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Everything posted by amandasdennis

  1. Yeah, I think our Wal-Marts down here will have crock pots until the end of time...
  2. I have bought so many of the Wal-Mart special computers, I can't count....I think ten over the years, and I can say that I have not had any more problems with them than I have had with the other ones that I bought at a premium price. With computer prices going into the toilet as fast as they do, if you are a casual computer user or are letting your kids use the computer for their homework, for goodness sake, go to Wal-Mart and grab one off the shelf. That is what I have done for years, and will continue to do. I will say that my last laptop is from Best Buy and I spent a pretty penny for it because I had a more advance purpose for it, but for the casual user, I strongly recommend going with the Wal-Mart special computer. There is no sense in toiling over spending $1500 on a computer. You won't use 80% of the memory anyway unless you take up 100,000 pictures or play video games for the rest of your life. You should be just fine, and if you are not, Wal-Mart has always been just fine with any problems we have ever had. Out of all of the computers and all of the printers we have ever purchased for my kids, grandparents, parents, etc. we have never had a problem returning the few issues we have had. Have fun guys! Enjoy sitting on the couch computing...it gets addictive!
  3. Yep, I don't know how many ours had to start with but it must have been a ton, because there are still some left!
  4. What was the model number on those...I think ours still has some left!
  5. 8 Once again BAIT and Switch...They should change their name to Bait and Buy.
  6. Both Wal-Mart and Best Buy...One to Give and one to Keep!
  7. Thank God my little girl doesn't want the $100 creepy "chucky" talking doll! The Furbies were more than enough for me!
  8. Much ado about nothing, and boy did I try to find stuff.
  9. Well, I saved a bunch, but then again I bought a bunch...I feel like I saved about $500 when you look at what the things would cost on a normal day, but when you talk to my husband he still says that I dropped $1300 no matter how you look at it! So who do you agree with? Me or him?
  10. Which one did you get......Mine is kind of doing that too!
  11. Look, I got one for my nine year old....It's actually his second mp3 player....She'll be fine. Has she ever had a game boy or anything like that. It's a bit smaller than that, but if she could keep up with that, then she can keep up with the mp3 player. I applaud her for being respectful enough to say that though!
  12. We have a neighbor that puts up lights almost as bad as this...and he was out on Friday buying more because last year someone stole part of them...call it a public service!
  13. Does this say that nobody cleans or what?
  14. You know, those stick brooms are worth the $10....I'm telling you next year I'm not going to Wally world at 5 a.m unless I'm looking for hardcore electronics...ours has pretty much everything, and they've marked down the tv's!
  15. I am a rule follower, and that is what irks me about people who do not follow the rules. I feel that when people make rules, they should follow them. We went to Best Buy. We didn't get what we waited for at Best Buy but by the time we found out, my husband insisted on staying and going in any way. When we got in there, we nearly didn't get out. I thene went to Kohl's and Wal-Mart. I know that if you aren't looking for computers, you should just hang out and wait. I got to Wal-mart at 8:00 a.m. (after a bath to help cure frost bite,literally) and I got everything I wanted. By this morning, Wally world actually had some of their BF stuff MARKED down!
  16. You know I didn't get the Emachine at Best Buy and we got there early enough and were in an appropriate place in line until the store personnel allowed people to cut and we found out that the personnel had bought most of them ahead of time. Best Buy Sucks.
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