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Posts posted by rabx5

  1. All 3 of my cats climb my tree every year. It's a flippin tradition with them :mad: It's a 9 foot artificial. The 2 smaller ones don't cause much disturbance, but when my big one climbs it, it sways back and forth :( It's like Kong climbing a building :tongue1:


    I use a squirt bottle.

  2. I bought my daughter one about 8 years ago. She still has it sittting on her dresser. I had shipping issues though. Ordered it in late October and it was delivered UPS on Christmas Eve :g_shrug: I was sweating that one.
  3. Check e-bay too.


    This year when hubby and I went to WDW, I spent a couple hundred at the Christmas store there :D I splurged and bought the mickey mouse light strands. The actual plastic Mickey head is quite large and will look great on my 9 foot tree. We also bought more ornaments.


    My mom loves Disney ornies too, but she likes the blown glass ones:) rather expensive.


    At holiday time, make sure you post a pic of your tree :D :D I would love to see it!

  4. We have airplanes all over our tree...

    Cool- i would like to see that.


    I really don't have a theme either. 99% of my ornaments are hand made though. Every year growing up my mom would buy a special ornament for me and my sis. When we moved out, we got to take them-a nice start.Well, she did the same for my kids and now they each will have their own box of their ornies when they leave too. It's awesome because everytime we go to hang one up, one of the kids will say "remember that year? ect...."


    We started buying an ornie from when we vacation. Last year when we went to Epcot in Disney we bought one from each country in the World Showcase, and if they didn't have one, we bought a lil flag and just tuck them in the tree here and there.


    This year at Disney, I bought Mickey Mouse lights :D I will wrap them in my evergreen swags and hang them in the doorway.


    Geeze, I really had a lot to say about this-sorry. I just enjoy decorating for the holidays I guess :tongue1:

  5. Also.... call WDW directly- the reservation line 407-939-7675 and ask them if there is a promo code pinned to your name or anybodys name at your address.

    I did this last year and got Animal Kingdom Lodge Savanah view room for $199 a night- regular $350 a night. I could have got a value resort at $49 a night and a moderate @ $79. My dream was AKL savanah though and we splurged. Worth every penny to me.


    Also go to




    There is a ton of info about Disney to be had there.


    Good luck.

    I think me and the hubby are sneaking there this June. Without the kids- well, they are all going other places, so we decided when they are gone- we will go away too :P

  6. My son has the "first" xbox and we bought him several games for Christmas. The new games don't work but all of his old ones do:mad: I am glad I read this because we thought he may need to replace the drive in the system. Does anybody know how we can get the new games to work? Will replacing the dvd drive in it fix the problem? You can get new drives on ebay for around $30-$40.


    Thanks OP- Now we arent scratching our heads anymore. Out to look for a solution and if I find one, :crossfing I will pass it on to you.

  7. Thanks to this post, I went to mine on the way to work and the workers were just starting to mark down the 75% off. I was soooo happy and bought lotsa nice gift sets and some christmas cards and that blasted Brittney Spears Curious perfume for $4- I bought it for my daughter for $25 :mad: before Christmas. Now she will get the $4 set next Christmas.


    Thanks OP :yelclap:

  8. I would be lost without mine. I put in $20 a week and that adds up to $1000. This year the bank is making the final payment which is much nicer than the $3.00 I earned in interest last year. The good thing about a Christmas Club acct. is that you can't access the money until the bank issues the check usually in late October early November.
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