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Everything posted by PeachieKeen

  1. Amazon Instant Video has yet to load for me on my Wii or PC. Have been trying for 3 days now, so still no credit.
  2. A fun day of shopping with friends & family, and of course standing in lines to be the first to get the deals!!
  3. Bakugan Battle Brawlers, 2' Duo Dragonoid Vs Skyress -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List Price: $10.99 Price: $3.66 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details You Save: $7.33 (67%) http://www.amazon.com/Bakugan-Battle-Brawlers-Dragonoid-Skyress/dp/B001JAH4ZE/ref=pd_rhf_shvl_2 http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41aNYPYHLsL._SL500_AA280_.jpg
  4. Playskool Rose Petal Cottage Cuddles Nursery Set -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List Price: $24.99 Price: $8.81 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details You Save: $16.18 (65%) http://www.amazon.com/Playskool-Petal-Cottage-Cuddles-Nursery/dp/B000XU4LT8/ref=pd_rhf_shvl_40 In Stock. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51WgYEwaBmL._SL500_AA280_.jpg
  5. Hasbro Hulk Deluxe Mighty Smashin' Hulk vs. Hulkbust -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List Price: $16.99 Price: $5.98 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details You Save: $11.01 (65%) http://www.amazon.com/Hasbro-Deluxe-Mighty-Smashin-Hulkbust/dp/B001CMLP4A/ref=pd_rhf_shvl_3 http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41G-AoaUejL._SL500_AA280_.jpg
  6. Wolverine Slashin Action Electronic Logan Originally: $24.99 Sale Price: $7.50 (save $17.49 70%) Eligible for Free SSS http://www.amazon.com/Wolverine-Slashin-Action-Electronic-Logan/dp/B001L7VW30/ref=pd_rhf_shvl_19 http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41KQJjsUlGL._SL500_AA280_.jpg
  7. Dance Maker Shining Stars Single Mat Originally: $24.99 Sale Price: $7.50 (save $17.49 70%) Eligible for Free SSS http://www.amazon.com/Dance-Maker-Shining-Stars-Single/dp/B0018OKAMK/ref=pd_rhf_shvl_16 http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41Kq5T-VtIL._SL500_AA280_.jpg
  8. High School Musical 3 Mystery Date Game Originally: $14.99 Sale Price: $5.28 (save $9.71 65%) Eligible for Free Super Saver Shipping http://www.amazon.com/High-School-Musical-Mystery-Date/dp/B0019LB5J4/ref=pd_rhf_shvl_5 Sorry, don't know how to post pictures http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51Bjv9aEuxL._SL500_AA280_.jpg
  9. Got in on Soft Soap too...
  10. it's funny this was posted today, one of my co-workers told me this morning she plans on starting her christmas shopping this weekend to get ahead of the game. I'm forever a procrastinator and too excited about the BF deals to start this early :)
  11. Some of them are "pre-shaped"...if you have a Lane Bryant around you, I would go and take a look at what the different styles are in person. I know exactly what you mean though. I have one particular bra type that I just really love so I'm comfortable with buying it online, but I know how it can be to buy bras without having tried them on.
  12. Thank you!!! I love their bras!! And I just got 4 bras for $63 shipped! Some additional coupon codes: $25 off $75 025009972 $50 off $150 050009961 $75 off $225 075009953
  13. Charleston Clock now priced at 77.95
  14. I second that...have ordered tons of stuff from them, always been satisfied, and you can't beat their prices!
  15. Would anyone care to share the games that you play for exchanging gifts? We are doing a VERY LOW COST christmas, and we want to make this fun for the adults, we love watching the kids, but we have a few young adults who haven't quite learned the joys of just enjoying the season, so I am trying to come up with a gift exchange game that we could play that might make this a little easier on the young adults who are just coming to terms of what it is not to be one of the "kids" anymore and getting only a $5 gift. I saw the name of a game, Dirty Santa, what is that? HOw do you play? We've always just done a general gift exhange, drawing names, and placing a price limit....in an effort to keep everyone happy, we are trying to spice it up this year, and I don't know much about these games people play...
  16. My family is not drawing names this year, so we are trying to think of a fun inexpensive game to play with like $5 gifts or so among the adults. I have heard of people playing games when they exhange gifts and I was wondering if any of you could share your game ideas with me? Thanks! (I searched for a similar thread, but couldn't find one, so feel free to merge me if I have asked something that is already being discussed.) :)
  17. I have two trees and both are just a menagerie of ornaments and such....no kinda theme in my house, other than both of my trees seem to have plenty of pig ornaments because I love pig ornaments for whatever reason!! :)
  18. I have my BF/Christmas savings, however, the economy is very bad off and that does frighten me. So, I will definitely be spending less....the $ will come in more handy should I need it for things like bills, etc. a little on down the road.
  19. We have to schedule a vacation day, which is very hard to do because it's a skeleton crew around here....so if they don't let me off I go shopping before work!
  20. Last year I did BF alone!! I did not want the same fiasco from two years ago! Two years ago, my mom wants to go BF shopping with me, that's all fine and good, so we agree to meet at the Target by my house at whatever time for our first store and then we were going to go from there. Well it's BF morning and I am sitting in the parking lot at the Target by my house and I see nothing of my mother anywhere!!! I get out stand in line (which is around the building I might add) and there is still no sign of my mother. I have stood there for 15 minutes by this time and the store is getting ready to open (after I had already waiting for 5 in my car) and I finally called my mom and asked her where the heck she was at....she says I'm waiting for you at the Target, where are you at? I tell her I'm standing in line...she says there's no line here, they opened early and everyone's already inside!!! I'm freaking out by this time.... As it turns out, she went to a different Target! Another Target that is by my house but not near as close as the one I had gone to. So I had my mom picking up the items that I wanted and I hopped out of line and quietly went to the Target that was already open (there was only a few more minutes before they were supposed to be open, but I didn't really need to stand in that line anymore). That is the funny part!! The part that's not so funny is that it took me literally TWO HOURS to get my mother out of that Target and onto the next store. So never again will I do Black Friday with my mom becuase she does not know the meaning of the word HURRY!!! :)
  21. PeachieKeen

    too soon?

    I was more than shocked to see the Ace ad on here earlier.....so yeah, I'll agree a little later is better...but since it's here, we gotta look at it!! :)
  22. Thanks for this OP.....got this for a friend for a bday present!
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