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Everything posted by tokanm

  1. I will be alone for the holidays this year, well except for my fur babies. DS is in grad school in London and will spend Christmas in Germany with g/f. My Dad, nephew and brother passed away in the last year. I plan on volunteering at a soup kitchen or the animal shelter. I think it will be good for me actually. I will miss buying gifts and finding bargains this year though
  2. Am I too late?
  3. Our DQ closes here in the winter:no:
  4. No tree or decorations at all this year. We are moving on 12/17 and it just isn't feasible. If I had to pack or unpack 1 more box I will be spending CHristmas at the local looney bin! lol Next years will be awesome:D
  5. Hello all. I am back with the real world after having no internet for 4 days Thanks to Verizon activating my new house and prematurely disconnecting my current house. I am moving on Monday (during a snowstorm apparently) Anyways thanks so much to my SS for my beautiful Santa nutcracker, and all the extra goodies I truly loved everything! To my OE you went way above and beyond even remembering my cats and dogs...they throughly enjoyed their treats. I loved everything. Sorry it took me so long to respond but between moving and getting the new house set my life is crazy. Losing internet made it all more complicated. Thanks again and I hope my receipients got their stuff and was happy with it. Next year will be much better....I hope
  6. Very nice. I am having a very low key Christmas this year. I am moving on 12/17 and will be in boxes still I am hoping to cook a nice meal and then watch movies etc. What do you do on 12/25?
  7. Thats so cool. My favorite Christmas movie!
  8. Not the same Brad We gottadealers a trendy people lol
  9. One of my favorite topics on here at the holidays is the recipes, home made gifts and ideas section. I am sad not to see that too much this year I always got alot of great ideas from it. One of my go to sites is www.northpole.com it has recipes and lots of fun ideas for the family www.reindeercam.com It is a live feed of reindeer and Santa feeding them. My favorite thing to make this time of the year is peanut butter balls and I love going here to see the lights www.lasalette-shrine.org its beautiful there:fluffy: click on Christmas to see it. I don't have a crafty bone in my body but I love to see the ideas, lol Maybe we can get this topic busy again:yup:
  10. MEAN PEOPLE SUCK!!!!!!
  11. I got both my boxes last night. I got the OE one from the mail lady and my neighbor came over and said "oh hey I got this in your name last week" It was nice but at least tell me, duh!! I have not opened anything yet. I dislocated my shoulder and I am in a sling so everything is tough. It is better now that it is back in place and a big old shot of cortisone helped too. I am guilty of being a late shipper, they went out yesterday to both my SS and OE:blush: I have notified Packergurl and she is aware. Sorry I will open my gifts tonight and am very thankful for them. I will update later.
  12. A GC for www.schwans.com I did this for stepmom when she was very sick. I was told they taste like home cooked meals. They seem to have everything
  13. Yes I am very happy for you Pam. Enjoy his visit!
  14. My parents always had a huge Christmas Eve gathering with all the neighbors, friends, family over. The house decorated beautifully, a huge buffet of food, holiday music. When we (the kids) woke up in the morning Santa had been there and left lots of gifts What I would do to have that again, miss those old traditions!
  15. I tried to order a new mattress and box spring from Sleepys.com I am sorry but if I am spending $2200 and that is the sale price I am NOT paying an additional $100 for delivery . I tried to talk them into free delivery, no way, no how was their response essentially. No Sale their loss
  16. ((((((((HUGS)))))))) We always do Chinese for Thanksgiving and a movie as well. Fun, easy, no drama and no clean up! Sorry about your Mom I just lost my Dad in August so I know it makes things tough. HANG IN THERE!!!
  17. I thought my local WM opens at 4am on BF . I am in Mansfield/Foxboro line.
  18. I tore my meniscus and cartilage and had arthroscopy of my knee. There was no way I could have done BF a week later I have a high pain tolerance too, childbirths with NO meds whatsoever! My knee was just too unstable at that point and would swell if I over did it. Check with your ortho imho you should do BF online Good Luck!
  19. We always go out for Chinese food and to the movies, usually a holiday new release. We have done this for years. DS spent T-day with his g/f family a couple years ago and they do a traditional thanksgiving. He thought it "was lame and boring" and appreciates our tradition now:tongue1:
  20. tokanm


    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my Roku 2 XS. It is best with a subscription to Netflix or Huluplus. I got mine at www.1saleaday.com Daftande that comment is really uncalled for! She was simply asking a question
  21. CONGRATS!!! I am glad that you won it You deserve it!!!
  22. LOVE IT!!!!! nice quality shirts and I love the extra trinkets too:tongue1: I foresee you being on Santas "good list" this year thanks
  23. Thanks Brad I will wear it with pride!
  24. Sorry for all your losses. I can so relate as my Dad died on 8/11/12. Several times I have seen an item and thought Dad would like this for Christmas, then I remember he is gone. Along with my Mom, brother and all 4 grandparents. I am hoping that they are in a better place now and are my guardian angels
  25. Elena wow a blast from the past! I haven't seen you forever...hows DH and the kids? Tyree, you will LOVE your KA mixer. I got mine a few years ago at a yard sale for $15. Its old but works great still. It makes baking a breeze!
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