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Everything posted by ramona1992

  1. I'm leaving at 10 - it may take me an hour and 15 mintues, maybe more depending on the weather.
  2. Oh, and kranky - I'm sorry! I'm not a true Pittsburgher. Used to be, but am now on the far outskirts.
  3. I'm going to Target after CompUSA. When are you getting to CompUSA?
  4. I will not be sleeping!
  5. I'm in SW PA - am leaving an hour early for my hour drive to Pittsburgh. I have 4wd and anti-lock brakes, so I'm not terribly worried.
  6. Where is the Wilkins Township CompUSA? Monroeville?
  7. Anyone? Anyone in Pittsburgh? I'm leaving for CompUSA at Robinson Town Center in a few hours.
  8. ramona1992


    I know this was discussed before, so if you want to redirect me to the thread and close this one, that's fine. But I'm wondering where to go to the bathroom tonight. My bladder may not be able to take it. Should I stop drinking now?
  9. ramona1992


    Snow in PA!
  10. If I order something from CompUSA to be picked up and pay for it now, if I get there tonight will they price match it and give me a refund?
  11. I don't think I will go to bad. I'm leaving tonight around 10 to get to CompUSA. Then I'll just stay up.
  12. ramona1992

    Snow Cancels BF!

    Really? In PA? Yikes.
  13. ramona1992

    Snow Cancels BF!

    Just have to leave earlier! I've got over an hour to drive, it better not be bad.
  14. ramona1992

    I'm afraid!

    I want the CompUSA Sirius radio, and a Gameboy, preferably Target's.
  15. ramona1992

    I'm afraid!

    I'm afraid I'll go out on my first BF and come home empty-handed!
  16. Oh, that's funny!
  17. I was wondering the same thing. I'm not a working teacher - well, not a paid teacher. I have my degree but am homeschooling at the moment.
  18. ramona1992

    Walmarts 3.44 dvds

    I went to the Walmart website and looked at the ad. Does that help?
  19. I've asked my mom for something from Apple - I hope it's on sale!
  20. Debit card - when the money runs out, I'll go home!
  21. ramona1992


    Is anyone going to CompUSA at midnight? What will you do between midnight and 5? Go wait in line somewhere else?
  22. There's another lesson in this thread - stay with your cart!
  23. I tried ordering the $20 mp3 player and it was gone.
  24. Cool! I'll have to check ours.
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