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Everything posted by saturnboy01

  1. My brother said there were LOTS to go around (over 100).
  2. I would love to see BF (ALL stores) open at 12:01AM on BF and stay open for 24hours.
  3. I feel you would STILL have people camp out. Are they going to lottery the WHOLE store? People are not just there for big items they are they for other things too and those people I feel would still camp out with or without a lottery system.
  4. Does anyone know if they are going to be having any BIG sales leading up to X-mas besides the reg. sales they have?
  5. I plan to really start saving up again for BF in a few weeks, still have x-mas to deal with also but that is what an x-mas fund at your bank is for! Im ready for more deals throughout the year leading up to BF2k6!
  6. VCR...What is that? I havent used a VCR in over 9 years! Wow, they still make those black tape things? Hmmm
  7. Im already underway for prepping for BF2006. I will start making my bi-weekly deposits into my savings accounts in a few weeks. I plan to spend a lot more next year! I passed up on a few good deals I wanted to get cause I was short on this year (but next year I wont be!). My BF2006 plan of attack: 1. First stop: BB.....
  8. No. need to buy a few other things.
  9. yes, it only comes around once a year (Thank God!) and I will be out and about next year
  10. I am hearing that there is supposed to be some GOOD online deals come Monday. I heard that on Foxnews.com They also plugged gottadeal.com in a story.
  11. Have a 1 day contest or something fun on here?!
  12. I will give you my address so you can send them to me so I can put them to good use! Or you could raffle them on this site?
  13. No one cut in our BB line. It was okay until people started trying. All we had to do was let the cop at the door know that these a**holes were not here all night and the cop told the people that were cutting they are NOT allowed in and to go back and get in line. Mind you this didnt work for very long since BB ran out of a lot of doorbusters before 5AM rolled around so then EVERYONE was hostile. Glad I got my stuff and was out by 515am.
  14. There was a limit on media items but other items there was a $300.00 cap.
  15. I dont care who touches me as long as I get what I was coming for!
  16. No. Its like that EVERY year only it gets worse in some stores. They don't care about the customers they are just there to get the GREEN!!!
  17. If they do it next year I am sure there will be some things chaning. I hope I get some next year if they do it again!
  18. Nothing yet....is what I meant to say.
  19. Nothing "strange" in our lines at BB or Target.
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