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Everything posted by littlesdcen

  1. Trade the extra ones at blockbuster.
  2. Thank you. Im a tool junky. Thinks hubby has to have them all!!
  3. http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3048748 Toys r us has it and you can use the $5 off coupon inthe online section http://www.leapfrog.com/en/shop/special_offers/tag_trade_up.html Leap frog has it with a free book with the code and I just donated one of the old ones to my nephew/ Sorry that is the only saving I can find. I will keep looking.
  4. Yes I tried it and still like the Avon brand better. I also tried BE and still like the avon. Even went through store brands and went back to avon on my mineral makeup vengance.
  5. http://www.leapfrog.com/tag/ I think this is what your looking for. It is like the fly pen just for younger children.
  6. ordered one! Thanks
  7. I bought my garmin nuvi 260 several months ago from amazon. I registered it with garmin. A few weeks ago they sent me an email to go and update my map for free with the 2009. I had 3 weeks to comply. I love my 260. Mom and dad took it with them on a trip and loved it too. Now I know what to get for Christmas.
  8. I did ped eggs with the mirical foot cream/toe nail polish/etc. All the stuff to do a pedicure with at home. These were a hit. Then for a special teacher I did a pandora braclet with a special charm that my ds 10 picked out and made a card telling her why he picked the special charm.
  9. I think someone posted that sears is having the 10% off this weekend. Got my MIL some great appl from there with that deal a few weeks ago. Fridge was 629 for a side by side white. I have found great deals at lowes for discountinued items also.
  10. Thank you sooooo much. Ordered a ton of stuf for ds10 and ds7. They love the name brands. I love those prices.
  11. Thanks for the update. Guess I will be off to aldi.
  12. We have the one from sams and this is the 2nd year. It has been doing great. Could not get over a summer out of the blow up ones. Really impressed with this one.
  13. mine is scheduled for delivery tomorrow. They are super quick.
  14. Sorry the link to the one at walmart did not work. It says out of stock online but you could check your local store. I also saw that toysrus and sears had that one so maybe you could price match. Good luck to you and let us know how it works. I have been holding back on getting one too. And have been keeping up with this thread to try and make my mind up.
  15. http://www.amazon.com/Banzai-26365-Blast-Water-Slide/dp/B000BZ6EXQ/ref=sr_1_16?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1212602570&sr=8-16 Found this one. http://www.amazon.com/Ocean-Blue-960001-Searcher-Water/dp/B000RYKOCS/ref=sr_1_34?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1212602713&sr=8-34 http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=5623443
  16. Just lowered there prices on some childrens wear. Pretty good deals. Shipping was good. boys 8-20 http://www.dillards.com/endeca/EndecaStartServlet?view=80&No=240&N=1093283 Girls 7-16 http://www.dillards.com/endeca/EndecaStartServlet?view=80&No=240&N=1094312 Boys 3-7 http://www.dillards.com/endeca/EndecaStartServlet?view=80&No=240&N=1000899 http://www.dillards.com/endeca/EndecaStartServlet?view=80&No=160&N=1000899 Girls 3-6x http://www.dillards.com/endeca/EndecaStartServlet?view=80&No=320&N=1093284 http://www.dillards.com/endeca/EndecaStartServlet?view=80&No=240&N=1093284 I hope the links work.
  17. Bought it at Sams by the bucket.
  18. Just bought 2 pair for $9 off the clerance rack at walmart for hubby to work in.
  19. I was just in Walmart and they had just put about 3 sets of these on clerance.
  20. both my ds 7 and ds9 have mp3 players and they are wanting the i touch now.
  21. I just was in the same boat. I picked the Garmin from amazon.com. Bought one with just the features I needed. They had a nice comparison chart on there for the different models. Love it. Let my parents borrow it last week. Now they want one. Easy to use.
  22. I bought 2 32" at Christmas for the boys room. Excellent picture and no complaints.
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