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Everything posted by herculesmomma

  1. I have no idea how you get it for less than $100, but this was the best money I ever spent! I think this is the one I bought 4 years ago (but not from Amazon): http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0002FZOIQ?smid=A2B7S05JU8J6GW&tag=nextag-pet-mp-20&linkCode=asn But if you live in a cold weather/windy area I would recommend this model: http://www.petdoors.com/quick_panel_iii.htm My cousin got the III model and it's flap is much more resistant to wind gusts (very important in the windy Michigan winters!). Since I have one large breed dog, it cost me about $350 bucks to get the extra large size and I've had to replace the flap once in the past 4 years that I've owned it. But I don't have to worry about rushing home after work to a dog with his legs crossed and I don't have to hire someone to come over and let him out. It's worked out great for me.
  2. http://www4.jcpenney.com/jcp/ProductsHOM.aspx?DeptID=25439&CatID=53370&CatTyp=LFS&ItemTyp=G&GrpTyp=PRD&ItemID=119bd10&ProdSeq=5&Cat=cookware+sets&Dep=Housewares&PCat=Home+Sale+Cookware&PCatID=52831&RefPage=ProductList&Sale=&ProdCount=17&RecPtr=&ShowMenu=&TTYP=&ShopBy=0&RefPageName=CategoryAll%252Easpx&RefCatID=52831&RefDeptID=25439&Page=1&CmCatId=25439|46168|52831|53370 Would be a great set for someone just starting out and has nothing!
  3. I know only certain things work for cooktop stoves, but found this non stick enamel cast iron frying pan on Sams online which said it can be used on a cooktop: http://www.samsclub.com/shopping/navigate.do?dest=5&item=375081 Just thought I'd post it in case it opens up options for some folks. :)
  4. Ha! I missed that one totally. Oh well, not the deal for me. Thanks for pointing it out for me jessleigh! :)
  5. Can anyone tell me about the Revere Copper Clad Bottom, 10 pc Set, Stainless Steel set? From the photo it looks like it has a non stick surface inside the pans. From the description there is no mention of it. Looking at the 14 pc set that one appears to be strictly stainless steel from the photos. I'd really like just the steel surface as I'm trying to get away from non stick surfaces (due to potential health hazards). Any input would be appreciated!
  6. I can tell you for movies/TV shows from ITunes and Walmart does not work for the Zune. I have yet to find a legal pay for site for such content for the Zune. Very frustrating. Not sure if that applies to the music though?
  7. Thank for the offer and I may just PM you and see what you've been using. I've done a few conversions already with some free software, but I also picked up a virus or tracking bug from somewhere. It may not have been the free conversion software, but one of the bootleg music/movie sites? Regardless, I was able to uninstall all the software and clean up the computer before any serious damage was done. It just took quite the education to figure it all out (ex. what files the zune would take and what software would convert certain file extensions to the zune as each software was different). I also tried converting a DVD I had, but it seemed to run for hours and hours, so I gave up on it and cancelled it after the 3rd try. Downloading files were time consuming as well, but that really isn't the fault of the Zune. (that one might be my fault as I had downgraded my internet access to a slower speed a few months ago). I'm by no means an expert at this stuff, but I'm also by no means an idiot when it comes to computers in general. And I found it took me quite a few days to figure out all this video conversion stuff (okay, so I didn't want to have to pay for a lot of what I was experimenting with since I am just experimenting right now). I can't say I feel very successful after a few days of work. I was able to get two downloaded movies onto the Zune and 2 TV shows though. It's certainly not impossible for someone who is not afraid to try some new things to get something to work on the computer. But not what I would call "easy" for a novice. Compare that to the Itunes store where you can easily download what you want virus free (of course, you do have to pay for the stuff) and it seems more idiot proof than dealing with the non-existant zune video marketplace. I don't like the fact that the lack of movies/TV shows force you to find "alternative" sites to get what you want. That said, I'm in love with the Zune so far. I just wish it was easier to get video content onto the darn thing. Music was a breeze though. Just my 2 cents! :)
  8. It can, but you can not play any music/movies/TV shows on it that has been downloaded from Itunes. This is what I found out about this past weeked. Otherwise, it seems to take a lot more types of files than what I've seen posted on the internet while doing my own research. The music seems to be no problem, but when it comes to movies or TV shows, they do have to be in a certain format in order for it to play on the Zune. In which case, you may have to buy converter software to convert the movie files over to the correct format for the zune to play them. Quite the pain in the butt so far and there are no a lot of options for places to download movies for the Zune (or that I have found yet). So far it seems to be heavily focused on being a music player for now. I've only had mine for a week now, so this is what I've found thus far.
  9. I just bought the Compaq from BB a month ago (both computers died and I couldn't wait for BF), but it's got a 120 GB hard drive. From what I can tell that is the only difference between the above mentioned model and the one I bought (I spent $450). I haven't watched movies on it yet, but it works well for everything else you mentioned you want to do. Even with everyone saying Vista is a memory hog, I haven't noticed any performance problems. Just my 2 cents for whatever it's worth.
  10. Thanks for posting. Was trying to figure this one out myself too!
  11. Living in the suburbian Detroit area, we're neighbors with Canada. The paper just ran an article that the border towns with stores are seeing a huge surge in Canadian buyers. Port Hurons furniture store said they are setting up delivery to the Sarnia area and the Best Buy is getting flooded with Canadians. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to run into a Canuk on BF around here. The more the merrier. I'm just bummed my dollar doesn't go as far in Canada as it used to. It once was a cheap, close vacation. But not anymore!
  12. I actually picked up this laptop about 2 weeks ago. But it has 120 GB HD. It's running Vista fine with the 1GB Ram. But I'm mostly a web surfer and just run programs like quicken and such. It runs pretty quick, so no complaints there. It seemed like a decent price at the time (about $475 with tax), especially with my laptop and desktop both dying on me in the same week! But I must say, I don't particularly like Vista as I've had to download updates for Vista in order to get Quicken and family tree maker to work on it. So I'm still debating about loading XP on it.
  13. So how does this work? If the Walmart is open 24 hours, then the items go on sale at 12:01 a.m.? If it's not, then it usually goes on sale at 5 a.m.? Should I call my local Walmart to verify? Also, can you get there at 11:00 and snag one and then walk around with it for an hour an 1 minute etc.?
  14. I just e-mailed them as I noticed the camcorder I just ordered a few days ago dropped by another $5. I asked if I could get the lower price applied and they did it no problem! I would keep e-mailing them. They responded to my e-mail in a matter of hours!
  15. Rossman, the reviews on the Canon ZR200 only seem mildly better than the PV-GS31. Is there something more to that camcorder that makes you think it's worth the wait? I'm certainly no expert, so I could have easily missed a key feature etc. So do tell! My budget is the closer to $250 the better. I will only use the camcorder for occassional use (vacations, video of the dog etc) since I am not married and have no kids. My mother offered to buy one for me for X-mas, but I don't mind waiting until a few days after X-mas too. She has the $250 in the budget for me and anything over that amount I can make up the difference myself. I've been sitting on what to do for a while now. The reviews seem to be good on one site for the Canon, not so good on another and vice versa for the Panasonic. I've gotten myself quite confused at this point!
  16. Okay, I take it no one has any suggestions for a comparable alternative??? :)
  17. Amazon.com visa. If you sign up for one it states: That you get $30 off your first amazon.com purchase (amazon.com must be the one selling the item) and..... Free rewards that come quickly, easily, and automatically† Earn 3 reward points for every dollar spent at Amazon.com Earn 1 reward point for every dollar spent on purchases elsewhere For every 2,500 reward points, you'll receive a $25 Amazon.com Reward Certificate
  18. Thanks for the suggestion, but I was looking for a minidv camcorder or something along those lines.
  19. Yes, thats true I forgot about the triple points! I chose it mostly for the price. The reviews I read on the camcorder were in the mid range. Consumer reports ranked it 25th, cnet ranked the next model up (the PV-GS35) as one of their best buy picks. E-opinions reviews gave it 3 1/2 stars out of 5. Camcorder info website gave the lower level model (PV-GS19) a pretty good review stating it was a good value for a camcorder under $300. Couple all of the reviews with the price and it seemed like a pretty good camcorder for the money. That and I wasn't sure what else to buy that would be a comparable camera at the same price! I can cancel my order if someone has a better suggestion at the same price!
  20. Well, I sucked it up and bought the Panasonic PV-GS31 on amazon.com Price was $349.00, applied for the visa credit card for a $30 instant savings for a price of $319.00. Free shipping and no tax. After the mail in rebate of $50 it should bring me down to $269.00 total. Not bad I guess? Not as good as the BF deal that was at BB, but with tax that deal would have $215. So in the end I only paid $54 dollars more than the BF deal. Not too bad of a deal is it?
  21. Anyone seen any good camcorder deals lately? I had my heart set on the Panasonic PV-GS31 at BB on BF, but of course by the time I made it there they were out. Since then the best price I can find on it is for $282 AR w/shipping and tax. Are there any other camcorders out there that would be a similar deal? Any recommendations for alternatives and a better price? Or do you think there could be some Christmas Eve/after Christmas deals worth waiting for?
  22. I missed out on the Panasonic PV-GS31 Camcorder at Best Buy. I went to CC first to get the 15" Polaroid LCD HD TV (the pictures great!) and found out they handed out vouchers for them at 4:00 a.m.. I was in line at 4:45 and was NOT one of the ones to receive a voucher. I was ticked. I didn't know they handed out vouchers or I would have gotten in line earlier, gotten the voucher and left and come back later. A crappy experience for me overall. But there was a very nice man in the Christmas spirit who got a voucher for the TV and was purchasing a larger TV so gave me the 15" voucher. How nice was that??? Otherwise, I would have lost out on almost all the things I wanted. Bless that mans heart! I was the second to last person to get the camera I wanted from Office Depot for $125 bucks and my Mom was able to get me an 100 gig external hard drive from CC for $39.99. I'm not sure I'll ever do BF again thats for sure! It was my first experience and it'll probably be my last!
  23. The price is without shipping I assume? So add another 12 to 20 bucks for shipping. So the difference is closer to $50 or $60 bucks. But possibly still worth it in my mind. I'm just not sure I'd buy something from a retailer online that may or may not be reputable. Thats my sticking point right now anyway. Have you used this company before by any chance?
  24. They're actually showing the rebate online now, but I'm not sure if your order it online if you get the rebate??
  25. According to the newer rebate, it says it can not be used in conjunction with any other rebate offer. So I suppose that means you probably couldn't do it.
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