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Everything posted by racerfan

  1. we have a sling box and it worked great when my Husband worked and stayed in NYC He has not used it in a while since he has not been staying in NYC in a while
  2. I have not seen any deals worth it. I do love Prime for the various things besides shipping that we get My kids watch the moves a lot
  3. I am finally here!! Ready for the ADs!!!
  4. I have no idea what my Daughter wants, My Nephew and my Son are both in the Navy so they don't want anything I know I have to look for snow tires and a set of rims for my Son and I guess cash or gift card for older Nephew. The youngest Nephew will be cash and my Daughter I have no idea, I will be out in a different area that I have never been to for Black Friday
  5. I am so excited!!! This time of year is my favorite
  6. I am looking forward to another great year!!!
  7. Sent you a message Stationchief
  8. Thank you I forgot about getting a coupon on Ebay I also checked out Raise that flosmoney mentioned. Got 2 cards for 7.4% off.
  9. I don't remember
  10. I remember seeing a post a while back about a website where you can purchase discount gift cards. Say a $200 gift card for $180. Anyone know anything about it? Hubby is looking to purchase a riding tractor from Lowes and any way to save on it would be great. Thanks
  11. So sorry to my OE person I forgot to post this. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I got my favorite chocolates (already eaten lol), cross stitch to do after the holidays, a makeup kit (my Daughter confiscated it) and a NAVY ornament for my tree. My Son went to Navy Boot Camp in August and is now in A-school. He will be here for Xmas on Saturday. Returns to SC January 2nd. Cannot wait for him to see the tree. Thank you again. Merry Christmas!!
  12. Never mind I found it
  13. Where is it that you buy 2 get a $50 GC. All I see is buy one get one 50% off. Do you have a link?
  14. I need 2 also and they are not included. I guess I will do the BB deal
  15. I am only looking for the game. My Son already has the Xbox one from last Xmas. Thanks
  16. Has anyone seen a deal for Assassins Creed Unity for Xbox One. My Son just told me he would like it. So excited he actually has given me something to get for him. He kept saying he does not need anything. Thanks
  17. I just received my pre-order of the Fire Sticks Cannot give a review since it is for Xmas for Hubby for his shop tv. I got it for $20 cheaper on the pre-order. I will keep an eye out for you
  18. I am waiting patiently for the NEX ad. This is my first year that I may be able to shop there with my Sailor. No AAFES there just a NEX...
  19. racerfan

    Go Pro Camera

    Go Pro is what my Daughter wants for Xmas also. I originally wanted the Hero 3+ Black but cannot find it anywhere I think it is discontinued. The Hero 4 is out so looking at getting her the silver. Don't have a 4K tv so really dont need the more expensive one. jutz0420 where did you put yours on layaway. My Walmart does not have the Hero 4s yet.
  20. I am looking at the GI Pro also but DD wants either the Hero3+ Black or the Hero4 silver
  21. I think this year will be for
  22. Patiently waiting for more ads...don't these stores know we are waiting.
  23. I am going to say 11/13...
  24. Sent you a message
  25. Sent PM Happy to help out again
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