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Everything posted by crystalhicks

  1. yes...please do!!! :bounce_fl
  2. I plan on doing the same thing....that way when 5 am comes I can get my doorbusters and get out of there to get to other stores!!!
  3. At our house we have stockings for all of us including the dog (well the geckos don't have them). I fill my husbands and he fills mine.... and then of coarse we fill the 3 kids together. We also have stockings for my husbands brother and two sisters...we get them a few weeks b/f christmas so that they can all have a christmas together b/c to make a long sad story short we raised his brother from the time he was 13 who is now 20 and lives on his own, one of his sisters lives with her best friend and his youngest sister is in foster care...well she actually gets adopted in the morning (and yes that is a great thing as we know the foster family and get to see and talk to her and even get her for weekend visits and will be at her adoption in the am)...due to his mothers (my husband has a different dad) lifestyle they have not all had a Christmas together in about 8 years so I am trying my best to make it a wonderful and unforgetable one for all of them.
  4. We always go to Wal-Mart first, then Chik fil A drive thru so we can keep shopping....then for lunch a sit down place to rest our feet
  5. I don't know if all Wal-Marts do it but our now has electronic check where they actually hand the check back to you and you sign a piece of paper....I know our Old Navy also does it, so there really isn't a reason they shouldn't take them.
  6. I finally got here too....was starting to get a little worried!!!
  7. I did not know someone bought them out....where have I been? It would have to be a GREAT sale as I live about 45 minutes from the closest one. Thanks for the info
  8. Does the Disney Store have any type of BF sales or doorbusters?
  9. with mine being 4 and 10 (and a 1 yr old but he doesn't mind if they have more) I feel they should have the same # but my husband thinks we should just worry about spending the same amount, which we also disagree on as he thinks we should spend less than I do. We don't buy them much during the year except for Birthdays and Christmas so there is always a ton of things I want to get them and I always do the shopping and I really don't think he realizes how much things cost. He as a child did not get much and so I think that has a lot to do with it.....
  10. I understand....last year our baby was only 4 weeks old so we got him a jumperoo from Santa so that the other 2 would not wonder why Santa forgot him. By the way, it was a great idea because he loved it and it wasn't too long before he was able to sit in it w/ blankets around him...he loved that instead of always having to lay on his back...he hated his swing!!
  11. I have one that is 10 and all of her stuff is more expensive but I don't want her to have her feelings hurt because her 4 year old sister got more. I also have a 1 year old but he just had a birthday so he doesn't need much but will get a few so that the other two don't question the whole Santa thing, not sure what I will set out from Santa for him though.
  12. Do you make sure your kids have the same amount of gifts or do you spend the same amont on each and not worry about the amount they each have to open?
  13. We have the video now and yes, she loves bratz. Thanks for all the suggestions. Hopefully I will find some cool stuff for her BF!!!
  14. It sounds like she would like it....I am definately going to check into it. How much are they?
  15. Where is the best deal you have found on the DVD recorder? Thanks for the info.
  16. my 4 year old daughter got one last Christmas (she was then 3) and we got her a Barbie one and I think it is like a 12"....does that sound right?
  17. I have heard of the Nintendogs...but have no clue what it is...can you explain a little about it? thanks so much
  18. oh my...I am sure we would be in the ER by 9 am on Christmas morning. Bless her heart she is just not too coordinated...
  19. Thanks for the help... what age are you getting the 25" for? I am looking for one for a 10 year old but she is very tall for her age....do you think a 25" would be too big or should I look for more like a 22"? Thanks again!!
  20. Thanks so much!! I will check it out.
  21. Yes she wants it to ride in the neighborhood. I am afraid for her to have a Go Cart...they tend to go a little faster than a golf cart... I just hope to find something that will make her as equally happy on Christmas morning that has nothing to do with driving...hahaha...she doesn't pay enough attention on her bike so I can only imagine her on a golf cart or go cart....
  22. Has anyone seen any good BF deals or any great deals at all on bicycles for a 10 year old? I guess she will probably need a 24". Thanks for your help
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