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Everything posted by mrscrafty

  1. Not really a robbery, but a near cart theft. It was in Walmart. I had turned to look at a toy on the shelf. Not even two seconds later a lady comes buzzing along and swipes my cart. I said, "Excuse me, but that's my cart!" She looked at me and says, "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was yours." She got all red faced because she knew she was busted. I was standing right next to my cart so she knew it was mine. She just wanted something that was in my cart.
  2. I've read that the deal is in next week's flyer too.
  3. Thank you so much!! This is my second deal in two days. My kids are going to be soooo happy.
  4. Kmart has the starter sets on sale for $16.00 and the individual ones for $5 this week. The sale ends this Saturday. Walmart's price on the individual ones is cheaper than Kmart's sale price. Don't forget that Walmart will pricematch if you have Kmart's ad with you. HTH
  5. I certainly hope that it's different this year. Last year was basically a bust for me. I refuse to get myself out of bed and stand in the freezing cold only to save a few dollars.
  6. PM me your first name, last name, and email addy and I will send you one.
  7. THANK YOU! DH found one at Big Lots. Can't beat that price either.
  8. Thanks so much crazywig and Melissa. It may be too late to place an order, but we do have a Big Lots about 40 minutes from here. DH is supposed to be headed that way on Friday morning so I may have him stop and take a look.
  9. I understand exactly what you mean. One of the things we were going to get was a video rocker chair for our son. Well we decided against it because we didn't want it scratching up the hardwood floors. We decided on a beanbag chair instead. Do you think we could find one? Nope! We looked everywhere and nobody has them. I checked on line and everything I found was way out of our price range.
  10. Giga Pets appear to be available on line right now.
  11. Try CLAUS for 30% off regular priced items and 10% off sale items. I'm not sure when this expires though.
  12. First I would pour myself a cup of tea, then I would plop my butt down in front of my computer and start shopping! BF was such a disappointment this year. I pm'd one cd at WM and that was it for me.
  13. Can you tell me what's included in the Spongebob GBA Sp Value Pack? My son would love this. I already bought him a GBA Sp, but if this one is worth it I would return the one I already bought. Thanks
  14. It was on page 12. It was for the Razor "S" steel kick scooter. It was a one time offer of $16.88. They showed blue, lime green, and red, but it said colors may vary. HTH
  15. We wanted to get a scooter for DS, but didn't even see one. Oh well, maybe we'll find something better on BF.
  16. I have ordered from them in the past. I no longer order from them because they really got me on the shipping too. Things were backordered and they shipped it ALL separately.
  17. Cash or check, depending on which store I am in.
  18. Do you know if they will be available on line?
  19. I think that it depends on the person you are buying for. Some people may not like the fact that their gift came from a thrift or consignment shop. However, it wouldn't bother me. It's the fact that someone thought of me, and took the time to buy me a gift that makes it special.
  20. Just thought I should say hello. Looks like I am going to have tons of fun here. I already found some good deals thanks to this site.
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