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Everything posted by crystalhicks

  1. Thanks...she has a play station but does not play it. She is getting a new bike from Santa as she has outgrown hers. This age is really hard as she is too young for some things and too old for others.
  2. Anyone have any good ideas for a girl who is 10, has tons of stuff, and asks for nothing but a golf cart? (Her sister has a gator but she is too big for it now and can't drive it. We live in a small sub-division on the lake and lots of people own golf carts so she thinks she needs one)
  3. Thanks for the info....I will definatley buy the adapter because we go through too many batteries as it is. I think everything my kids own requires batteries...
  4. How old are your girls? My daughter that I bought it for will be 5 in March.
  5. so let me get this straight...the console...the one for the house that hooks to the TV does not come with an adapter and runs off of batteries? Is that correct?0
  6. I have one on layaway at walmart and did not know you have to buy an adapter seperate. So you can not play it if you do not buy this? I am glad you mentioned this or I would have had one upset little girl on Christmas morning.
  7. If you live in the Sherman/Denison area will you be doing your BF shopping here or traveling elsewhere to do it?
  8. Where did you see it on sale? thanks for the info
  9. Anyone out there live in Grayson County? If so, will you be shopping in the Sherman/Denison area or somewhere else?
  10. How close does the store have to be for Wal-Mart to price match?
  11. so the sale is on Wednesday or is it today? thanks
  12. thanks for the info...i think i will keep my same phones until i am eligible to upgrade
  13. ok..sorry...it is late so I am only thinking with a partial brain...
  14. why would you say something like that? She is new member just like me so we don't have a clue how all of this works...
  15. I agree on Big Lots and would also like to see Mervyns!!!
  16. so if you already have cingular service, can you buy this phone for the $68 price and resign the 2 year contract or do you have to wait until your 2 yr contract is up to upgrade your phone? thanks
  17. Brad...we have been waiting so very patiently...please...please...pretty please...with sugar on top and honey on the bottom can we have the target ad now???
  18. Can you tell me if they will have the V-smile or the new Kareoke machine for younger kids? Thanks
  19. so when does the Target ad come out? Thanks
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