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Everything posted by adewrell

  1. HP are in stock at Target.
  2. I was trying to buy the 75 inch LG but gave up at 3 am. Which actually turned out to be okay because delivery on it was November 25 and I found it today in stock at Best Buy for the same price soooo.... I got the Tv I wanted, at the price I wanted, 2 weeks sooner and Sams missed out on my $1k.
  3. I can’t get past the blue “We are super popular” screen. How did y’all get a chat agent?
  4. No luck here yet.
  5. Total of 7. I follow the something you want, something you need, something to wear, something to read. Santa brings 3 things. One really big/nice thing (this year am iPad Pro 12 inch) and two smaller wish list items. My daughter is 19 now and in college (hence the iPad) but this has ....almost..... always been our rule.
  6. I just told my DH the TV is only $300 more at Walmart and is in stock in the store. We can go get it and hang it on the wall tomorrow. Is it really worth this?
  7. Site crashed while I was entering my card number and now it won’t come back up ....
  8. Am I missing the price of the 75” LG on page 2?
  9. The coupon is available on Target.com as well.
  10. Sold out of all sizes.
  11. What is the code for the photobook? I'm not seeing that one. But to answer your question, you would have to submit them in separate orders to take advantage of all offers.
  12. I bought my Keurigs at Goodwill. Both of them were Wal-Mart returns that were missing the K-cup sample packs, but I got the B60 for $39 and the B70 for $49. The Timothy's Lemon Blueberry Fusion Tea is TDF!
  13. I have never had one not work. You don't need to call the restaurant at all. Just print your certificate and take it with you. Give it to the server when you place your order. P.S. Can you share that 70% off code with the rest of us? The other one expired yesterday. Thanks.
  14. Check out the Garmin Garage. They have LOTS of voices to choose from that have the TTS feature. Elfred is hilarious!!!
  15. Now THAT is funny! :sidesplit
  16. Ha Ha, no I haven't been to Collierville. I'll tell you though, as a general rule, Colonial is the best.
  17. The granola bars were not recalled for quality or anything like that. Target has to send the unsold packages back to Quaker. I was at Target (Olive Branch, MS) this morning when they opened - not the first one there, but the first to brave the weather and stand at the door so first one to the Halloween - I got all of the Ziplock bags, several napkins, paper towels, soft soap, etc. I didn't see any Saran Wrap this year though. The one thing that I was able to snag at 3 different Targets (Olive Branch, Horn Lake, and Winchester) was the Oreo's. They're in the regular ailes but they have orange stuffing and the bag says Halloween. $1.50/ bag. I also got a couple of books, Fancy Nancy, Curious George, I Spy a Pumpkin, and several others.
  18. Thanks guys! I don't have a printer anymore and I was kind of bummed that I wouldn't get to take advantage of the $10 but, as always, you guys came through for me and I was able to get it for $10 shipped!!
  19. You must have been at my store!! We were there last night and I told DD to go check the juice while I continued on the perimeter. In a minute she came down the aisle and said, "Um, I sort of need the cart." I went over there and sure enough there was a shelf FULL of them, all flavors!! DD went to go check the price and I heard her 4 aisles over as she said, "Whoa!"
  20. PlayStation 3 007: Quantum of Solace Blitz 2 Bolt Bourne Conspiracy Cliver Barker's Jericho Disney Sing It Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Ferrari Challenge Fracture Guitar Hero 3 Guitar Hero Aerosmith Hail to the Chimp Lost Planet: Extreme Condition MLB 08: The Show NBA Ballers Chosen One NFL Head Coach NFL Tour Overlord: Raising Hell Pure Rock Band Rock Revolution Singstar ABBA Singstar Vol 2 Soul Calibur 4 TNA Impact Xbox 360 007 Quantum of Solace Alone in the Dark Blitz 2 Bolt Bourne Conspiracy C&C 3: Kanes Wrath C&C: Red Alert 3 Clive Barkers Jericho Condemned 2 Devil May Cry 4 Enemy Territory Quake Wars Fracture Golden Compass Hellboy Infinite Undiscovery NBA Ballers Chosen One NFL Head Coach 09 NFL Tour NHL 2k9 Operation Darkness Pure Ratatouille Rock Revolution Silent Hill: Homecoming Solder of Fortune 3 Soul Calibur 4 Spiderwick Chronicles TNA Impact Too Human Turning Point Turok Universe at War Unreal Tournament 3 Wall-E Warhammer Battle March WWE 2008 Wii Battle of the Bands Naked Brothers Band w/ Microphone Petz Crazy Monkeys Popstar Guitar Rubiks World Samba de Amigo Tales of Despereaux The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor PlayStation 2 Bolt Dancing with the Stars Disney's High School Muiscal (It ends there, so I'm not sure if it's 2 or what) Disney Sing It w/ Microphones High School Musical 3 (Two versions are listed??) Monster Lab Naked Brothers Band w/microphone Shrek's Carnival Craze Singstar Country Bundle The Golden Compass The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor Think Fast with controllers Nintendo DS Cheetah Girls: Passport Disney: Cory in the House Energy Dance Squad Engergy Gym rockets Igor Imagine Ballet Star Imagine Movie Star Imagine Rock Star Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon My Fashion Studio Naked Bros Band Neopets Ninja Gaiden: DS Ninja Reflex Petz Rescue Endangered Prince of Persia 007: Quantum of Solace Rock Revolution Tales of Desperaux Tecmo Bowl Ultimate Band WWE 2009 Smackdown
  21. I think that Colonial went this morning. "Ethan" was there this morning as they were tagging and got some GREAT deals!
  22. Southaven had one this morning at 8:30, but I won't be back out there until tonight. I will call DH and ask him to go see if it's still there.
  23. Olive Branch is the closest store to her. Hey Rach. Sorry I missed you this morning, darn job!! Olive Branch didn't have anything at 75% today, Southaven had SOME, but not really a lot. I did get the Princess Barbies, a Didj Crammer, star wars laptop, doodle pro and a couple of other little things. Fortunately for me, my daughter has really outgrown the whole toys thing and I'm just picking up for friends and family. I think I'm going to hit up Cordova at lunch though and see what they have.
  24. I was there yesterday for about 3 hours looking for stuff that had been stashed. I always check the garbage cans, plastic totes, storage bins, drawers and cabinets in furniture, microwaves, etc. I would tell you the other places, but someone might get mad at me for sharing their stash location.
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