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Everything posted by leefamily23

  1. Fisher-Price GeoTrax Disney/Pixar Cars 2 Acer and Talking Holley Shiftwell List Price: $11.99 Price: $6.99 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details You Save: $5.00 (42%) http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51Z%2BFtNLYDL._AA300_.jpg http://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-GeoTrax-Disney-Talking-Shiftwell/dp/B004QF0N34/ref=sr_1_39?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1322965117&sr=1-39
  2. LeapFrog Count And Scan Shopper List Price: $24.99 Price: $19.94 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details You Save: $5.05 (20%) http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/4118Otd5J5L._SL500_AA300_.jpg http://www.amazon.com/LeapFrog-Count-And-Scan-Shopper/dp/B00455YOZ8/ref=sr_1_2?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1322964964&sr=1-2 Cheaper by a few dollars than anywhere else I could find
  3. I just got the copy of the list for my 9yr old niece. She requested: Uggs Laptop Cell Phone DS Games Jewelry Making Supplies Clothes Squinkies
  4. This was my thoughts exactly. I couldn't believe the number of 13-18yr old-ish kids just hanging out at the mall. Honestly, they were obnoxious. This is a mall that normally doesn't see more than a small amount of this. However, we were there from 1-3am and they were everywhere. They weren't spending money just hanging out in large groups, goofing around, clogging up the walkways. I was really annoyed. I made the comment to my sister that when we'd go out early in the morning we didn't encounter this because they weren't getting up that early. What I really didn't understand was, WHY these kids were allowed out that night in the middle of the night! My son had an 11pm curfew until he turned 18 earlier this year. We did see one group of about 8 that were jumping around, knocking into people, they even were going through garbage cans. Being totally obnoxious. Oh, then we seen them again a bit later w/ the 2 "mom's" who must of brought them, they were sweet angels then. There was a little girl that really stuck out in my head. I'd guess she was 5 or 6 years old. I seen her around 2am w/ what I am guessing is her dad walking through the mall. The poor thing was just dragging. I mean she looked downright exhausted. I felt really bad for her. More than kids was the number of very pregnant women I seen out. Oh I should say that I seen out and complaining about standing in long lines "while they are very obviously, very pregnant". I heard this more than a handful of times. I am not sure if they thought they should get to move to the front. Unfortunately, if you are "very pregnant" it was probably safer and more comfortable to stay home that one shopping night.
  5. Simon Flash List Price: $29.99 Price: $15.00 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details You Save: $14.99 (50%) http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51OCViKNR0L._SL500_AA300_.jpg http://www.amazon.com/SIMON-32730-Simon-Flash/dp/B004UC4RVM/ref=sr_1_1?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1322371771&sr=1-1
  6. The stories are terrible and there is no excuse for people to hurt anyone over saving a few bucks. That being said, why oh why do people continue to take babies and toddlers out with them to these sales. When will people finally stop doing that?
  7. Blip Toys Squinkies Hello Kitty Dispenser List Price: $24.99 Price: $16.99 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details You Save: $8.00 (32%) http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41lgyF9G1jL._SL500_AA300_.jpg http://www.amazon.com/Blip-Toys-Squinkies-Hello-Dispenser/dp/B00514NCLE/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1322317492&sr=8-12
  8. Does it give you anything to print out to give as a gift??
  9. Well, after little success last night I decided to get back up and out just before 8am this morning. I was very suprised. First, the parking lots were empty. I walked right up to every register w/o a line, except JCPenney's were I had to wait behind 3 people (still not bad at all!!). This morning we hit up Walmart first (my 3rd trip there since 10pm last night). They had a TON of TV's left. All different types. They even had the $188 TV left. They had the towels too. I was looking for the $2.xx waffle maker, but they didn't have that nor any movies or games left. I wanted to get that RCA Wi-Fi streaming device, which was at it's normal price, and I did get that. So, I can't say it was a bargain by any means. We then went to Penney's, I got all the clothes I was looking for from the kids department. We headed to Target at shortly after 9am. They had almost some of everything left. They even had a ton of DVD's left. We picked up an Xbox from there (totally unexpected, but dh has been wanting one of his own and they still had a pallet of them out). Made our way to Gamestop for the pre-owned game sale (dh needed his own games now). Checked out Fashion Bugs sale. Then made my way to TJ Maxx, where I absolutely scored. I got my teen ds 2 pairs of jeans, 2 shirts, and a timberland sweatshirt for $47.xx. No sale here, but amazing clearance deals!!!
  10. Just got back. We headed to Walmart at just after 9pm, there wasn't a parking spot to be had anywhere. After being directed around the back of the store several times, we left and decided to go do TRU first. At about 9:45pm, the line for TRU was still outside, but it only took about 15 minutes to get inside. I went and found the end of the line while my sister shopped (I needed nothing from here). She got everything on her list but 1 item. It took just about 2 hours to the minute to get through the check out line. Personally I thought TRU was really organized with their line this year. They had a lot of associates directing people and lots os signage for the line. Appearantly not everyone was intelligent enough to follow direction. When we made our way to the front there was a lot of ruckus going on because about 100 people had formed their own line and were trying to merge w/ the main line that was clearly labeled. There was A LOT of yelling and a little shoving. Several people had their merchandise removed by associates and were ejected from the store. They were mad because they had been waitining for 30-40 minutes in their self made line, but in reality those of us who COULD follow directions waited 2 hours. It was so clearly labled, there is no way to of mistaken it. I am sorry, but those people claiming ignorance were just trying to cheat the system. We headed back to Walmart and found parking easy but there was a lot of yelling and arguing about line formation in the store, and it was getting nasty. We took a quick walk through what looked like a disaster zone and headed out. They still had the $188 TV's. and this was at about 1am. The mall was our next stop. All the small stores were open along w/ Macy's, Best Buy and Bon Ton. I could not believe that Sears nor JC Penney's were open, nor was the food court. I checked out Pac Sun, and I got better deals last weekend. I checked out Bath and Body, same deal they've been running just a massive line. The quality of the doorbusters at Bon Ton, I thought was sub-par. My sister did good at Kids Gap and Aeropostale. After the mall we ended up heading home. What really had me shaking my head was how many 12-16 yr olds were just hanging out in large groups at the mall. It really made it hard to navigate. Seriously, why weren't these kids home???? I think when the mall didn't open until morning they didn't get up to go hang out, but w/ it opening at midnight they were out in full force. All in all, I saved a nice little chunk of change to make a dent in my shopping and I bought NOTHING! Second year in a row. This is my 19th year straight going out on BF. I really think it's the nighttime thing for me. I find it harder to have the energy or the will to bother w/ the crowds or the lines. I am too tired and just ready for bed after a long Thanksgiving Day. I was iffy on going out this year at all, because I found it hard to stay up all night last year. I think that this year decided it for me, I'm pretty sure my BF day's are done.
  11. Last year I had absolutely zero money to spend on BF. I still went w/ my BF partner, my sister. It is about the deals, but it's also our day to do something together every year. So, I still had a blast going and helping her chase down bargains and spending that time together. T
  12. I will hopefully sleep in!! I think I will run to Walgreens, check out the Thanksgiving Day sales, grab the paper (thankful for a small town they always still have them). Come home watch the parade (I will DVR it), then go to my moms around 3pm. We will head out of there around 7:30 to run home, get changed and go get in line w/ my sister. Thanksgiving falls on my dh's birthday this year, so the only change will be if he wants something special for breakfast.
  13. High of 57 w/ a low of 42. Much nicer than usual. We've been out in windchills hovering at zero w/ driving snow!!
  14. If she has kids, maybe getting those toy deals BF is how she'll get them gifts. Anyhow, when mine and dh's payday has fallen on the Friday after Thanksgiving, the check is there on Thursday morning instead of Friday. It has something to do w/ when the bank processes. Maybe she'll get lucky and that will happen.
  15. I am getting amped up for Friday, it's almost here anyhow what was your best every deal you got on BF? Mine was my husband. 14 years ago I literally bumped into him in the toy department at Walmart right after opening. I was on the hunt for some Hot Wheels that were on sale. I went to go say I was sorry to the person I just rammed into (I don't lose my manners on BF) and when I looked up it was a "boy" I had dated in school almost 10 years prior. He had been my first "real" boyfriend and when he moved out of state to live w/ his dad we lost touch. I hadn't seen him in almost all those years, but we recognized each other right away. In the middle of the massive crowd we talked for only a moment and exchanged numbers. We started dating again the following week and got married 2 years later. He is truly my best find on Black Friday. If I had to pick merchandise :-), I'd have to go w/ a PSP deal at Walmart a few years back. They claimed they were out, when someone spotted some in the back of the electronics case. I just happened to be standing right there, so I got only 1 of 3 left.
  16. I don't think I'd chance it. It gets crazy. I think there are the random people who didn't forget their manners, but they are far outnumbered by the rude ones.
  17. I am thinking about 8pm. There are a few things on my list, probably not the hottest items out there. I am also of the mindset, if I get them great, if not I will find other bargains in December.
  18. Bizu TV Style Studio List Price: $29.99 Price: $14.95 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details You Save: $15.04 (50%) http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/513uIdNDx8L._AA300_.jpg http://www.amazon.com/Bizu-20029277-TV-Style-Studio/dp/B004OSQOHW/ref=sr_1_27?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1321678355&sr=1-27 Alex My Wooden Flower Press List Price: $19.99 Price: $11.43 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details You Save: $8.56 (43%) http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51V23GFQZGL._SL500_AA300_.jpg http://www.amazon.com/Alex-My-Wooden-Flower-Press/dp/B000BX1ZSM/ref=sr_1_93?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1321678548&sr=1-93 Alex Pony Jewelry List Price: $6.99 Price: $4.76 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details You Save: $2.23 (32%) http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61WeozR1IdL._SL500_AA300_.jpg http://www.amazon.com/Alex-Toys-494P-Pony-Jewelry/dp/B0038Z0DZQ/ref=sr_1_177?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1321678734&sr=1-177
  19. Crayola Story Studio Fairy Tale Maker Princesses List Price: $14.99 Price: $7.99 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details You Save: $7.00 (47%) http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51jkB5kKIwL._SL500_AA300_.jpg http://www.amazon.com/Crayola-Story-Studio-Fairy-Princesses/dp/B004Z1JTSO/ref=sr_1_13?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1321678130&sr=1-13
  20. Crayola Color Wonder Magic Light Brush with Metallic Paper List Price: $29.99 Price: $16.96 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details You Save: $13.03 (43%) http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61-p6H%2BXaBL._SL500_AA300_.jpg http://www.amazon.com/Crayola-Color-Wonder-Magic-Metallic/dp/B0027ACIII/ref=sr_1_7?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1321678130&sr=1-7
  21. I think as long as you are okay w/ going and knowing you may end up w/ nothing then give it a try. In years past (back to the good old early openings of 4-6am) my sister and I would go out around 2am do the doorbuster openings then head to the mall and places like Fashion Bug. After getting home in the early afternoon, I'd sleep for a few hours and then always go back out and hit Walmart again. I'd almost always be able to pick up a random doorbuster or 2 that was still left over (and they were still giving the morning price on). Last year though, we went to 3 Walmarts in the evening and there was not 1 item to be had. It seemed the midnight opening changed that strategy for us. Though maybe the people who didn't arrive until early morning were able to pick up some things (if you put it into time perspective).
  22. I don't think it will be. It took us 2 hours to get into TRU last year from our place in line. We got there 2 hours before opening (so 4 hours total in line outside), then 2 more hours in the store. Now I do think w/ the other stores opening sooner that the line at TRU won't be as bad this year, I just don't think it will be doable to be in the store and out in under 30 minutes. They seem to have the slowest check-out lines of anyone.
  23. I like wrapping the gifts. Though santa's never come w/ bows and ribbons because "the elves are too busy". All the others get the works though. I usually do it for a for a few hours each the 2 weekends before Christmas.
  24. I am the opposite, my birthday is November 23rd (dh is actually Nov. 24th) and I use my birthday as an excuse to get the tree up. I love having it up, always have. We usually put it up the weekend before my birthday so I can enjoy the whole house decorated on my birthday. We will be doing ours next weekend to keep w/ that tradition.
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