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Everything posted by brett621

  1. I just moved to Statesboro, GA earlier this year. I saw one other person from around here. Never done the BF thing down here before. I've always lived around Atlanta so it's been Mall of Georgia and stuff in that area. Glad to see there are other BF fans in this area though!!
  2. I am glad to have found this out. Shopping may be starting much earlier this year than in any year previous. Thanks
  3. I don't know about anyone else but we got the ticket for the emachines computer last year when it was $199. They made us redeem it by 9am and anyone who wasn't in line at 9am to redeem it at customer service lost theirs and they raffled the rest off. I was there watching them raffle them off at 9:15 and I will tell you that people get mad when they did not get a ticket and waited for the raffle and still don't win one when the person who showed up to the store at 8:55 can enter and wins one on the first draw. That may just be the store here but I thought it was ridiculous that we were still waiting to get ours when they began raffling off the rest of those things.
  4. Very glad this is only a partial list. BB seems to be a tradition in our family as the first stop of the morning, so I hope they have some good deals appearing soon. So far nothing I have seen is worthy of a 2AM trip to wait in line.
  5. brett621

    Gender Poll

    So I guess we are in the minority as everyone has pointed out. Sort of what I figured, I just know that while standing in line mostly males seem to be there (my guess is most of the females send their counterparts to deal with the early ones).
  6. I just went to the link and it says that the online preorder sale has ended. They were pretty quick with that one. I was a reward zone member before and heard nothing about this but aparently it was over in a flash.
  7. My local BB did not match BF prices and personally I would not have wanted to wait in the customer service line anyway(they are always giving out the ticketed items over there and in addition to that I have had new cashiers the last two years who were not able to handle checking me out much less pming).
  8. I noticed that in the ad scan that was originally posted on here that on the first page they have a 15"LCD TV but when you click the link for the deal on the 42" Plasma the same first page shows up but instead of the 15"LCD you see a 42" Plasma TV while everything on that page is the same. I was just wondering why the discrepency between the scans and if anyone knows which is really going to be on sale.
  9. BF isn't BF without the Krispy Kreme manager coming to give out free donuts before Best Buy opens while the Chick-fil-A guy is trying to sell his biscuits (he's not very successful since everyone is there to save money they just eat the free donuts)
  10. I normally get to Best Buy around 2:30 am but each year seem to be moving further back in line so I think it will have to be 1:30 this year unless there is no real big ticket item I want then I will just go at 2:30 becuase I have gotten what I went for every year.
  11. Yeah, I would think Wal-Mart would have to be pretty early. Personally I normally hit Best Buy around 2:30 or so and am about 10th -15th in line but every year I keep moving back so I think I may have to start going earlier. Luckily last year for the first time the Krispy Kreme store down the street brought free donuts out for everyone.around 5 am
  12. I started about 5 years ago shopping with my mom, but the last two years I have been able to convince my girlfriend to go with me and for the first time this year she is eager to go! Mission: accomplished!
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