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Everything posted by bigjimslade

  1. Here is my big tip..... Be sure you know all of your login info for each site you will shop at. Try logging in NOW to see if you remember your UN and PW. Also update your credit card info, email addresses, billing address and shipping address. Like in real life/in person when the sales start it is a race to check out. Just becuase you have the item in your online basket it does not mean it is yours. If you dont have logins for stores you want to shop at it is a great idea to create them NOW.
  2. Here is the direct link to the webcast tonight. https://new.livestream.com/gottadeal/events/3590423
  3. As seen on the cover of such prestigious magazines as Sky Mall, Cat Fancy and Limousine Digest. It is BLACK FRIDAY LIVE! Our next webcast will be NOV 15th 2014 - TONIGHT We will be having our webcast on Livestream at the link below. This week we will be discussing the already leaked Black Friday ads, Black Friday news, contests and we will be answering your Black Friday questions LIVE on the air. The chat room will also be open so please join us! https://new.livestream.com/gottadeal You can start asking your Black Friday questions for the webcast now! Go to the link below and click "Ask as question" http://www.blackfrid...cast</span>.com The webcast will start at 7PM Central time. Below are the times for time zones in North America and our friends overseas. UTC – 01:00AM SUNDAY Eastern – 8:00PM Central – 7:00PM Mountain – 6:00PM Pacific – 5:00PM Alaska – 4:00PM Aleutian Islands – 3:00PM Hawaii – 3:00PM Guam – 11:00AM SUNDAY For more information about our webcasts this year please visit the webcast info thread at the link below. http://forums.gottad...rmation-thread/ Be there. Aloha
  4. Hi Everyone! I am at a starbucks since my internet at home is out. Becuase of this I am having to cancel the webcast for tonight. We will be back Saturday evening @ 7PM CT
  5. The Walmart ad leaked early this morning so we will have a Black Friday LIVE webcast TONIGHT at 7PM CST. We will be going over the Walmart ad, answering your WM BF questions LIVE on the air and we will have a t-shirt contest. https://new.livestream.com/gottadeal The webcast will start at 7PM Central time. Below are the times for time zones in North America and our friends overseas. UTC – 01:00AM THURSDAY Eastern – 8:00PM Central – 7:00PM Mountain – 6:00PM Pacific – 5:00PM Alaska – 4:00PM Aleutian Islands – 3:00PM Hawaii – 3:00PM Guam – 11:00AM THURSDAY For more information about our webcasts this year please visit the webcast info thread at the link below. http://forums.gottad...rmation-thread/
  6. We will have a webcast on Wednesday for the WM ad. I don't want to post anything until the morning so people wont confuse it with tonights BB webcast.
  7. There are TONS of Free channels. Anything and everything you want. Here are some examples of what the free channels offer. Movies - Silent, Classic, Westerns, New Movies, International films, documentary films, Si-Fi, Classroom Scare, Classic Exploitation, indie films, war and more TV - Some network TV, on-demand tv if you have cable, international tv such as UK, Asian, Israeli, Indian, Russian, Middle East Faith Based - Jewish, Christian, Islam, Hindu, Mormon Kids - tons of kids channels and there is a whole lot more. You can go to the Roku site and look at the channel line up. The channels are created by networks and content creators so they are always adding tons of channels weekly.
  8. Here is the link to tonight's webcast! https://new.livestream.com/gottadeal/events/3578557
  9. The Best Buy ad leaked early this morning so we will have a Black Friday LIVE webcast TONIGHT at 7PM CST. We will be going over the Best Buy ad, answering your BB BF questions LIVE on the air and we will have a t-shirt contest. https://new.livestream.com/gottadeal The webcast will start at 7PM Central time. Below are the times for time zones in North America and our friends overseas. UTC – 01:00AM WEDNESDAY Eastern – 8:00PM Central – 7:00PM Mountain – 6:00PM Pacific – 5:00PM Alaska – 4:00PM Aleutian Islands – 3:00PM Hawaii – 3:00PM Guam – 11:00AM WEDNESDAY For more information about our webcasts this year please visit the webcast info thread at the link below. http://forums.gottad...rmation-thread/
  10. I like the Roku the best. They have tons more channels and they are active in the system updates and upgrades.
  11. We will be on the air in 55 min! http://new.livestream.com/gottadeal/events/3566242
  12. Morning bump. Please join us tonight!
  13. All of the webcasts are recorded and you can watch it later.
  14. It was but I backed out of the event I was going to so I can do the webcast. We will have a lot to cover.
  15. Here is the direct link to the webcast! https://new.livestream.com/gottadeal/events/3566242
  16. As seen on the cover of such prestigious magazines as Sky Mall, Cat Fancy and Limousine Digest. It is BLACK FRIDAY LIVE! Our next webcast will be NOV 8th 2014 - SATURDAY We will be having our webcast on Livestream at the link below. This week we will be discussing the already leaked Black Friday ads, Black Friday news, contests and we will be answering your Black Friday questions LIVE on the air. The chat room will also be open so please join us! https://new.livestream.com/gottadeal You can start asking your Black Friday questions for the webcast now! Go to the link below and click "Ask as question" http://www.blackfrid...cast</span>.com The webcast will start at 7PM Central time. Below are the times for time zones in North America and our friends overseas. UTC – 01:00AM SUNDAY Eastern – 8:00PM Central – 7:00PM Mountain – 6:00PM Pacific – 5:00PM Alaska – 4:00PM Aleutian Islands – 3:00PM Hawaii – 3:00PM Guam – 11:00AM SUNDAY For more information about our webcasts this year please visit the webcast info thread at the link below. http://forums.gottad...rmation-thread/ Be there. Aloha
  17. I thought about it but Sears and Lowes are not major ads. The guidance I use is what Brad has set up for forums. There will be a webcast this weekend.
  18. We are LIVE https://new.livestream.com/gottadeal/events/3544090
  19. 7PM CDT TONIGHT! http://new.livestream.com/gottadeal/events/3544090
  20. Here is the direct link to the webcast! https://new.livestream.com/gottadeal/events/3544090
  21. As seen on the cover of such prestigious magazines as Sky Mall, Cat Fancy and Limousine Digest. It is BLACK FRIDAY LIVE! Our next webcast will be NOV 1st 2014 - SATURDAY We will be having our webcast on Livestream at the link below. This week we will be discussing the already leaked Black Friday ads, Black Friday news, contests and we will be answering your Black Friday questions LIVE on the air. The chat room will also be open so please join us! https://new.livestream.com/gottadeal You can start asking your Black Friday questions for the webcast now! Go to the link below and click "Ask as question" http://www.blackfrid...cast</span>.com The webcast will start at 7PM Central time. Below are the times for time zones in North America and our friends overseas. UTC – 12:00AM Sunday Eastern – 8:00PM Central – 7:00PM Mountain – 6:00PM Pacific – 5:00PM Alaska – 4:00PM Aleutian Islands – 3:00PM Hawaii – 2:00PM Guam – 1:00PM For more information about our webcasts this year please visit the webcast info thread at the link below. http://forums.gottad...rmation-thread/ Be there. Aloha
  22. What is the difference? The crazy people and fights. At home you are safe unless your family members are fighting over the last slice of pie.
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