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Everything posted by m13april

  1. They do, but they usually have less gift cards to give out.
  2. BF is "girls' day out". It started with my mom, me and my sisters. We made it a tradition about 10 years ago. Last year, my oldest neice went with us and she's excited to go again this year.
  3. My local walmart's return policy is now limited to 90 days. I think that is a more recent change to their policy.
  4. That sounds like the best way. More states should do that!
  5. I went last year, and although I would not go solely for the FAR stuff (the checkout line was too long and slow), it was a great addition to the things I was planning on buying.
  6. Best Buy has some box sets currently 19.99, so maybe on BF they'll be $10 or $15.
  7. Supposedly, Amazon is going to reopen preorders. They did a brief one and was overwhelmed with the response and since they didn't want to preorder more than they were alloted (they didn't have the exact number yet), they closed it.
  8. There is a limit of 1 per household per the email that Gamestop sent out.
  9. B&BW had the $5 sale already this year. I think it was in July or August. Not sure if they'll do it again during the holiday shopping season, but it was a great deal!
  10. How about the Mac laptops? Would there be any sales on those? I know they wouldn't be the $200 doorbuster, but a little something would help.
  11. That is a great idea. This will be the first Christmas married to my husband (who has a large extended family). We had also decided on immediate family, but I think that would be an excellent thing to do for extended family (let them know we're thinking of them).
  12. Something I learned from a salesman at Circuit city- Plasma tvs cannot be laid down, they must be kept upright. I had never heard of this before, but I trust that it is true.
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