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Everything posted by stiltman

  1. Do you have that big of a problem with wild tanks in Pa?
  2. I agree with this i just posted the same thing on another thraed. there are some realy werid peeps out there so be very careful and try to get some buddies with you. Offer them some breakfast or some thing.Just get some one please.
  3. I'm in the same boat as you. I don't know how bad my bb is going to be. Baytown Tx.
  4. Just wanted to say lets all becareful when carring lots of cash when we are camping out. Bring a buddy or two (groups are great) There are a lot of bad and we need to be safe so we can go to bf 2006!!!! I'm going to put all my money in the bank and use my check card.Check my balance tow days before to make sure it's there. Be safe and have lots of FUN!!!!
  5. I want one!! wonder if its true?
  6. stiltman

    News: Free Radios

    Is that all stores? What region? I'm in Texas and my bb is a new one opened about 5 months ago.Wonder if its true. If anyoe eles heard of this let me know
  7. To far for me plus i will (might:holiday10 ) not have to much problems at my bb for the laptop. Baytown Tx.
  8. This will be my first bf. i want to be the first in line at my bb.That laptop will be mine!!!!
  9. So i'm doing a survey at what time everyone is going to start lininig up at BB. I'm looking at 2:00A.m. Michael in Texas
  10. hi there i'm in Houston too. i went to best buy today also and looked at the same tv. the one i looked at had a great pic. and has great componet connections as well even a vga port.
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