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Everything posted by juanadeal

  1. It's the 15% givethanks that's already listed.
  2. I got Kohl's mail today with a 15% shopping pass for their Thanksgiving sale and it says $10 Kohl's cash on the front, not $15 like we hoped
  3. Thanks OP!!! I got one this morning. My kids have been asking for this for months. I gave them a Solo cup and a ball and told them to call it Cuponk. There was no way I was paying $10 for a cup. For $2 though, I couldn't pass it up.
  4. Yup, saw it this morning too!!
  5. I ordered one about 6 hours ago and still haven't gotten an e-mail confirmation. I hope it goes through. My 7 yr old is a wii addict and just started reading Harry Potter. Perfect combination for this game.
  6. Oooohhh, that would be nice. I have a $10 of $50 purchase coupon from a kidstuff book (kinda like the entertainment books). The fine print only says "$10 coupon will be applied prior to percent off total purchase discounts. Does this mean I can buy $70 worth of stuff, use the $10 coupon going down to $60, then the 15% off coupon going down to $51, and still get the $15 kohls cash? Is that even the best scenario?
  7. Does anyone know if that $36 Shark mop is the same one that goes for $80++. Me thinks that between those and the dvd's and games, it's safe to say I'll be at Wally World at midnight. Now I'm just crossing my fingers and hoping that most people are too stupid to realize they're opening @ midnight instead of 5 am this year.
  8. I just wanted to add that Costco also has in their ad that they will be giving their Smart Cooking the Costco way cookbook out again. I know it's not worth making the trip just for the book but it might help somoneone out. It's While Supplies Last of course.
  9. Looks like I'll be throwing my Turkey in the oven and running down to Wags on Turkey Day. Can't resist the BOGOF As Seen on TV products. I know there won't be a crazy line like at Best Buy but should I be there right at opening or can I dilly daddle a bit. I'm hoping to score 2 Spongebob snuggies (my store only has about 5) the perfect brownie pan and whatever else I can't resist. Also...any chance the BOGOF As seen on tv things will be an online deal also? Wags is only about 5 minutes away but it is Thanksgiving after all. I'd like to stay in my jammies as long as possible.
  10. I got the 20% peelie but under the Kohl's Cash, it says "Coupon redeemable in store Nov. 16 - Nov 24." Maybe it means that Kohl's cash earned in-store can only be redeemed in-store?
  11. juanadeal

    Big Toy Book

    I was just reading the fine print on the $10 gc coupon and it said it excludes videogames. I know for a fact that I've used it for videogames in previous years. Not cool TRU! Not cool.
  12. Just a quick public service announcement: Make sure you check those carts in the aisles. There are plenty of treasures at the bottoms of those that never made it back onto the shelves before the 31st. I got lucky the other day and found a whole cart of Halloweeen Oreo's that was abandoned in one of the stationary aisles. Not as good as paper towels or soap but I'm not giving up.
  13. I don't know if this is a great deal or not but for those of you (like myself) in the market for a Nintendo DS, Costco has a $30 coupon for the Nintendo DSI xl bundle that includes the DSi XL, a case, car charger and 2 screen protectors. It's $169.99 online including s&h right now. Not sure how much they are in the stores. The coupon dates are 10/14 - 11/7. http://www.costco.com/Browse/ProductSet.aspx?Prodid=11541808&search=nintendo%20ds&Mo=26&cm_re=1_en-_-Top_Left_Nav-_-Top_search&lang=en-US&Nr=P_CatalogName:BC&Sp=S&N=5000043&whse=BC&Dx=mode+matchallpartial&Ntk=Text_Search&Dr=P_CatalogName:BC&Ne=4000000&D=nintendo%20ds&Ntt=nintendo%20ds&No=26&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&Nty=1&topnav=&s=1&SessionID=81b2f99a-6cef-4e6f-a8d6-4ea09da8f09a
  14. I was at TRU yesterday and the Manager told me the store will be opening at midnight on BF again. I hope that's good news for somebody. He also said that in December, the store hours will be 6am to 1am.
  15. Pressing my imaginary <<< Like >>>> button.
  16. Is anyone doing the Iron Man deal? I can always use Paper Towels and detergent. I did this deal with Avatar and the first store I went to had no dvd's and only half of the products I needed. 2nd store had plenty of the products but no dvd's so they actually called a 3rd store to tell them they were sending me with a raincheck for the dvd. I haven't seen Iron Man 2 but I hope it's worth it.
  17. Thanks for this Gina!!!! I didn't think I would EVER buy a snuggie but I did today There were a few with the book lights that were $7.48 but the rest were $10.48. I got the more expensive one cause I liked the clouds. The cashier scanned the coupon and it went through with no problem.
  18. Thanks for this!!! DS's costume is an online exclusive everywhere so this may be the cheapest place to get it.
  19. For those of you who have the back to school stuff marked down, how long ago has school started for you? Schools here don't start till tomorrow and last I checked, everything was full price still.
  20. Thanks! That does help. Last yr, I got a slip n slide on 8/13 for 75% off it's all full price still.
  21. I know it's regional, but does anybody have a general idea of when the swimming stuff will get marked down? It's technically considered sporting goods but I can't imagine them waiting till January to do it.
  22. We were just there this past weekend. I think the best deals right now are either the discounts you can get from those flyers in CVS or Subway. There is a Giant supermarket about 1 mile away that sells discount tickets also. I forget how much but it's on their website. I can't say for sure about the Ebay tix but my son won 2 free tickets from a minor league baseball game and they looked exactly like alot of them Ebay. The free ones we had said comp on the left hand side. Sorry but I can't help w/ lodging. We always stay with my aunt who lives 5 minutes away. I do know that Hershey lodge is pretty pricey though. We also saw a Days Inn shuttle van picking up and dropping off people at the park so they must be fairly close.
  23. Not me said the Sweet Bee
  24. Just got an invite for the göt2b smooth operator campaign. First one in months.
  25. I didn't see this posted yet but I found some of those UV germ killing wands reg $49.98 clearanced to $24.98.
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