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Everything posted by jamieva

  1. I'm against it but as the saying goes "the toothpaste is out of the tube"
  2. any chance the fire is on sale on BF?
  3. A newer one came out that I believe is $189. I would buy the $99 one as with a 6 year old theres a little higher risk of damaging it. Look into a good case for it as well.
  4. We have a 360 with the kinect and we used the kinect for about the first month and now they don't use it at all. I would buy it without it and you can always buy the kinect seperately later on if you change your mind.
  5. The answer is to not BF shop in a walmart. Sorry that's my editorial comment. I had a co worker get trampled over a trampoline several years ago. She had her hand on the box of the last one, a woman violently shoved her down and she was at the crowd's mercy from there
  6. PS3 i know for sure does not require any type of online membership to just play games as a single player
  7. There's age settings on Xbox live which restrict what they can do. It has a child setting which doesn't allow them to talk on headsets or in party chats etc. That price drop is enticing on the xbox 1 especially if you want one of the ones that has the games that come with it. My son is a huge fan of the Assassin's creed games so that one is catching my eye. He really wants a ps4 though so hoping something similar comes along. The xbox is dropping price because so far ps4 is far outselling them
  8. You don't need xbox live unless you want to play online or use online services like Netflix etc. I let my 2 kids use xbox live but I will say some of the things kids that are fairly young say on there would blow you away.
  9. I can't imagine there would be a deal on the 6 plus when they can't even keep them in stock
  10. Gamestop always has some type of deal on 3ds Nintendo 3ds will play old 2 dimensional ds games. My kids have one and they got a mix of 3ds and ds games when they first got it
  11. If you just want to play the games on disc than the mini is fine.
  12. Good review on Cnet of the mini wii they say get the regular one http://www.cnet.com/products/nintendo-wii-mini/
  13. Makes sense nothing in the video game world is backwards compatible
  14. I would go in and talk to someone at your local Gamestop. My understanding is that 1.0 figures will work on 2.0 but I wonder if 2.0 figures would work on the 1.0 thing? I have no idea. Luckily I did not get it yet for my kids but they want it now that the Marvel characters are coming out for 2.0 There's some good games coming out in early November like a new Lego DC game and the new Assassin's Creed game anyone think those will be on sale or too new to be included on BF?
  15. The other thing I like about the savings catcher that my wife showed me this weekend is that if you have to do a return, the e receipt is in your phone so you don't need to keep track of the paper receipt. Just did a return using it yesterday
  16. The PS3 has for several years been considered one of, if not the best blu ray player on the market. It's basically the same as buying a web enabled Blu Ray player as you can also use the PS3 for netflix, hulu plus etc
  17. I work in banking for 20 years. I would say credit card over debit card because if something happens and gets a hold of your debit card number they can wipe you out. With the breaches keep in mind as soon as that retailer tells Visa/MC/Amex about the breach they immediately reissue new cards to everyone who used their card at their store in this period of time. Also I would contact your bank and see if they are issuing cards with the chip in them (its visible on the left hand side of the card) and if you go to a store that has a chip reader, USE IT. Don't swipe the card if you have the chip. using the chip means no information is transmitted to be stored so a breach would not affect you. I would not recommend cash due to the chance you could lose it, drop it etc
  18. I have Prime and based on how much my wife buys the 2 day shipping makes it worth it when you add in the streaming content and 1 free e book a month from the lending library.
  19. Yeah I would wait probably see one for $149 or less. Sony and MS really want to push out their old consoles at this point.
  20. And even if the game is made for the older system, all the development money is going into the Xbox 1/PS4 version of the game. A great example is Madden 15. most of the great new features in the game are NOT in the xbox 360/ps 3 versions at all.
  21. I like this. And a good way for Amazon to try to get some more Prime members. Smart move.
  22. They do the selection is limited
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