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Everything posted by Jenniferharrison82

  1. That gave me a good laugh, reminded me of my son last year. This year he has been ready for santa since august.
  2. ebay, walmart, kmart, and hallmark around here have alot of it :)
  3. Me and my son go for the chipmunks christmas..
  4. I usually get mine from rite aid for about 20-25 dollars.
  5. my tree is color themed, but a free for all on the gifts..i dont put them under the tree till xmas morning so doesn't really matter.
  6. My son really enjoyed it also ..
  7. That is so cool, more malls should do that.
  8. I am just waiting to see what target has to offer so I can make my final decisions.
  9. I think that Dillards does, but I can't remember from last year. I want to say I have been there in the past.
  10. That would cause some rioting here :)
  11. Wow I was thinking about it too, I didn't know it cost that much (44.99).
  12. The one here still isn't opening till 6, I had to call and check. I guess it still kind of varies by store.
  13. Same here, I had to call and ask just to be sure.
  14. I try to start about the middle of summer, so I don't need to come up with money all at once.
  15. That is such a good idea, maybe I can rent one//:groovin:
  16. wish I had thought of doing the best buy bucks, maybe next time
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