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Everything posted by comm402

  1. The price was showing $2.99 for me too but it adjusted to $1.79 once they were in my cart.
  2. I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this so please forgive me if its not. I'm not able to get out this year and was wondering if anyone remembers at what time last year did the black friday sale items become available online at the sale prices. I seem to remember things being on sale on Thanksgiving Day at some stores but can't remember if Target was one of them. Thanks so much for any help :)
  3. We have tried and tried to no avail. We have tried to suggest the pick a name out of hat thing since the family is so large. You would think we suggest to put the in-laws in a nursing home the reaction was so bad. We have tried not going to the family Christmas party, they come over here with gifts. We have tried explaining it to them, nope, no good either. I am not looking forward to tomorrow.
  4. I agree with this 100%. I understand the concept of its the thought that counts but I find it mean and hurtful when the giver clearly put no thought into the gift. My MIL knows that my oldest DD HATES anything pink. Now remember, she KNOWS this and every year she buys her some type of pink clothing. She has been asked over and over not to buy clothes for this child and yet this has gone on for years. Uh, hello? Now exactly what thought does that convey? I find it to be not only mean but insulting. I have to ask, then why do you bother to ask people? I mean the point of giving someone a gift is, I would hope, to give them something that THEY would find interesting. If you wanna buy something that YOU find interesting then go shopping for yourself.
  5. IMO your making the right choice. It will be a help to mom that the kids have new toys to keep them occupied when the baby comes. I can say that I know where she is coming from. Many times we have not been able to buy gifts for the family, (14 kids + 8 adults), and no matter how many times we beg them not to get us anything they ignore us. I know about the spirit of giving and everything but to be perfectly honest all it does is make me feel like I'm a piece of dirt. Its nice to know that someone cares but its also humiliating to show up for Christmas dinner and get presents but have nothing to give. I don't mean to threadjack or whine but sometimes I wish they would just respect our wishes and let us have some dignity and not make us feel like leeches. Sometimes you just need to let people keep their pride.
  6. I am glad that your job is the one "for you", it always makes life easier when you like what you do everyday. Please, though, you really don't know much about me so don't presume to tell me what I do and do not know anything about. For your information I was a police dispatcher for over 6 years and had DAILY dealings with our local school district. Alot of those dealings were requests for officers to take reports about incidents that occurred on school buses. Alot of what was called in for me to document and send a response to was a far cry from your "no problems here". I also have 4 children still in our school district who ride the buses every single day and come home and talk about what goes on during the bus ride. On more than 1 occassion I have had to drive down the street and pick up my older kids when the students on the bus behaved so badly the driver pulled over and called the police. I also see how the kids act when my kids get dropped off everyday. I am also close friends with more than 1 bus driver and they talk about their jobs without the sunny, happy, no problems here attitude you have. As a matter of fact they all portray their jobs as low pay, (they all make less than your $11.50), high stress, and bad hours.
  7. I don't have any chip on my shoulder for children, I adore children. I should, I have 5 of them and babysit 2 and I am very involved in the girls school. So, since you clearly did not understand what I saying, let me explain... its their parents I have a problem with, especially the ones who feel that it is ok to let their kids run wild and tear up a crowded toy store in the middle of the holiday shopping season and then leave the mess for the employees to clean up. I was also talking about the idiot customers that leave small children to play unattended and either wander away or get hurt. I even had a woman come up to me one time and yell at me that she couldn't find her 3 year old, (that she left alone playing at the train table while she shopped), and that it was somehow my fault since I wasn't watching him, (from across the store where she found me stocking shelves). How could I possibly blame the child for that? I actually felt sorry for the kid. IMO that is clear neglect. If mom and dad were doing their jobs then jr. wouldn't be a problem now would he? That is what I was talking about. annelay6 ~ please read the above and please re-read my other post... if all the parents picked up after their kids like you say you do then I would not have had to stay 2 hours past closing every night cleaning up. Again, I DO NOT have a problem with kids, I have a problem with the parents not doing their jobs.
  8. OMG!!!! LMAO!!!! Get a job as a school bus driver if you are burnt out from customer service!!!! Thats a good one!!!! Did you ever think there is a reason your company is always hiring? Talk about a thankless job. I would rather clean Target's bathrooms all day then put up with the kids from this generation and their parents "not my child" attitudes. MMM40 ~ I know what you mean. People used to come into the toy store, (not TRU), I worked at during the holiday season and by the end of my shift the only thought going through my head was that I would love to follow them home and trash their homes the way they let their kids trash my store. These people would let their kids rip open packages, leave things on the floors, break things, touch things with their dirty little hands, spill things, and knock over displays while the parents turned a blind eye. To top off all that they would let their kids do these things right in front of employees. Ask them to stop and see what you get, you get a customer complaining that you told their child not to do something. It didn't matter how nicely you said it either. Now before I get 100 lectures that I should have been talking to the parents... I would have loved to have talked to the parents, and I did, when you could find them. But instead of watching their children people used to come in and shop and let little Suzzie and little Johnny play with the display toys while they shopped. Now here this kid is about to wander out into the mall or about to pull a display down on their heads, what are you suppossed to do? Let them get hurt or tell them come on honey don't touch that, lets find mommy and get a customer complaint? Well guess what? The last time I went through a customer service class I do not recall seeing anything about babysitting. On top of that I used to get yelled at for all sorts of things. I had people yell at me because I could not tell them if a computer game would work on their computer. I had people yell at me because I couldn't tell them if the doll clothes they were buying would fit their child's doll... that was at home! I could go on here forever listing the things that I got yelled at that had nothing to do with me. One other thing before anyone makes the other comment getting thrown around here, I was looking for a new job during the time I worked there and putting in applications. I was not in a position to quit until I found a job with equal pay and one that could give me a certain amount of hours so I had to stick it out there until I found something else. Which anyone who has ever applied for a job knows can take weeks.
  9. Your welcome. I guess that you and I are the only human beings here, which is why I CHOOSE not to be in the customer service field anymore. Most customers are more rude or ignorant than any employee that I have ever met.
  10. While I can see the valid points of all sides of this arguement I would like to point out 1 small thing. It seems that people here are always posting that TRU has bad customer service be it in store or online or when you call corporate, (remember the fiasco with the 12 deals of Christmas last year?). So why even bother shopping there when it is common knowledge that they are not only overpriced but their employees have the tendancy to be rude and uneducated about promotions and customer service? One other thing, while the employee's choice of language was indeed unacceptable if she was on the sales floor where she could be heard by others the fact that she is not aware of a promotion? Gimme a break! TRU currently has how many different sales running right now? and the employees are expected to memorize everyone of them? I too have worked retail , (plus in-store unadvertised specials), and in a large store there is no way that you can keep track of every single promotion. Remember everything while attending to the needs of the customers in front of you, ringing people up, watching out for shoplifters, answering the phones, answering the questions of people who have no clue about what they buying, and on top of that you are suppossed to know about every product you sell and what is compatible with what, etc... its not an easy job even for the most people friendly person.
  11. First off, can I be your kid on Christmas? I promise to do good in school and clean my room! Seriously though, its a tough call. I don't see where giving him only 1 small gift would be a bad thing. You could give him the nano and hold the Wii as an incentive for him to clean up his act. When he earns it let him have it but remind him that what mom giveth mom can taketh away if you know what I mean. You could also give him a bunch of "needs" instead of wants if you feel that you need to even things out. Give him some jeans and socks and that sort of thing so at least he will have the same amount of gifts as his sisters. Like the other poster mentioned, do what you feel you need to do.
  12. Uh huh, thought for a minute I was clicking on something in the adult forums! However, this is the first time I have ever seen my DH interested in the TRU ad!!! He wanted to know if everything on the page was 15% off!!! MEN!!!
  13. So far the only thing that excited me about black friday was Kohl's offering 50% off all Littlest Pet Shop. Then I looked at what they say are their regular prices and that was that. Their regular price - 50% off = the same price as everyone else any day of the week. I guess I'm sleeping in this year.
  14. I have had 2 past rebates go missing. Both times I called they had me fax everything to them and they credited my giftcard. You should be able to all the number on the website and they should have you fax everything over. You still have to get the November rebates postmarked on time or they will not honor them.
  15. The bundle thing is what kept me from buying one last year. Everytime I came across one t was a bundle and I just did not have that kind of money to spend on 1 present. Good luck on getting one!
  16. Ok, sorry to all. It was really early in the morning when I was typing. I went back and made the Tuesday specials bold to help clarify what will be available that day. Hope this helps.
  17. Sorry, the ad is just as confusing. The Jungle book price is good all week.
  18. The Wii is on sale the 11th - 17th
  19. Here are the sales for 11/11 - 11/17. Sorry I cannot post scans of the ad I do not have a scanner or a digital camera. PAGE 1 Free CD Exclusive Disney Channel Hits w/ ANY Hannah Montana , High School Musical, or Cheetah Girls purchase of $40 or more. In-Store Only, Excludes Video Games Hannah Montana Dance Mat (includes instructional DVD) $29.99 Hannah Montana Acoustic Guitar $69.99 High School Musical Dolls Gift Set $49.99 High School Musical & Hannah Montana Video Games $5 off Hannah Montana Spotlight World Tour - Wii $44.99 / NDS 24.99 High School Musical Makin' the Cast - NDS 24.99 High School Musical Sing It! (microphone included) - Wii 54.99 / PS2 44.99 Coupon for the free $10 GC w/ purchase of $75 or more PAGE 2 Totally My Pet! (this is for real dogs!) Faux Fur Bed $39.99 Sweater $12.99 Collar $9.99 Faux Fur Jacket $14.99 Bowl $4.99 Plush Toy $5.99 FREE White Bites Treat with ANY Totally My Pet purchase, $2 value, In-Store only. ZIZZLE Spotz Maker $19.99 (was 24.99) Spotz Accessories $12.99 Totally Me! Craft Sets BUY 2 GET THE 3RD FREE, In-Store Only Totally Me! Makeup Duffle Bag $24.99 (was 29.99) Totally Me! Shower Sampler $5.99 (was 10.99) Totally Me! Initial Glitter Hobo $9.99 (was 14.99) PAGE 3 Video Journal $19.99 (was 29.99) TV Games $29.99 (was 39.99) Choose from Designer's World or Dream Life Superstar BratzLife TV Game $29.99 (was 39.99) RADICA $49.99 (was 59.99) Girl Crush Streak & Style $19.99 Bonnie Bell 12pc Smackers Gift Set $19.99 Girl Crush Jewelry Maker 4pk $19.99 PAGE 4 Epson Stylus CX74 Printer $19.99 WHEN YOU BUY ANY DIGITAL CAMERA (was 69.99) Casio Exilim Digital Camera $279.99 (Ad says before $30 instant savings) Sakr 5.1 MP Digital Camera $59.99 (was 79.99) GE 7MP Pink Digital Camera $99.99 (Ad says before $10 instant savings) Case Logic Pockets Case Camera Bag $4.99 (was 9.99) 1GB SanDisk Media Card $19.99 (was 29.99) IN-STORE TUESDAY 11/13 Microsoft Zune Digital Media Player 4GB pink or black $149.99 8GB black or red 199.99 FREE $20 GC when you buy Zune 4GB or 8GB with ANY Zune Accessory, In-Store Only PAGE 5 Your Choice of HASBRO Games $19.99 each Silly 6 Pins Bowling Don't Wake Daddy Fishin Around Deluxe Candyland Mr. Buket Littlest Pet Shop Guess Who $17.99 FREE Hi Ho Cherry-O Game when you buy ANY of the above HASBRO games (10.99 value) Your Choice Cardinal Games Houses 16.99 (was 19.99-21.99) Mickey's Club Shrek Dora 20% off DVD Games Disney Pictionary $23.99 (was 29.99) High School Musical $19.99 (was 24.99) Hannah Montan $19.99 (was 24.99) Nickelodeon Bingo $18.39 (was 22.99) Disney Bingo $18.39 (was 22.99) Funkeys Starter Set 14.99 (was 19.99) Funkeys Singles 6.99 Swypeout Starter Set $24.99 Swypeout Booster $9.99 FREE Swypeout Booster with the purchase of Swypeout Starter Set PAGE 6 & 7 40% OFF All Charater clothing & character athletic shoes PAGE 8 40% OFF Select Sleepwear Sizes 2-7 40% OFF Slippers & Winter Boots PAGE 9 BABY BUYS Buy 1, Get 1 50% OFF Carter's Basic/Hanging Layette, Sleepwear and 2-Piece Sets Buy 1, Get 1 50% OFF Gerber Packaed Layette & Blanket Sleepers PAGE 10 WOW WEE Dragon Fly R/C $39.99 (was 49.99) VBot R/C Vehicle $119.99 (was 129.99) 25% off Select Ninja Turtle Items Winter's Tower Vortex $26.24 (was 34.99) Cowabunga Carl Van $16.49 (was 21.99) Big Mouth Talking Turtle $15.74 (was 20.99) Spiderman 3 Monster Truck R/C $34.99 (was 39.99) Cranium Carnival Clubhouse $64.99 (was 79.99) Animal Planet T-Rex Mega Play Pack $14.99 (was 19.99) PAGE 11 DVDs IN-STORE TUESDAY 11/13 Word World Welcome to Word World $11.99 Spongebob Atlantis Squarepants $15.99 Your Choice of DVDs $12.99 (was 19.99) Wild Hogs Disney's Peter Pan Meet the Robinsons Disney's Jungle Book Bridge To Terabithia Guitar Hero III XBOX / PS3 $99.99 PS2 / Wii $89.99 IN-STORE TUESDAY 11/13 Smack Down VS Raw 2008 FREE Exclusive Rey Mysterio Figure with game purchase In-Store Only XBOX / PS2 / Wii - $49.99 PS3 - $59.99 PSP - $39.99 NDS - $29.99 PS2 GAMES $39.99 BUZZ! the Mega Quiz BUZZ! Junior Jungle Party FREE Controllers packed with each game XBOX Scene It? $59.99 FREE Controllers packed with each game IN-STORE ON 11/14 NDS / PSP $29.99 Wii $49.99 Petz Hamsterz 2 Petz Dogz 2 Petz Horsez 2 Petz Catz 2 (exclusive unlockable cat) Petz Wild Animals Dolphinz BACK PAGE Happy Feet $15.99 Wii Games Mario Strikers Charged $49.99 Zack & Wiki $39.99 Mario Party 8 $49.99 Super Paper Mario $49.99 Big Brain Academy Wii Degree $49.99 Pokemon Battle Revolution $49.99 Wii System $249.99 (limit 1 per guest) IN-STORE TUESDAY 11/13 T.M.X. Extra Special Edition ELMO $39.99 Limited quantities available, (2 per guest), no rain checks Shrek the Third - Price Not Listed FREE Shrek 14" X 10" Limited Edition Print when you buy ($14.99 value) In-Store only Limited Quantities, No Rain Checks Super Mario Galaxy $49.99 (In-Store By 5PM) FREE $25 GIFT CARD with purchase of Super Mario Galaxy - In-Store Only Limited Quantities Available, No Rain Checks, Limit 1 Per Customer. Gift card valid on your next visit.
  20. well, that answers the second question I had. Thanks!
  21. I must be blind or something, I went to the link for the rebate and picked spiderman 1-3 and they tell me no offers found. Do I have to purchase it first? Also, do you get the giftcard right away or do you have to wait? Thanks!
  22. I was just in Rag Shop yesterday. They are up to 30%-70% percent off. Plus if the item is already on clearance you take 30% off the clearance price.
  23. I think that Commerce bank has coin sorters in the bank that are free if you have an account. I believe they give you a Visa checkcard for your change.
  24. I've always found great deals at JCPenny. The last deal was a beautiful blue beaded prom gown for DD. It was on a clearance rack in the gown section and started out at $129 and it rang up for $2.xx.
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