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Everything posted by sissykus

  1. My son has the Bounce and Spin Zebra and will not play with it. He will spin the light up part but won't sit on it long enough to take his feet off the ground. LOL
  2. I agree with going with diapers. I would not buy the inexpensive kind, especially if you are making the diaper cake. I had tons of those and I hated cheap diapers, ended up throwing most away. I use pampers and they work best for my son. Being breastfed, he pooped many, many times a day and the cheap diapers just don't hold up. But I agree diapers are the best gift to give, and you can never have too many.
  3. Junie B. Jones series is great, also Magic Tree House series, also From the Black Lagoon series very funny
  4. I got the one from walmart before thanksgiving for 398 and it is great, this one is similar if not the same and has accessories. http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=5390911
  5. my husband saw this thread and loved it LOL
  6. My son, just turned one, fits into the category of 'has everything'. However, you can never really have everything. I would ask the parents for ideas, but something my son got for xmas which was awesome, was an inflatable ball pit. It can go inside or outside, we have it in our living room and it really does not take up much space. It is only $19.99!!!! http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2267466&cp=&sr=1&f=Taxonomy%2FTRUS%2F2254197&origkw=little+tikes+carnival&kw=little+tikes+carnival&parentPage=search http://img49.imageshack.us/img49/3909/ballpitii4.jpg Just keep in mind the mobility of the child, mine has been walking for a while so this is great for him but if the one year old you are looking for is only crawling, this may not be ideal.
  7. They did have the disney mix stick mp3 player at disneystore online. I got the nightmare before christmas one for myself, I am 30 :) They are about 50 bucks and they have the whole theme of high school musical on them, orange and all. http://disneyshopping.go.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/DSIProductDisplay?catalogId=10002&storeId=10051&productId=1198798&langId=-1&categoryId=14636
  8. This is the cheapest I could find it. http://cgi.ebay.com/Nintendo-DS-Nintendogs-Dalmation-Case-Folio-Kit_W0QQitemZ290064273567QQcmdZViewItem
  9. I have one and they are great (yes I am an adult). I saw a couple of used ones for 119.99 at our local software etc. store. they usually guarantee used items.
  10. Sorry if this is a repeat or if it is in the wrong place, but I recently gained a subcribed thread and I have no idea what that means or what to do with it. help
  11. CVS always has candy really cheap and other stuff
  12. sissykus

    Wrapping paper

    Tear it up!!!
  13. forgot to mention this is his first bday so this is all new for me to decide
  14. I was just wondering if anyone else is trying to plan a child's birthday party now too? My son's bday is the 26th so we barely have time to breathe from xmas before we do the birthday party. I definitely distinguish between the two and treat both occasions equally. How about you? Are you dealing with this situation too?
  15. I thank you for your opinion, Have a merry Christmas
  16. Then perhaps you are superwoman who never gets tired, good for you.
  17. I was just wondering if you have any children of your own? Being too lazy to chase them around, and wanting to take one day out of the year to not call his name all day and chase him around someone else's house to see what he is in to are two different things. Noone else there watches their children or cares what theirs do. My son is not a bad child and he is only 11 1/2 months old, but he is very strong and very curious. If someone in my family told me that I could not bring a gate to their house because gates were not allowed would get laughed at. I would not even visit if they could not empathize with me. As I asked before you didn't mention having children and I was wondering if you have any and have chased them around all day every day and if you ever needed to rest. I personally do not believe in asking someone else to watch my child while I am there. I am home with my child 24/7 because I can't find a teaching job. I am not lazy and I am very aware of my child's mental developments as well as his need for mobility and exploration. I am not meaning to come across angry or resentful towards your comments but this is a constant battle for me with my family and inlaws.
  18. It makes me crazy to take my one year old toddler to people's homes that are not child proofed. My mother who has my sister and other 1 year old grandson living with her, has a house that is not childproofed. I had to chase my son everywhere on TG and keep him from sticking his fingers in the outlets. I have decided that on Christmas I am going to just have to take the outlet covers with me and scout out all the outlets. I am also taking the gates with me. I took them to MIL for TG and people had to keep stepping over it the whole time. I felt bad at first but I need to rest on the holidays and not chase my son everywhere, if people have to step, let 'em step.
  19. I feel everyone's pain. I cannot stand my inlaws. I thougt it was bad before but this year I have a 1 year old son to take to their non-childproofed home.
  20. Thanks guys, I will try the links
  21. Does anyone have a recipe for cream filled chocolates? I have searched everywhere and all I can find is truffles. I dont want centers mixed with chocolate, I want a recipe for the chocolates like you buy in a box that has a variety like raspberry cream filled and maple.
  22. I definitely do this. My husband did this to me a few years ago when he was going to propose. He put my engagement ring in a stuffed cat that had a zipper belly and wrapped the cat inside an empty wrapping paper roll. I had no idea what I was about to open. It was a great surprise.
  23. Thank you all so much, I will check them all out. I have looked at my family dollar and didnt have any there
  24. has anyone seen Bob the Builder Christmas paper either?
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