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Everything posted by bigjimslade

  1. “This is Big Jim Slade, GottaDeal.com, Black Friday Live……” Hi Everyone! I am sorry this is late getting up but I have been busy with work. I have some great webcasts planned so here is the run down. Bookmark our webcast site and tell your friends....... Every year YOU have made our webcasts a great successes and they are growing. Use the website below to make things easy this year and streamlined. Here you can view the webcast, answer trivia and ask your Black Friday questions. Please take a moment and bookmark the site. http://www.blackfridaywebcast.com Webcast Schedule This is a peek at our webcast schedule for this year. Like anything it can change. The best way to keep up with our webcast schedule is to... Follow us on our Livestream page Check the GottaDeal.com forums daily In years past I have done Saturday webcasts but also webcasts when the major ads leak. This year I am going to do two a week. This way everyone can plan around the webcasts. With it being holiday season there is a lot going on. Everything from church to scouts. This will also help our viewers who have kids and need to plan around dinner time and if you are on the west coast plan around traffic/going home time. Nov 7th - Tuesday Nov 11th - Saturday Nov 15th - Wednesday Nov 18th - Saturday Nov 20th - Monday Nov 21th - Tuesday All webcasts will start at 7pm Central Time. Below are the time zones UTC – 1:00AM - Next Day Eastern – 8:00PM Central – 7:00PM Mountain – 6:00PM Pacific – 5:00PM Alaska – 4:00PM Aleutian Islands – 4:00PM Hawaii – 3:00PM Guam – 11:00AM - Next Day I hope everyone can make our webcasts and that find value in them. Post any questions you may have. Have a great Black Friday season and see you on the air!
  2. Hello Everyone! I will be posting the webcast schedule here in the next day or so. What I am looking at doing is having webcasts on Saturdays at the normal time but also one during the week as well. I want it to be accessible to everyone who can join. Ant last minute ideas? Let me know!
  3. Here is info from corp. https://www.toysrusinc.com/restructuring
  4. What killed TRU is the tablet. Over the last 5 years or so on GD we have had parents ask the question every year "How young is too young to buy my kid a iphone or tablet." The other thing that killed them was they did not have any special edition toys or brands. WM, Target and others for the last few years have had special edition brands and toys. This did not only target kids but parents who are my age who are wanting to re live our childhood and re collect the toys that our parents gave to Goodwill when we moved out to college.
  5. I work in the motion picture business and I am starting to see the studios releasing titles in 4K. Most of them are new titles from the last 5 years. I am not seeing much in classic titles. The price point for 4K is $22 and up. I do think 4K is here to stay and wont be another tech like 3D.
  6. Here is the press release: http://news.walmart.com/2017/09/06/the-kids-have-spoken-walmart-reveals-the-hottest-toys-for-the-holidays
  7. From CNBC https://www.cnbc.com/2017/09/05/wal-mart-hopes-to-win-this-holiday-season-with-exclusive-toys-layaway.html
  8. From WFAA in Dallas http://www.wfaa.com/news/nation-world/toys-r-us-restructuring-its-debt-bankruptcy-filing-is-an-option/471782101 Here is a NYT story: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/06/business/toys-r-us-bankruptcy-advisers.html
  9. If you have an Ikea near you they have some good sales. When buying furniture from a real furniture be sure to check the return polices. I have been burned in the past and that is why my whole house is a Ikea showroom.
  10. Thanks everyone for the kind words. I will do some tests webcasts and then have the full layout sometime in Oct. With BF not being what it use to be I dont want to do pointless webcasts. I want to make them fun but also useful. I will be doing a focus on Target this year since I drank the kool aide and been shopping there and saving with cartwheel and the red card. Let me know more of your ideas. I am working on some neat give aways.
  11. First off I just wanted to let everyone know that I am safe. I live in Dallas and all we had was some heavy rain bands and some wind. Please remember Texas and Louisiana in your prayers. Along with my regular mod duties I will be bringing back the webcasts. We have been doing them for years now and I want to know what you like and don't like. I want to make this fun and informative for everyone. I am looking to do the webcasts on Saturday in Nov with special webcasts as well. Let me know your thoughts. I hope everyone is well.
  12. Here is the direct link to the webcast! https://livestream.com/gottadeal/events/6628988
  13. Emachines! I sure miss them. They are better then macs.
  14. Also sign up for the BF email alerts. Brad and the gang will send out emails when the sales start on line. You can sign up at the bottom of the page at the link below. http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com
  15. I forgot to say that the chat room will be open! See you tonight!
  16. “This is Big Jim Slade, GottaDeal.com, Black Friday Live……” Jay has done a great job in filling in and I asked nicely if I can do some webcasts and he said yes. I will do two LIVE webcasts this Saturday (Nov 12) and next Saturday (Nov 19). I will be going over ALL of the ads that have leaked so far and answering all if your Black Friday questions. Webcast Location: http://www.blackfridaywebcast.com The webcast will start at 7PM CT. Here are the times below. UTC – 1:00AM SUNDAY Eastern – 8:00PM Central – 7:00PM Mountain – 6:00PM Pacific – 5:00PM Alaska – 4:00PMMidway Atoll – 2:00PM Aleutian Islands – 3:00PM Hawaii – 3:00PM Guam – 11:00AM – SUNDAY Vanuatu – 12:00 NOON – SUNDAY Be sure to be ready to go and have your questions as I will be going over all of the ads leaked so far. I hope everyone can make our webcasts and that find value in them. Post any questions you may have. Have a great Black Friday season and see you on the air!
  17. The holidays are a good time to buy one. What are you looking to do with it? I buy all of my video stuff at B&H in NYC.
  18. Join Jay for tonights webcast and I will do one Saturday evening!
  19. It has been like this for several years now. I do feel that some fun has been taken away.
  20. Blu-rays, hard drives and music vinyl and cds.
  21. I want to say a great big "Thank You" for all of the kind posts. My parents are doing well and recovering. I will stay active on here and if Jay will let me I will do a webcast the week before BF.
  22. Great webcast!
  23. Paula....your daughter and your family have been in my prayers. I want to publicly say that Paula has put her life on hold to make sure that her daughter got a service dog. My concern is the dog getting hurt. I have seen too many videos and people who don't care about others.
  24. Hello Everyone! I just logged onto GD a few days ago and saw this great thread about the webcast. You and Brad have been very supportive of me and the webcast so I thought I would write this post and explain my situation. The last 12 months has had its ups and downs. As I said in the last webcast when Black Friday season started last year the relationship and engagement I was in ended mid-summer of 2015. I really did not get over it until recently when a small army of Indian aunties and uncles gave me a lot of great advice on the situation. Other things that have happened is my business (Selig Polyscope Co) is growing and has gotten into digital projection. Other things have happened like my good friend being ran over and killed at a film festival. The big situation that is holding me back is both of my parents fell ill and were in the hospital over the last few months. My dad has cancer surgery and had some setbacks. He is expected to recover fully but it will take some time. My mom had some neurological issues and had to be in the hospital as well. Both are living with me since they are fall prone. With taking care of them and working I just cant put the 1000% time into a weekly webcast. It takes about 10 hours a week to prepare for one. This includes reading the message boards, studying the ads, reading the news wires, reading other BF sites and such. If someone wants to take up the webcasts please do so and support them 10000% like you have done for me. I am not done with BF and will be back next year. I may do one big webcast in Nov if no one else picks up the torch. Thank you for the kind posts on here and the kind Facebook messages that some of you have sent. Dev
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