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Gator Pam

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Everything posted by Gator Pam

  1. Even though it is for new accounts only, that is an amazing offer by the cable company. Our schools are currently closed for six weeks, and I have not heard of any similar offer here in the Pacific Northwet.
  2. Holy crap! Effective at 6 p.m. tomorrow – Friday, March 13 – The Seattle Public Library will close all locations to the public, and these closures will remain in effect until at least April 13. http://www.spl.org/ChiefLibrarian
  3. Yep. I'm a per diem classified substitute for two school districts in King County, WA. As such, I have no sick leave, no vacation leave, and no benefits. It was just announced all schools in King, Pierce, and Snohomish Counties are closed until at least April 24th. While FTE of the district should receive some sort of income to see them through this, as,s per diem substitute I am going to be without pay this whole time. I think maybe I'll look in to working for the Census, although I have no idea how that's going to be done if people don't answer the door.
  4. All 6 US deaths due to coronavirus occurred at the hospital I frequent for monitoring my leukemia. The senior living center 5 of the cases came from is about 5 miles away from where I live. Even though I am immunocompromised due to my chemotherapy, I am not self isolating or avoiding social events and gatherings. Instead, I am continuing my standard of hygiene. I sing through Happy Birthday twice as I wash my hands. I use paper towels to open doors, and discard them in the trash immediately after. For now, I avoid shaking hands, and am surpressing my natural inclination to be a hugger. Coronavirus is in my community. Life goes on. I will live my life, take reasonable precautions, and refuse to panic.
  5. I'm so freaking excited! While I'm sad my long time nurse practitioner retired in November, the one thing he and I disagreed on is taking me off of my two diabetic medications, even though my a1c numbers have been exceptionally good for the past several years. Today I met my potential new PCP, a very young doctor, but not a resident, so hopefully he'll be long term instead of leaving in a couple of years. With today's a1c number, and those I've had for the past several years, he is willing to titrate me off of those medications, and test my a1c in the next three months and six months to see if my low carb/keto way of eating is enough to keep me out of diabetic range. If this works out, and my hematologist takes me off of my chemo for the trial this summer, that will be 3 medications/4 pills a day I'll no longer have to take. woo-hoo!
  6. If you can get ahold of day old Krispy Kreme original doughnuts (straight off the conveyor need to be eaten straight off the conveyor, IMO), give this version a try. Krispy Kreme Bread Pudding with Espresso Whipped Cream
  7. Went to bed an hour earlier than usual last night, feeling excessively exhausted. Woke up to take my fasting pill without a problem, and went back to sleep. When I got up an hour later, I was sweating (and I leave my window cracked open, even in winter), congested, and nauseous. I had a gig today at a school I really enjoy working, and I hate canceling at the last minute. I called the substitute coordinator, explaining that I felt exactly how I feel when my chemo causes a side effect, but that such a reaction usually occurs 90 minutes after taking it, which is a half an hour after dinner. After discussing it, she said while she didn't know if another sub will be found this close to start time, she agreed it sounded odd enough to cancel me from the job. If I am sick, there's no sense in "spreading the love." Hoping I feel better by taking it easy today.
  8. Happy World Palindrome Day! (never say never, but I haven't come up with a reoccurrence)
  9. *grin* That's my line! Rabbit! Rabbit! Rabbit!
  10. *nod* I had never heard of either before, until towards the end of last year, a scheduler at one of my doctors mentioned my champagne birthday was coming up. So, I looked up the term and realized she was mistaken, but learned about my Beddian birthday instead. My champagne birthday was long ago, back in 1981. The same year my mom passed from breast cancer.
  11. Today's the day. Happy Beddian Birthday to meee!!!
  12. Almost got it right. The Beddian birthday is when the age matches the last two digits of the year one was born. I'm turning 60, and I was born in 1960. So 1960 + 60 years old = 2020... Someone turning 10 would also celebrate their beddian birthday this year. 2010 + 10 years old = 2020. Now that I think about it, even if they make it to 110 in 2120, that wouldn't match the definition. So, it is a once in a lifeime event.
  13. Yep. But for most individuals, it only happens once in a lifetime.
  14. We'll have to agree to disagree. 2020 is my Beddian Birthday year, and my birthday is on the 21st of this month. While I'm celebrating all year long, my major celebrations are happening this month.
  15. For those who follow Greek/Russian/Serbian/Eastern Orthodox traditions... I do hope the image is appropriate. I'm not as familiar with these traditions.
  16. For those who celebrate: Joyous Epiphany Feliz Dia de los tres Reyes Merry Little Christmas!
  17. I think that every time I've seen that in the GottaDeal emails!
  18. Wishing you all a safe and reflective New Year’s Eve! The classic for tonight, even though the story happens on Christmas Eve. And a new-to-mr video from a group who played at our local free summer concert series. I think it also should become a NYE classic.
  19. My favorite of the Hanukkah parody videos for the eighth night. Hanukkah Sameach!
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