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Everything posted by stiltman

  1. Your talking about 1 person and how long will it take them to get there? What has happen in the past....1 person is sitting in line then 1 hour before the doors open a BUS load 30 or more jump out and get in line where the 1 person is at. So is that fair? You have waited for 8+ hours then 30 or more get in line in front of you only doing 1 hour in line. I have no problems with in a 30min. time slot from the next person that shows up (IE. you get at BB at 7:30P.M. next person comes at 7:45 your friend needs to be there IN line by 8:15 or goes to the back of the line!!!) or trading places as long as 1 person steps out.
  2. Yea but when you show up are you going to get in line with him and buy 2 or just take his place?
  3. O.K. on this note the 1/2 hour rule is out except the bathroom and food breaks.
  4. That's why i'm thinking about handing out #'s so if there is a late one with in a 30min. time slot. I think its o.k. After that i belive they should be at the back of the line. Same goes for bathroom breaks and food runs. imo Not back in 30 min. lose your place.
  5. Not true you will be able to use the BBBucks. Just take a copy of the rules from the BB.com site and stand your ground. They try to tell ppl they cann't use them ,but they will when you pull the rules out. In a way it's pretty funny when they start to two step with their words. My BB has it posted only $50.00 maybe used!! Until i show them the rules!
  6. Just need to stay on GOTTADEAL.com. If it happens it happens fast. It lasted less than 1 hour.
  7. Ordered one yea Thanks for the info. Now Just hope it gets here on time not at the first of the year. Hope it doesn't get cancelled either.
  8. Is this a good deal what do they usely sale them for?
  9. When you find out let us know asap. Thanks Brad.
  10. I was wanting them too. It is Dynex. Has anyone tried this brand before?
  11. I was wishing for them to have blu-ray disks on sale.I wounder if CC will?
  12. lol. well i did 1000 and it paid off pretty good. I have already had to fight BB on the $200.00 rule. They said i could only use $50.00 ,but i had a copy of the rules so they had to except them.
  13. Did you do the Monopoly mail out this year? If so how many did you do?
  14. Where did you go to get the family. As we are looking to do this too. We should be able to make at lest one family's christmas. I'm going to use some of the profits from the sale of my ps3.
  15. stiltman

    Kmart & Texas

    How can i get the phone #'s from these stores? Which one is the closest to Houston? The longview one is way up north to far to drive.
  16. i just bring CASH. now who will denine that!!
  17. Lasted loner than i thought it would. It bites when your here on gottadeal and see what you want go on sale and not be able to get it. I know now someone will put a smiley volion for me. "There's a tear in my beer!!!"
  18. You still get a ghost on your charge card. It's there but not if you know what i meen.
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