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Everything posted by krissy72

  1. Shoprunner is not showing up for me. Anyone else with this problem?
  2. Thanks, they sound yummy. I will leave out the nuts.
  3. I don't buy it either. People will do anything for attention and thier 15 seconds.
  4. Cherry butter cookies? Can I have that recipe?
  5. Ppr01 for 20% off
  6. I received my ornament yesterday. I love it. It is a chocolate lab and it looks just like my girl Suzie, except skinnier. I was also sent skittle santas, 2 of them. The picture only shows one because my dd ate one already. Thank you so much to whomever sent it.
  7. Eve, when you get to it, will you please link my ss name to post #296 please?
  8. No such thing as a sad Christmas tree.
  9. Thought it might be fun if everyone posted a picture of thier Christmas tree. Here's mine:
  10. Haha. My ss sent her treats. As anyone may be able to tell from the pics, she loves treats and was so excited that she got something too.
  11. My limit is $50 +/- That is a nice idea.
  12. This year we are buying family gifts for siblings instead of individual gifts for everyone. I have one Sister left that I cannot think of what to get. She just had a baby, yesterday, has an 11 year old son and a boyfriend. They really don't have much and I have no idea what to get her family. Anyone have any ideas?
  13. I have really been loving the cards and have been hanging them on my living room door. My SS gift came today and it was so much fun. My Husband wasn't here when it came but my dog and daughter were. We had the best time with it. Thank you SS
  14. Thanks. Got DD sunglasses and earbud ear muffs for $20 shipped with tax.
  15. Oh and how about Dance Central 2 for xbox?
  16. Will any of the laptops be online? If so, which ones?
  17. Come on Bon Ton, where are you?
  18. Does anyone know how the rebates work? Are they mail in or instant? Anybody?
  19. No laptop?
  20. Last year when Walmart had the amazing online deals like they are doing now, they had gift sets that included bodywash, socks or sponge and a thing for a free year of Allure magazine. I remember that you could either choose the magazine or send away to get a $10 rebate instead. Does anyone else remember this? I am asking because I see they have the same kind of things this year that include the magazine and was wonder if you could still send away to get the $10 rebate. Does anyone know the answer to this? Could be some really good deals if it is still like this.
  21. I hope they do another Saturday sale too.
  22. If anyone knows, please post. Thanks.
  23. My 13 year old daughter wants a lappy for Christmas. I don't want to spend more than $300. Does anyone think I can get a better machine than this for my money?
  24. Wondering why the 30% off code doesn't work for Kohls cares products
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