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Everything posted by Cheri17

  1. got the 50:D I love lottso,and now stuck on the new scrabble.
  2. thanks to all of you .Im off to check out some of these stores. will let you know how I made out.
  3. so cool.thanks,between macy's and kohl's Im replacing all my old cookware.:)
  4. Don't think Ive heard of Forever 21 ,will do a search thanks. Also for Pac Sun :)
  5. Thanks everyone, I will try penny's and the other stores as well.Its hard cause she needs clothes to wear in an office and I thought i would look for her bithday,but its really hard ,but thanks for the help . cheri
  6. Looking for a place to buy size 0 to 1-2 for my daughter. its so hard to buy her anything.She's tiny.This is adult sizes not childrens. Thanks for any ideas.
  7. soooo funny,lol, but at least your on the ball.
  8. I was told costco was really good, better overall than the others and you dont have to be a member to use the pharmacy.
  9. Does JCPenny ever have codes for free shipping or discounts? I couldn't find any. Thanks all:)
  10. i live in massachusetts ,maybe its only certain areas ,but nice razor.
  11. Braun Contour system. model #5790
  12. I was just at Walgreens and they have this electric shaver for $22.00. It is model #5790 and sells from 52.00 on ebay to $113.00 on Amazon.Great fathers day gift.
  13. Just so you know,please be careful if you hire a company to move you. A friend of mine moved from ma. to Florida and lost everything.They changed the price on her and held her stuff hostage.They were older and didnt have that kind of money .The company sold all their stuff.They have been on the news up here.It seems these guys just change their names and move to another state.The attny.general here issued a warrent for them as they found a lot of people who were scammed this way. On a lighter note,what about a pod.They bring it to you ,you fill it up,they pick it up and deliver it. anyhow good luck with the move....
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