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Everything posted by ajburlingame

  1. Thank you sooooo much!!!! My son is 1 and is just growing out of the pair of Robeez that Grandma gave him 3 months ago. I just order 2 pair in the next size bigger for less than what Grandma spent on 1 pair. Thanks again!!
  2. I have been on both Carnival and Royal Caribbean. I strongly preferred the food, environment and entertainment on the Carnival. I would definitely think Carnival would be better for a family. Then again I may not be the best judge in the world because myself, my family, and friends my be considered to be Jim Bob or Betty Sue. We are definitely not considered high class and would probably never notice if there wasn't a wine steward. We would be dressed in appropriate attire at dinner (we love to dress up in formal dresses and a cruise is the only place we ever get to do that), but some skin art would be visable at the pool I am sure. I actually would not be surprised by the can tatoo at all. haha
  3. I do feel bad for them but I can a neighbor that worked for UPS and he always said that he loved this time a year because he made a TON of money in overtime!!!
  4. I need to go to Walmart today to pick up some stocking stuffers and a birthday gift for my husband (12/26) and then I think I will be done. Unfortunately, I haven't wrapped a thing!!
  5. I am getting really depressed. It is the 20th and my parents are having Christmas on the 24th and I haven't wrapped a single present yet. I have to work tomorrow and Friday and I have a 11 month old and a 29 month old. I have got to figure out when I am going to wrap all of the gifts. I could do it in the middle of the night while everyone is sleeping but I have been SOOOOO tired. My son has been sick the last few days. I sure wish the wrapping fairy would come to my house :) I am sure that it will all get done, but it is exhausting just thinking about it.
  6. My husbands birthday is the 26th also. We aren't doing anything real exciting for his though. My sons birthday is 01/21 and I just called today and reserved the church basement for his party. It isn't a real great time of the year for a birthday.
  7. Thank goodness for caring people like you. I have done something similar to this also and I know how good it makes you feel. It is great to help others when in need. I was once in need and was very thankful for those who helped out and make it a point to help others when I can. I vow to never forget the hard times and it makes me appreciate what I have everyday.
  8. I will say a prayer for you. I have one VERY important present that isn't here also. It says it has shipped, so hopefully it will make it :)
  9. I am going to the St Louis Mills. Per this thread there is a Disney Store there but I am not sure where. Can anyone help?
  10. I am headed to the Mills in about an hour or two. Could someone give me an idea of where the Disney store is located within the mall since it is not on the directory on the web site? Thanks!!!!
  11. Does anyone know if there are any coupons for Carters B&M? I could really use one. Thanks!!
  12. This year the only kind we will be having are the break-apart, premade, pillsbury ones. That is all I will have time for!!
  13. I got my tree up and misc. other inside decoration :) It feels so good to finally have that done. I have about 75% of my shopping done but nothing is wrapped yet. That is my next goal. It start doing some wrapping. I am taking a 1/2 day vacation from work on the 15th to hopefully complete my shopping.
  14. I bought a pair of pj's for each of my kids (2) for $18.35 with shipping :) Thanks OP!!
  15. I vote for Christmas Cookie also!
  16. Today - I am thankful that I got to come to work. Yes, you read that right!!!!! I have been at home with two VERY sick kids for 5 days and I am so thankful to get back out into the real world.
  17. theme ?????? - my theme is "there is no theme". Sorry, but I hate theme trees. JMO
  18. I insist upon being done at least a week before Christmas so that I have time to do wrapping and other last minute preperations (but I would be a lier if I said that I have always accomplished this).
  19. I typically try to send mine out during the 1st or 2nd week of December.
  20. No - I go to my inlaws and my grandma's and I take a dish to each place.
  21. I decided I was going to try to take some myself this weekend since I have procrastinated it off this long.
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