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Everything posted by kimmie0712

  1. I took the one that was ringing up $9.99 to customer service and explained that it was the same exact thing and they gave them both to me for the $2.48. They couldn't explain what that other bar code was...
  2. ### ### Crayola Color Wonder 3D Glitter in Tinkerbell was $9.99 now $2.48 I've included a picture since I don't have any other info. I found one on the endcap and one on the shelf not marked.
  3. The rose petal cottages were marked 50% off at my store yesterday....now $42.98. Still debating on whether or not I should get it for DD's birthday in April.
  4. We went to TRU first last year and I'm not sure I'd ever do that again. The aisles weren't big enough and they weren't prepared for the amount of people that came in. It was far too overwhelming for me!
  5. My experience with target is different. I've found that if they run out on the shelf there are almost always more in the back. For example, at my Target they only have one of the Sleeping Beauty vanitys out, but I'm guessing they have more in the back and if they are in demand they'll bring them out. Not all Targets are like this though. :)
  6. Last year my mom and I went to TRU first (about 30 back in line), left there, then got in line for Target. By the time we got in the door people were already leaving. Four thirty might not be a bad time actually...
  7. Just curious as to what time everyone plans on lining up at Target. I wonder how far back I'd be in line if I got there at 5am for the 6am opening...
  8. Forecast for my area on BF is showers...high of 57 and low of 33. Fabulous...
  9. I saw the Hannah Montana guitars at the Target in Smyrna, TN for $44.99 this weekend. They had 3 of them! :)
  10. Here's my list: 20 pk play doh Sleeping beauty vanity Little Tikes camera Kung Fu Panda Madagascar Might check out some of the PS3 and Wii games and the Mossimo jeans for myself... :)
  11. You are the man Brad! Love your avatar... :)
  12. I noticed at my Target they have board games like CandyLand, Memory, Chutes and Ladders, etc piled sky high but they aren't listed in the ad for BF. They are usually on sale for $3.99 on BF so I'm curious if this is going to be an unannounced sale?
  13. I originally saw this on an endcap at one of my targets after passing it up (not sure why) I was lucky enough to find them at a different Target. It's a twin quilt with pillow sham. I found these in the bedding aisle next to the brown and pink ones. The price said $39.99 but scanned at $9.98. Great deal! ### Circo pink heart twin size quilt with pillow sham $9.98
  14. This is what I'm wondering too...I only saw a few things that were of interest to me, and I'm not sure I want to wait in line that early to get them. Has anyone seen a cheaper deal for the board games? $3.99 seems pretty good to me...they are on price cut at Target for $5 right now.
  15. Target usually has the regular board games on sale for $3.99 (like Candy Land, Chutes and ladders, etc), but I didn't see it in the list. Did I just miss it or are they not on sale on BF? I saw a ton of the candy land games on the higher shelves at my local Target.
  16. The listing looks pretty good, but I'm a visual person and need to SEE the ad...
  17. Any idea on when to expect the Target ad??? I'm getting antsy... :)
  18. I am (not)patiently waiting for the Target and Kohl's ads....where are you!?!?!?!
  19. Backpacks finally went 75% off today!! Yay!! I got the last two Tinkerbell backpacks they had for $3.48 a piece!! I also got 6 of the 5 pack of the spiral notebooks for $.12. These are fabulous doodle pads for my 3 year old! The dollar spot is also 75% at my store. They had quite a bit of stickers left and some Hello Kitty things. I managed to get a couple of pair of socks for my girls...will hit the other Target on the way home. My total today was only $15.21 and after some calculating I realized I saved over $41!! Awesome!!!
  20. I think this year we will hit Target first, but then again, it depends on who has the best deals on what I'm looking for or want...
  21. I was at Target yesterday and everything but the backpacks were marked 75% (this is in Antioch, TN). I asked that associate when they would be marked down and he told me "probably Thursday" since that's when sporting good are marked down. I have my eye on a cheap Tinkerbell backpack and I hope I can get it!!
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