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Everything posted by cubbeegirl

  1. It wanted to charge me shipping as well.. so I clicked out...
  2. WOW! Sorry to hear you are having so much trouble with your mattress. I would keep fussing until I had results too. We have a Serta perfect sleeper which we have had for about 4 years now and our son has one that we have had for a year now and we have had no problems.
  3. Sorry to hear about your controller, but glad to hear that I am not the only one who does these kind of things....:)
  4. Mine was suppose to be for my brother until I walked into my sons room and saw him standing there playing his playstation with games scattered all around on the floor and realized that he really could use it in his room...
  5. I am praying for ya .... heck my son if 14 and although he knows how much things cost and of course has long stopped believing in santa, I still fret about making his Christmas be just right. I remember one year being in a similar situation as yours and his big gift did not arrive in Christmas Eve day, I was soooo worried. I would check into the tracking number of that item and maybe have your friend go ahead and express ship the one from her house to yours just in case. I think your peace of mind would be worth the expense.....
  6. I also got in on that 50 pack deal. They arrived in about 4 days for me also and seem to be as good as any other batteries I would normally buy.
  7. I just checked on the status of an item that I purchased using Google . I had purchased another item several days after and when it arrived I started getting worried as they kind of go together. My account said that the item was shipped on the 12th of December and that it would take 5-7 working days so I am going to give it a couple of more days before I start getting worried. Other items I have purchased using Google have not taken as long, but this item is coming from California and I live in Louisiana, so I guess that is the reason for taking so long.... hope so. Edited to add that these items were both from Buy.com checking out through Google..
  8. Thanks for this post... I was worried about not having the zip out lining in the coat I was purchasing... I dont even own a coat as I hardly ever need one, and like to have a longer jacket when I visit the freezing weather... have to keep the booty warm....
  9. I ordered it... it doesn't have the removable liner like I wanted, but is getting close to our trip and I don't want to pay the prices I am finding for the ones with the removable liner... hope it is warm enough...
  10. I live in the deep south and will be travelling to Chicago over the holidays so I need a warm coat, I wanted one with a removable liner, but am thinking about getting this one because it is longer and I get really cold as I am not use to the cold.Does anyone know if the ones without the extra liner are warm enough for that kind of weather ? I saw this one in the store and it did not look very thick. Thanks! http://www.amazon.com/Columbia-Sportswear-Womens-Creek-Parka/dp/B000FZVM4I/ref=pd_sbs_a_1/002-8332483-2004828
  11. I am looking for a warm coat, can you tell me do these run true to size or do they run small or large? TYIA
  12. Darn, wish I had ordered another one to use for all my sons Playstation games....
  13. That is the fun of it...it is suppose to be a white elephant gift... I ordered one and will decide when it gets here... I may decide to keep it for myself, I am hearing so many uses for them on this thread...
  14. Thanks! I ordered one and may order more if they are still available after I get mine... I thought it might make a nice gift , it seems like something everyone could use including the single guys and women......think I may use one of the crank flashlights as another one of the gifts we have to bring, seems like everyone could use one of those too... doncha just love a deal?
  15. Instead of the adults exchanging gifts this year we are all bringing a $10-$15 unisex gift and playing the game where the first person opens the gift and the next one either takes that or opens another one and so on .... Anyway a unisex gift is a little hard to do unless you do food or something , was wondering is this item nice enough to work for one of the gifts we bring or not? TYIA
  16. Thanks! I needed that for my son. I have been wrapping his gifts and although he is having a GREAT Christmas he only has a few things to open,I scored a PS3 for him and am trying to rack up on some other little goodies so that his pile doesn't look so pitiful(even though he understands the cost issue)Thanks a bunch!!!!!!
  17. Heather, I received my coupons yesterday and am off to Tanger in the morning to use them....Thanks a bunch!!!!
  18. LOL.... I love it!!!
  19. Same here, it always changes, so I just put a bag of treats (baked good) in the mailbox and whoever delivers that day can enjoy(or throw away if they wish)
  20. I agree with the i-tunes card, he will use that up in no time....
  21. How about and i-tunes gift card ....
  22. Anyone know if these things work ok? I need a $10-15 unisex gift that we play at a family get together, actually need 2 so wondering if these work ok, I could use one myself lol
  23. I know, I think I am going to tell her that I dont think they make them in pink and see if she will settle for something else, or another color,,, will let you know and thanks a bunch!
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