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Deal Grabber

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Everything posted by Deal Grabber

  1. They are as safe as you make them.I do know insurance companies will drop you though so be careful.
  2. Thanks,Man i love this place.
  3. Ben 10 is all the rave with th boys.The watch and figures are the hottest.
  4. Yeah it use to be cheap.I had it to but everyone i dropped it broke.So i gave up.(LOL)
  5. Deal Grabber


    Thats a awesome coupon bt my TRU wont take printed ones anymore:mad:
  6. I am cooking for my family and mother in law.This should be great.I would like to find a not so lucky family and ask them to join us.I think holidays shouldnt be spent alone.
  7. WOW yall put alot of thought into this BF thing(LOL).I love the binder idea.Gonna try it.Every year i spend half my time thumbing through papers.By the end of the day there all messed up and wrinkled.Thxs for the idea...
  8. Deal Grabber


    Does any one remember getting printable toys r us coupons last year.Like %'s off.I do remember toys r us having there 12 deals of christmas.Everyday they would email me AWESOME coupons for one day only for incredible savings.I got my son a mp3 for 14.99.Regulary 74.99.Got a video now player for 14.99.Hope they have good ones again.
  9. MP3's battery operated scooter,tvs,cheap ps2 games,or a cheap psp or nintendo ds.A hot guy,opps (did i say that out loud)
  10. I usually spend about 1500.00 on my two kids.My husband tells me im insane.I try and cut back but how do i cut back after buying so much in the past.My kids arent greedy i think its more me who needs to get them everything.What is the average budget???
  11. I remember my first black friday.10 years ago.I waited on lines for furby(remember him).lol.I was pregnant with my first child and didnt know.Drank so much coffee to stay awake ,i was so sick by the time i made it in the store.Morning sickness.By the time i got home i felt terrible.I have been going every year since then.I cant wait till this year.Just for the fun of it im going to WM at like 8pm Thursday.i want to be first for a change.(LOL)Wish me luck.
  12. Its finally 5:00 am at walmart.Ive been on line for days.I have to pee so bad and im outta coffee.You better back off.Ill probably be tempted to bite and scratch.Especially if its for my kids(LOL).Man i love Black Friday.
  13. Awww thxs for the welcoming committee.
  14. Let me know if you purchase and how it works.My son wants one for christmas this year but of course they have to have 9 million different ones .Hows a person to decide(LOL)>If any one has one or has bought one thats cheap but good please let me know.Thanks.Around $100.00 is budget perfect.
  15. The All was in my Walmart on Long Island.It wasnt advertisment it just scanned at $2.00.
  16. Yes i agree that every store is different every year.I know my Walmart and Toys r us on Long Island did last year.But to be safe im calling walmart the night before this year(LOL).
  17. Im nt sure which one you want or how much they cost in stores bt ebay has them for less than $20.00.Good luck...
  18. Good luck. I live in the city and have the same problem.I have also bought expensive phones with no luck.Although my latest purchase was $40.oo at radio shack.Its a radio shack phone and it 5.8 ghx.The ghx(giga hertz spell) seem to work better than the mega hertz.Good luck.Although listening to my neighbors is some times fun when im bored,(LOL)
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