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Everything posted by magickallight

  1. Slowly fall the snowflakes
  2. Early Christmas
  3. Peaceful the Wondrous Night
  4. Happy bells are ringing
  5. Tis Christmas Day
  6. Sleep, baby, sleep
  7. WOW! Interesting article and looks like Target is competing HARD for Holiday shoppers! The news definitely perked me up to look more closely at a site I normally don't shop much on! Hope to see more stores following these steps!
  8. Years ago, my kids, my mom and I decided to "Do Walmart" for Black Friday... it was laid out so strangely... They had huge pallets of "doorbusters" scattered throughout the store wrapped in brown paper with employees guarding them until the "official start". I took my then very young son with me to stand in line for a big screen TV and my mom and teenage daughter were planted in front of the pallet filled with DVD players. I had been in the slow moving line for quite some time when my daughter came rushing over screaming that I had to come quick, my mom had been hit with a flying DVD player and was on the floor! I had to leave her with my son in my place in line (didn't want to miss out on my TV!) while I went rushing to the other end of the store to help my mom. By the time I got there she was back on her feet with a nice bruise on her head, mad as can be that she didn't get a DVD player! Seems as though the employees tossed them off the pallet at "go time" and one of them had a pretty good throwing arm! One person that had witnessed what happened came over and handed her one of their DVD players, as they had gotten more than 1... I thought that was really sweet. It was a Black Friday that I will never forget...
  9. It is scary - but cash can be dangerous as well - if crooks see you paying with cash and know that you are carrying a good bit with you - they could easily mug you in the parking lot. Since I do most of my shopping online, I either use the PayPal option (if available) or I have ONE credit card dedicated to online purchases so that if the number does somehow get hacked - I can shut it down and know which charges were mine and which to put holds on. As a word of caution - NEVER use your ATM card or credit card linked to your bank account in stores or online - as if that number gets hacked you could have your bank account cleared out and good luck with fighting with banks!
  10. Yay! Our 2nd ad! Keep them coming.
  11. Back again 10/21/14. There is a Woot-Off Going on Today on the following sites http://d3rqdbvvokrlbl.cloudfront.net/images/woot-off-lights.1.gif ( New deals all day as soon as one sells out - another comes on,... LOTS of Fun!) Woot.com Home.woot.com Tools.woot.com Accessories.woot.com Kids.woot.com wine.woot.com sellout.woot.com
  12. God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman
  13. It used to be my mom, my girls and myself, but now I do my shopping online and let THEM fight the crowds.
  14. Holly Jolly Christmas
  15. Loved reading all the creative responses! http://ts3.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.608028264041809846&pid=15.1&P=0 jdrd90 Bopeep drod58 LCPanther1975 AuntieJul BFNinja Enjoy your new shirts.
  16. Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot
  17. Silver Bells
  18. Kings of the East are riding
  19. Now THAT is a game plan! Love it!
  20. If a store has a minimum free shipping limit (last year it was $35 at Christmas time at Walmart) - I will use my list and grab that amount - checkout fast and then go back for more. If the item sells out but is in your cart - you loose it on Walmart... Amazon is a different story - they give you an allotted time to check out with their gold-box deals - if you don't checkout before your clock runs out then the item is no longer yours.
  21. Going with the first letter - as the Y's are FEW and far between Santa Baby
  22. You're All I Want For Christmas
  23. Let it Snow, let it snow, let it snow.
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