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Everything posted by doublehsmom

  1. I haven't ever camped out but I have also stood in line for 3hours waiting for a store to open!
  2. My dd4 wanted hand sanitizer last year and we acutally found some Hannah Montana and so we did that as a stocking stuffer.
  3. I am planning on getting my kids a wii for Christmas and I think that the UDRAW thing will be perfect for them the LOVE to draw! Awsome I didn't even know that they had that!
  4. I love the poem that is so cute! Makes it even better!
  5. My kids have been talking about those pillow pets as well I hope that they are on sale I want to get them some as well! :)
  6. My plan this year is to buy one gift every or every other pay period so it doesnt hit us all at once. I buy 1 or 2 gifts each week as well. It helps so much! Normally I have more than what I do this year but I am sure that I will do just fine! My dh gets a Christmas bonus and its really big however he doesn't get it till the week before Christmas (NO WAY I CAN WAIT TILL THEN TO START) so its kind of nice being done way before then and just having that money!
  7. I haven't wrapped any yet I don't have that many. I usually wrap a few here and there but I seem to wrap more when I put my tree up the week before Thankgiving. I hate having an empty tree!
  8. I really like the snowman ornament idea, I think that I'm going to do that with my kids! At first I when I was watcing the video I thought how in the world is that going to trun into a snow man but I guess that I should have read the rest of the post! :) very cute!
  9. I just looked up what I paid for ds dsi last year on black friday and it was 130 it has games with it and also I think that I got a 5 or 10 gc with it as well.
  10. I have everyone that I need to buy for in a spreadsheet, how much I am planning to spend, and an idea for them. I have money put aside for that day! I also check gottadeal EVERY HOUR! :)
  11. I usually just take my ads, blanket, friend, coffee, debit card, gc, scrip, and cell phone! then when we take things to the van either me or a friend wait in line while the other one goes to the van or we do that if we are cold as well. This year I was thinking about taking a bad chair though and not sitting on the ground. Since I live in wisconsin its usually kinda cold here so I do have layers on because I hate wearing a big winter coat when I'm shopping then I can shed layers if needed!
  12. I did it two years ago, my dd was born c section end of oct she was my 3rd all of them were c section so I knew what to expect in the recovery. I was out shopping I did oversleep however (baby not sleeping and remodling carpet got laid that day so we were up really late shoulda just stayed up) But it was so worth it! I took her with me for a few hours then my grandma who lives in the same town that we were shopping in watched her till we got done.
  13. I usually take around 800-1000. I usually have some cash, use my debit card, and then since we have scrip at my ds school I buy $25 to different stores each week from when school starts up until black friday and then that way our tution doesn't go up ( have to spend 1000) and a certian % goes back to the school. I give to dh and he keeps them so I don't spend them. Last year they had the visa cards and it was so nice because I could use them anywhere but they don't have them this year so I have to go back to each store. It all works out in the end though! and NO CREDIT CARDS!!!! thats the best part..lol..
  14. My Thanksgiving and Black Friday routine is since my dads family is so small (just my grandma and my dad left) I have both my mom my dad and then my dh grandma over. (13 kids 104 grandkids and she sits alone on holidays HOW SAD!!! thats why whenever I have a holiday or my parents have one she comes too!) Dh loves it because then he gets to hunt and come in whenever he wants. Then when everyone leaves I hit the sack for an hour or so and then leave around 1-2 for shopping! :) I usually am on top of everything so i have my house ready for thanksgiving and my black friday list already made out and know where I'm going and when I want to be there.
  15. I have 42 people that I buy for, then we also do the gift giving tree at church as well. Thank goodness I have gottadeal or I'm not sure that I could buy for all those people!
  16. I have spent about 350 on each of my children and at first I thought that I went way over board on them but when I was thinking about it and realized that NONE of it was charged it was all cash I thought that was pretty good. They got some really really nice things! I am even still looking for more things for my youngest child shes only one and its a little harder for me to find things for her that I think that she will enjoy that I haven't already gotten her..lol..
  17. I always have the big gift like the bikes and my dd1 is getting a buggy thing to ride it and ds is going to have a john cena chair out but usually its only 1 thing that isn't wrapped and the rest are. 2 years ago I found chirstmas tags that said from santa on them they were so neat and now I can't find them anymore Does anyone know where they sell them? and then each child has different paper that their gifts are wrapped in and they know what ones is theirs then. Then the gifts from dh and I are in sugar cookie wrapping paper that I found that I think is so cute!
  18. we usually have prime rib and shrimp and potatoes and different salads plus all the goodies that everyone bring with them. We always have snack foods there as well.
  19. well at our house santa likes oreos..lol..but he doesn't always get them because the kids always want to leave out the ones that they made. I was just telling my kids this the other day...when I was little I had a letter from santa saying that he would like a beer instead of milk so we left him a beer and he drank it. My kids thought that was the funniest thing.
  20. I do St. Nick with with my kids and my parents did it with me growning up however we didn't put our shoes out we always did our stocking and then they would be at the foot of our bed in the morning when we woke up and I always had a orange,or banana, chap stick and some candy in it and maybe a lottery ticket. nothing too much. My kids haven't rememberd yet but my ds6 goes to a catholic school (the same one I went to growing up and we did it at school) I'm sure they will also do it fri.
  21. ok so since I was reading what everyone else had spend I did a total on what I have spent and so far im at 1500. I dont know if thats good or bad I have all my kids done except for stocking stuffers and my dh is done as well. But as for the rest of the people I thought that I was way further than what I am I still have a lot of people to buy for but I am hoping to have them done by the weekend. Everything I have bought has been with cash! :)
  22. I love pecan pie, the stuffing, and the potatoes...its so hard to choose just one..lol..
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