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Deal Grabber

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Everything posted by Deal Grabber

  1. Shipping isnt free unless you have a kohls charge
  2. Ha Ha agreed Brad. I figured when the site went down last night, a major ad was leaked. I stayed up till midnight waiting but i fell asleep only to wake at 5am with excitement.lol
  3. We just one in our area also. I love it.Cant wait to go that week.
  4. Hmmm good question.lol IDK i took Q from my email it says large or tumbler and my store took it so maybe a ymmv.
  5. laptop, notebook and netbooks are a size reference.Laptop refers to computer sized to fit your lap.Just becasue it doesnt have a disk drive doesnt mean its nt a laptop. My kids first computers were Asus"netbooks" and they did everything my $800 Acer did except it didnt have a disk drive.I agree with Len lots of kids would be happy to have it for Christmas.Especially as a first laptop.Can be used to browse the web fb even play games.Worse case you could spend bout $40 and by a disk drive if it was needed.
  6. Sale is also in store.
  7. WM's one day sale has that same model from last year onsale for $199. Id jump on that quick. My dd has that one and luvs it.GL. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Apple-iPad-mini-16GB-Wi-Fi-Space-Gray-or-White/33093101
  8. Your better off just buying one on BF.They dont go on sale but are always offered with GC.WM wont honor it cause their BF items usually have diff skus on them.Last year WM did a price gurantee on the Ipad mini so i really dont see a prob with you getting one.
  9. Ipods are just pocket sized ipads.more for music and taking pictures .Atleast thats what my kids used them for.
  10. These ads are given to mods to post. They dont chose to post them with the watermarks. Im very thankful for this(free) site that even takes the time to post ads for us. if you have clearer ads for us to look at feel free to submit them. Given the fact all the hard work that goes into this site im happy to view what ever ads are posted.
  11. Amazon usually has great deals on lego sets.So does target throughout the month
  12. Watermarked ads are better than no ads.lol. Thxs Brad.
  13. Im guessing they will have it posted on the site monday
  14. Its nt Monday yet.lol
  15. Im gonna hold out for a better sale.Next week BB has one with 12 month gold card.No price lisyed yet though
  16. Hmmmm liken the xbox one deal. Hopefully it will include the one my son wants. heres to hoping. Ty for the update
  17. WOW this sounds awesome.How good is the element? Anyone have one?
  18. I feel bad for the ppl that have to work it. With that being said, Kohls and Belks being 6pm i can only imagine what bb, target and wm will do.SMH!!!
  19. Those cheap towels crack me up.Nt even toilet paper worthy.LMAO!!
  20. Like Macys or Jcpennys but more upscale
  21. Thxs for the ad. Only a matter of time before its black wednesday.lol
  22. AHHH so I guess it just depends on what version he wants then.tyvm for your help
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