'm not really looking for anything specific at this point. I honestly don't expect any great sales or deals, just as the past few years have shown us. Sure, there are places that have "sales", but nothing earth-shattering like years ago. It seems like all the stores have the same things on sale every year and those sales aren't that great anymore.
I miss Black Friday the way it used to be but love this site for all the fun and information.
Wow, what great prizes!!
I'm so sorry for your loss. We always had great Christmases because of my mom and after her passing 10 years ago I was determined to keep it up as well. Hugs.