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Everything posted by SoCalCyclist

  1. I don't know why but I ordered the red pens and they're gonna be here tomorrow with next day shipping. Cost me .57 cents with tax. Me thinks Office Depot is losing money on this one.
  2. Haven't received mine yet either. What happened to the "no later than 12/17/2008"?
  3. Thanks! Picked up a video card, ram, and power supply!
  4. Ehh, didn't see anything I really needed. Besided $50 for a hoodie isn't exactly clearance price. I'm sure I can find better deals to waste my money on - like Roombas or floor safes or....
  5. DOH! You people are gonna break me!
  6. Where is this at? Shipping is $11.95 on my order.
  7. $90 for 5 panties and a bra! Isn't that a little pricey?
  8. Any FS codes?
  9. No space in code for it to work: JLE3040
  10. How do you pick a size on the gloves? It just comes up as "leopard" and size "0".
  11. Exactly my thought too. All these are being shipped from Hong Kong via airmail. There's gotta be something going on here. I'm thinking 8 year olds are making these things in sweat shops with all sorts of lead filled material!
  12. Got mine today! I ordered mine on 10/30, I believe. It turned out nice. Worth the wait and definitely worth the $1.99. I don't see how they can be doing this for so cheap, especially with it being shipped from Hong Kong! I wonder if I'll get lead poisoning wearing this? Anybody got a lead checker thingy?
  13. $149 However, took the wifey to pick it up today and she wasn't real crazy about it so we ended up going to Target and buying one there for $200.
  14. There should be a spot to put in your zipcode and then it should load up a new page with the lower price.
  15. http://www2.jcpenney.com/jcp/X6.aspx?ItemID=1442bab&ItemTyp=G&GrpTyp=PRD&ShowMenu=T&ShopBy=0&SearchString=butterfly+chair&RefPage=SearchDepartment.aspx&s4PageSize=15&CmCatId=searchresults&Search1Prod=True http://zoom.jcpenney.com/is/image/0900631b81265256M.tif?wid=180&hei=180&&op_usm=1.5,.8,0,0&resmode=sharp
  16. Cuz I need a new tree this year and almost bought one at Lowes a couple weeks ago at full price. Glad I waited. Just bought this one. :) http://images.lowes.com/product/087449/087449097990.jpg
  17. You sure? I need to buy one this week.
  18. CNET review: http://reviews.cnet.com/flat-panel-tvs/westinghouse-tx-47f430s/4505-6482_7-32429415.html Tigerdirect and CompUSA has the same TV for the same price as well. http://www.compusa.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4266318&SRCCODE=CNETCMPUSA&cm_mmc_o=2mHCjC2WHaCjCVqHCjCdwwp http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4266318&SRCCODE=CNETFEED&cm_mmc_o=2mHCjC2WHaCjCVqHCjCdwwp
  19. I sent them an email also and got this response: There is delay for dog tag production before, and your order was shipped on 11/28 already. It takes 8-12 business days for delivery, since it's an international shipment by airmail from Hong Kong. Thank you for your patience.
  20. I ordered dog tags on 10/31 but still haven't received them.
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