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Everything posted by mamapenguin

  1. And then run around yelling, "Happy Turkey Day!" 'Cause if I have to wait 'til then to see the BF ad, I'm ganna wake up everyone in the housse to share!
  2. Camp at Super Walmarts, you don't want to catch a cold! 14 hours for a 360 was enough for me. I think PS3 will require more time. GL
  3. Agreed. I NEED a good ad too!
  4. You are right, it's pretty weak. Thanx for the info.
  5. mamapenguin

    Elmo Tmx

    Blitz is Walmart's term for Black Friday. Blitz Items are your door buster hot items, usually specials from 5am-11am.
  6. I agree. The lottery is a VERY bad idea. If you do the time, you deserve to be first in line! Imagine if they tried this on BF? Bad, bad, bad idea!!!!
  7. I can't wait. Please give us an ad........
  8. I was told that Target does not price match. Why would they change their policy just for BF?
  9. I check here often. My son asks me if there are new ads at least once a day. I am really anxious to get my plan in motion for BF:)
  10. Can you be any more specific about this Compaq laptop? TIA
  11. The FP3 player is $56.99 on target.com & $54.84 on walmart.com I tried to post the Walmart link but won't work, just search fp3 & it will come up. http://www.target.com/gp/detail.html/sr=1-1/qid=1161394886/ref=sr_1_1/602-8671125-5416609?ie=UTF8&asin=B000EULZQ4
  12. The $399 system is the way to go. Do you plan on playing on LIVE? You'll need the HDD for all of your arcade games & other downloadable content. The MU doesn't hold that much. I bought the CORE on launch day because it was all I could get. I wanted a PREMIUM, but they were all gone. I bought the MU & headset first & then tracked down a HDD. There are rumors of a price cut this holiday season I just don't know when or how much. XBOX LIVE was off line on 10/17 for 24 hours adding new serves & stuff. They're preparing for something.....GL, I think there will be some BF deals. You know MS wants to steal Sony's moment. Whatever you do, get the extended warranty through MS. My first 360 died about 3 weeks ago. They replaced it within about a week.
  13. I just want to see the ad! Please someone leak it.........PLEASE :)
  14. I'd be greatful if they set up a porta potty for each store:)
  15. I have heard the 360 rumor as well.
  16. I would do that! You can always pay off the card right away.
  17. If I get a golden ticket, I'm buying a lap top!
  18. hmmmmmmmm...*walks to the mailbox* Nope, not yet:eyepoppin
  19. He has an XBOX 360 for the majority of his gaming needs. He hasn't bought a PC game in ages. Thank you for the advice & I am definitely looking forward to the ads.
  20. He is studying networking & programming at a charter school for 5 HS in my area. Besides his programming homework, he'd like to design video games. Microsoft has a beta program out right now that's sparked his interest. He says my computer's way to slow.......sigh. He's thought about building a desk top PC as well, but I think he's leaning tword the lap top. He is paying for it himself, so I'm trying to help him get the most for his money.
  21. I have done a rebate on something I bought at Fry's & I got it within the expected timeline. The rebate was actually through Sharp. Maybe that made the difference. I will only venture to Fry's for something amazing.......it's almost an hours drive for me.
  22. Any chance they'll have a high performance laptop deal for BF? My son's looking for a name brand lap top with dual core processor(AMD or Intel) & at least 1024MB DDR2, 100G-120G HD & a really good graphics card, preferably nVIDIA. Any insight would be great. Every thing I'm seeing is in the $800-$900 range.
  23. This will be my 10th year. Some times my daughter's birthday falls on BF. Not this year though, but we'll still enjoy shopping together.:)
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