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Everything posted by g-man430

  1. Yes, it was a cute idea, but Brad like me doesn't like seeing this forum used up with space that has nothing to do with Black Friday sales.
  2. Selected Best Buy stores in CA, AZ, NV, CO, TX, MN, IL, FL, GA, SC, DC, NY, and MA have a personal shopping assistant program. You can make an appointment on the Black Friday with a shopping assistant who will pull your orders and get them ready for you if you let them know your shopping list ahead of time. This is a sure way to get in and check out quickly on the busiest shopping day at BB. Assistants in some stores even pull doorbursting items but in others may not: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?id=pcmcat58400050008&ref=39&loc=01&type=category&cmp= (click "skip intro" then click "find a store where more is possible")
  3. What exactly is midnight madness? Is it the same thing as blitz from 5-11?
  4. ...because it takes up wasted space on this forum like spam.
  5. Correct. It is from one corner of the screen to the other.
  6. Here is the pdf file about the S.C. tax on Black Friday weekend. Man, i'm glad I live in this state: http://www.sctax.org/NR/rdonlyres/DBBF1F33-078E-47EF-B198-7B5DCEB155A5/0/RR067.pdf
  7. Here is what sucks about where I live- Greenville County: Population: 407,000 Number of Best Buys: 1 Anderson County: Population: somewhere over 100,000 Number of Best Buys: 1 What's wrong with that picture. It's pretty obvious which Best Buy is going to be more crowded. The sad part is that Greenville has 2 Circuit City's and 5-10 Walmarts, but only 1 Best Buy. I wonder why that is? I sure hope they build a new Best Buy soon here, because it is definitely needed. This is why i'm either going to Walmart or the Best Buy in Anderson this year, depending on which one has the best sales. Most likely Walmart will though, because they have that price match guarantee thing.
  8. This is great news seeing how I live in Greenville, which is in the upstate region of South Carolina.
  9. That is the same thing i've heard from my uncle about LCD and plasma TV's, Kamcgrory. Plasma is a better quality picture, but doesn't last as long and is more expensive. I'm hoping to get a LCD 15" this year at Best Buy. My uncle knows a lot about this, because he's an engineer for NASA and works with electronic equipment all the time. :)
  10. Has this been posted yet: http://www.twice.com/article/CA6383869.html
  11. I bring a fanny pack that straps to my belt with the ads in it. I also bring my PSP and watch movies and play games on it, while I wait in line. You'll be suprised how fast time flies by when your hooked on playing a video game.
  12. Hey everyone. My name is Jacob and I live in Greenville, SC :) Went to Radio Shack last year and BestBuy the year before that. Plan on going to BestBuy again this year and getting there at 11 PM hoping to get a LCD tv.
  13. Also, if you want people to stop cutting, just bring a tazer and some pepper spray. That will do the trick.
  14. Hey guys. I'm new here, but have been surfing for sometime. I live in Greenville, SC but went to a bestbuy in Orlando last year. One of my good friends works at the bestbuy in Greenville, but unfortunately wouldn't tell me any hints he has heard about or when the ads might first come out. It was very orderly and no innocents occured from what I could tell. What they did is let only so many people in the store at once and gave the first people in line those tickets if they wanted one and that kept everything calm and smoothly instead of a mad dash like at walmart. I got there about 5am and there were a ton of people in line, but I got everything I wanted and there were free doughnuts and coffee too. :) -This year I plan on going to the one in Anderson, which is the county to the left of Greenville and getting there at 11PM. The reason i'm doing this is because Greenville has 407,000 people while Anderson has somewhere over 100,000 people and they both have one best buy and are equal distance from my house. Pretty obvious which one is going to be more crowded.
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