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Everything posted by Momto32003

  1. I rcvd my SS. Got 2 books, a really cool glass Disney ornamentfor my tree, and some kind of bath stuff from BBW. THANKS!!!
  2. Maybe your OE person used someone else's address to throw you off...
  3. Full price here too.
  4. I'm sorry that I asked to be off. We are having some money issues here but I did ask twice if anyone knew how to send them out. I would be more than happy to still participate if anyone would kindly answer that question.
  5. Well, THANKS AGAIN!! I loved it all!! I did also forget to mention that on one of the presents she wrapped she put a really cute bell ornament as well. My daughter grabbed it right away and hung it on the tree.
  6. It is one price to send it no matter what you have in the box. I think it is $9.80.
  7. Well, I rcvd something today but not sure if it was my ornament or SS. Whatever it was THANK YOU!!! I got 2 boxes with 2 disney waterball lightup ornaments in them. I also got a ornament bath set that has shower gel, bath salt, cream bath and bath fizzer in it. Also got a few pieces of candy that the kids already grabbed and ate. I did manage to snag 1 piece, LOL. I am going to assume it is my ornament but again, not sure. THANKS AGAIN!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE the ornaments. Haveing an all Disney tree it is sometimes hard to find different kinds and styles of ornaments so they don't all look a like. I do not have any that look like these and they look awesome when they are lit up on the tree. Well, I got a clue on my box as to who might have sent my package. I new there was a clue in the box as to a bag that was in there as I know that particular store is only in a few states!! THANKS :)
  8. I am in WI and got Bisquit for the price of $99. They also had Kota for the same price as listed on the ad.
  9. My cards went out today and my SS and ornamanet went our yesterday. I do believe they went 2 day so hopefully they enjoy them.
  10. When did you guys order your that were already shipped or delivered? Thanks
  11. My SS and ornament aregoing out tomorrow. Question...do I just put my address as the from? I was wondering if I do that and my people are on the card exchange then they would know who they were from. Thanks Also, how are cookie people sending there cookies?
  12. When you get to the page where you have to input your CC information there is a space under the total that says coupons and certificates. Put the code in there.
  13. My Mom just ordered a jersey with the 20% coupon I posted and went through just fine. I also just tried to use it again and it went through just fine. Are you putting it in where it says coupons and certificates?
  14. Did you do a search? When I first looked I didn't see a Tony Romo 1 so I searched for it. Found them on sale for the $39.99 like stated.
  15. 143301 is 20% taking them down to $33.XX shipped for 1.
  16. We have a smaller one and the longer one. My boys say the longer one is easier to move around on and prefer it over the smaller one. Wal-Mart had one on BF for $45 which was longer so I got another one for them.
  17. Yeah...they were in the hot lists section. $10 code is spoken for but I do still have the $5 one left.
  18. What are Fatheads or what did I order? Fatheads are big sticker like things you put on the wall. They have all kinds to choose from. I ordered 2 Dallas Cowboys, 1 Hannah Montana and a Chicago Bears one. Got 3 $10 off and a $5 off. I used 2 on 2 seperate orders making them $23 shipped for 2. If anyone is still going to order I still have the $5 and $10 off. Email me and I will give you the code. [email protected]
  19. Thanks.....Got 2 cowboy ones, a bears one and Hannah for $46 SHIPPED!!!!!
  20. I wonder if they let you post it because the ads are already out. I am in WI and got my ad today in the paper.
  21. Target does not have doorbusters. Only a 2 day sale. If you buy something in advance you have all day Friday and Saturday. Target is the ONLY store to do this. I don't think other stores price adjust during there doorbuster hours.
  22. Target doesn't do doorbusters. Only a 2 day sale.
  23. For the past 2 years I have bought the Mon, Tues or Wed before Thanksgiving and price matched either the day after or Saturday. NEVER had a problem doing so.
  24. So we are NOT suppose to put our names on the ornament or SS gifts?
  25. Walgreens has a military thing going on with a free family package special and Applebees is having a military thing tomorrow as well. Fuddruckers always offers a 10% discount for military as well as Hooters.
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