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Everything posted by heavenlysshine

  1. Can anyone make out what all is in that Baby Alive Value Pack exactly? That's not an extra doll on the side, is it???
  2. I see Christmas With The Kranks, Charlie's Angels and Mr. Deeds for $2.00 on the Big Lots ad as well as a ton of others I can't make out.
  3. Regarding the Scene It $25 - I wonder if the Harry Potter Second Edition Scene It Game will be included in the "other selected party games" or if those shown are the only two actual Scene Its that will be $25.
  4. Thanks! I'm so excited that there is a new ad this morning. I only wish they had girl's jeans listed because my dd8 has hit a growth spurt!
  5. I haven't stepped foot in a WalMart since their lawyers contacted Brad, so I couldn't tell you.
  6. *cough*scalpersite*cough ~H~
  7. OMG I thought I was the only one with the play-doh phobia!!!
  8. I got the same form letter from the site. I also got a reply from john simley. It said the exact same thing he is replying to everyone else, but mine did not mention the supposed i.p. ban.
  9. Busy emailing everyone else I can get my fingers on. Hope y'all are doing the same!!!
  10. Attention granted! "Dear Sir, I am a single mother of two children that uses sites such as gottadeal.com to plan early on how much my Christmas loan will be to give my children nice things for Christmas. Being the sole breadwinner in the home it is very important that I manage my money wisely around the holidays and having your ad as early as possible helps me in this endeavor. I do not understand why WalMart feels that gottadeal.com's early Black Friday ad leak hinders you in any way, other than your having a poor ad compared to other stores. Most times this is not the case and I am not disappointed in your ad. Gottadeal gives you free advertising and gets millions of unregistered visitors to its site daily, along with thousands upon thousands registered users. When you take that amount of people that are known and put them together with the many people who do not use gottadeal that are simply friends and family of registered and unregistered users who depend on loyal WalMart shoppers such as myself to guide them to your store and let them know how much money they will need to be saving, you have many, MANY millions of customers that you are potentially alienating with this horrible marketing move! I have used gottadeal for years to ensure that WalMart will be the first, and most times only place I shop on the day after Thanksgiving. Stores such as Best Buy and Circuit City have let the consumer know that they will not follow your lead and sue when their ad is leaked. This speaks volumes as to how much they value not only their customers, but also gottadeal, etc for the FREE ADVERTISING. I am sending this email to let you know that while I do not endorse a total boycott of your stores en masse (yet), I do strongly suggest that you work with sites such as gottadeal that give you free advertising, not against them. You are collectively showing yourselves to not value loyal customers who support you on Black Friday, along with every other day, year after year." And yes, I know I was probably not using my best grammar what with the run-on sentences, but y'all, I am HOT!
  11. ONLY 7 EMAILS?! Well, bless his li'l pea-pickin' heart. Sounds like somebody needs some attention. LET 'ER RIP!
  12. TYVM for the info!!!
  13. BUMP! I am getting my dialing and emailing fingers ready!
  14. Thanks for clearing that up. I was all set to make this ghost retailer my fave!
  15. I'd love to know which retailer that quote is from and where I can read it!
  16. The last time I tried it at my Kmart they did it! This was NOT on a Black Friday, though. YMMV, of course.
  17. I absloutely agree with you!
  18. WOOHOO Target! Kick Wally where it hurts! BTW: Only a few cents higher? Well, I can certainly tell you that with WalMart's whiney attitude, even it was a few DOLLARS higher, Target would get my business before WalMart. Viva la France!
  19. Perhaps the prices can be posted as $5.xx, $10.xx, etc. Just thinking here.
  20. "I Farted on Santa's Lap" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62SUfLfO6tM
  21. Way to go guys! I say keep it up and when you do, be firm, but also polite.
  22. Does anyone have a direct email address to walmart corporate? Not the CONTACT US, but another email to them? EDITED TO ADD: NEVERMIND!!!!!!! :-D
  23. Maybe this year the big stuffed animal will be a care bear since it is their 25th anniversary this year. Has anyone seen the all white 25th anniversary TenderHeart Bear? It comes with the very first Care Bears episode. Too cute. Here's a link: http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2634540
  24. I have a friend whose hubby got one of those squeeze stress balls shaped like b@@bs! lol
  25. "I Farted On Santa's Lap"
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