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Posts posted by wright1baby

  1. If you have your receipts go and buy on BF and then Sat return all of the stuff you already bought . I wouldn't return it before BF in case you cant get it again.


    I second that. Don't take your chances if these are exactly what you want. Go for it on BF and attempt to get what you want, if not you have a back-up plan. You may not get all your items, but you may get some and save at least 1/2! $50 is better than $0. Good Luck and hope you get all you BF deals!

  2. I went today, stopped by the service desk before I started shopping to make sure they would do I price adjustment. The rude girl said "NO" before I could even finish my question. Needless to say, I went and asked someone else who of course said "yes", as long as it was within the 14 day window. I filled up my cart and went to check out. As I was checking out, just to put my mind at rest, I asked again. She said she wasn't sure and if she should call someone and ask for me. Of course I said YEAH!! Two girls came over one said yes, within 14 days and then the other one (who was supposed to be the cashiers manager) said technically it wasn't 14 days...HUH?? She said it was within the 14 day ad window. Does it make sense to you?? Me either, I asked numerous times for her to clarify exactly what the policy was and all she could tell me was the purchases I made today could be price adjusted until NEXT Saturday. Good for Black Friday and that was my biggest concern!


    This was my experience...hope everone elses Target has a much clearer policy. Good Luck

  3. Heck if I was Starbucks I'd give it away free. Great advertising free of charge. So it cost $100 in coffee, but they would gain some very happy customers I'm sure. What better way to advertise that 400 people walking around town with a Starbuck's cup in hand?

    Definately a Captured Audience:hiya:
  4. I know for a fact that our local Petsmart only carries rescue dogs. How do I know? I just adopted the sweetest dog 2 weeks ago. He's a 1 1/2 year old Chihuahua, and he is so well behaived! Even potty trained! I have had "purebred" dogs before and other than the papers, you don't get anything extra. See if you can't feel her out and see how she would feel about rescuing a dog. If she is truely an animal lover, she will fall in love with the fact that she is saving a dogs life and love whatever breed she gets. Good Luck.
  5. You beat me to it nitstalker! Not only does Ms. Lutz neglect to disclose her station's conflict of interest (WSAW is owned by Gray Television Inc., which owns several newspapers), buy she also quotes "executives" of the Wausau Daily Herald, which is owned by what I believe is the nation's largest newspaper conglomerate - Gannett. Looks like another uninformed corporate sell-out piece.


    Wake up Ms. Lutz, we LOVE newspaper inserts!! (especially anybody, executives included, who circumvent the "close guard" to share them in advance of their scheduled publication date)


    I realize that there are many unscrupulous (look it up) websites, just as there are unscrupulous reporters and "news" or media organizations. Had you bothered to investigate this site, including the readily available 2004 archive, complete with postings made AFTER Black Friday, you would have realized that your inclusion of this site in your story was not only inappropriate, but it may even be actionable, due in part to the ludicrous (not the rapper, that would be Ludacris, and this is a family oriented website) use of the term "fraud". However Brad and RossMan are probably both too nice and too busy helping people to bother with a trifling reporter from the 133rd biggest market.


    Ms. Lutz, should you choose to educate yourself, get some great ideas and advice, have some fun, and quite possibly save yourself some money, I am even willing to pay for your membership (they are still free, right?) to GottaDeal. C'mon in & have fun! :bunny: :bunny:


    The end. :gd_soapbo

    Same for me!! LOL! Very well said!


    For those of you who e-mailed...keep us updated!

  6. Anyone familiar with HH Gregg? I am not sure how "local" they are, but I know they have them in Cincinnati and Kentucky. They had some pretty good specials for BF last year. Wondered if you all had heard anything about them? Thanks:howdy:
  7. That's usually the first store I hit each BF :)-

    Me too, but i didn't see anything that I needed to rush there for. Probably hit Walmart then Target, Then see what Circuit City has.
  8. With all of these teases of a Target ad...I don't think traffic on the site is going to slow any...I will be here till I see it! I can't wait!! By the way...Brad & Rossman--I do believe in Santa Clause (either of you have a beard??)
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