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Everything posted by kimmie0712

  1. I was at Target last night and the Abby Caddaby party supplies were 50%-75% off. They were pretty picked over at my store but I was able to get everything but the plates. I'm hoping to catch them at another Target this evening. It's a very cute little theme too.
  2. My husband calls me the juice stalker... And I haven't found any in quite a while either...
  3. Was @ Target again today and my store still had tons of Easter stuff. I picked up some more eggs for .09 since they are a good snack size. Can't beat the price...
  4. The hooded towels are $7.48 at my store...is that the 30% off price? They have a ton of Spiderman and Hello Kitty but no Princess ones.
  5. I saw some toys, dog bones, and supplies (collars, etc) on clearance at my local Target store. I didn't see canned dog food, but I read that someone saw it at their store. I also wanted to add that I think it's great what you're doing.
  6. Here I was thinking that the board game area would be a good stashing spot....scratch that idea!!
  7. I did really good at Target this weekend. I thought for sure Easter stuff would be 90% on Saturday (because it was 90% on the 6th day for Vday) but it was still 75%. I managed to find two girls toddler capris in each of my daughters' sizes for $1.24 which I was pretty happy with. I hid some things that I thought would be gone on prior to 90% and thank goodness noone found my stash. here's what I got: 6 dish scrubbers - .09 each 4 girls shirts - .40 each 1 toddler shirt - .39 each Princess easter grass (6) .19 each Disney dress up baskets (2)- $1.49 each Egg coloring kits (2) - .09 each Coloring books (2) - .09 each Sprinkles (2) - $.29 Princess treat boxes (6) - .29 each (I think) Various egg candies - .09 each I did really well with my purchases. I may go back at lunch today just to see what is left. :) Oh and my BEST find - 4 MM!!!! My first ever find and I had my husband with me and wanted to know how I knew to even look.....gotta love the gotta deal ladies!!! :)
  8. I thought the always went at least 90?! I hope all stores aren't like this...
  9. Hmm....I checked page 1 and it said the 7th day, but I know that the Vday stuff went 90% on the 6th day following the holiday. I just assumed it would be the same for Easter. Maybe I'm wrong?
  10. How much were the toddler tees and capris? This might get me to go on my lunch break.
  11. How fast do the Easter items usually clear out? I'm holding out for 90% on Saturday morning but I'm scared I'm going to miss out on the good stuff. I figure if I get there at store open on Saturday then I might still find some good things....right?
  12. I have yet to see one, but I would LOVE to find another site! I have seen a couple of posts (on other forums) about using the asin # to check availability though.
  13. Does anyone know how long these have been at this price? I would like one for my girls, but I dont' want to pay that much money for them.
  14. I haven't seen the Cars one, but I found the Princess one a couple of weeks ago. I pd either $12.48 or $19.99 for it then though.
  15. Ok, next time I am there I will check them out and see. Thanks for the tips!
  16. Good find! I found one similar but it was the Disney Princess one. I think I got it for the same price as you - $14.98.
  17. edit my post because of the one posted above! Thanks for your help!
  18. Ok, I hate to rehash the MM issue, but I'm confused. Are you find these deals only at Super Targets? I'm not sure what to look for....
  19. Back from lunch! Got some Vday tshirts for my girls for $.40/ea and some vday wrapping paper (that so doesn't look like vday wrapping paper!) for $.39. Also checked out the Disney party supplies and at my store they were only 30% off. I went ahead and got the wrapping paper and plates/cups since they were running out. There were things I didn't want to miss out even though the 30% wasn't that great. My best find? I checked out the endcaps of the toys section and there was a Just my Size Barbie throne on clearance. When I first checked it out the clearance tag said $34.98 (down from $49.99) but then I checked it again and the tag said $12.48. Woo hoo!! One bday present down!! :) Now I just need to find the FP camera on clearance. :)
  20. just got off the phone with my local Target and Vday stuff is definitely 90% there. Will try at lunch and see what's left.
  21. did you find this stuff today? we are also doing a princess theme for my daughter's 3rd birthday in April! :)
  22. I went to Target over the weekend and got a few items in the 75% Vday items. I was looking at the Vday clothing for my girls. Got a sweater for $2.49 and a tshirt for $1. My best find was hidden in the candy aisle. It was a Christmas tee shirt...of course it didn't ring up when I scanned it to check the price. The cashier wanted to give it to me for .99 but I told her that at christmas and halloween that these shirts were going for about .25....so she gave it to me for $.10. I was happy with that. :) The Vday stuff will go 90% on Wed or Thursday right?
  23. I sent my husband to look for the Step 2 wagon and he said he didn't see them! I'm so bummed I missed this deal!
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